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copied from Mook on steam

Havent played a lot yet, but so far the game seems pretty fun.

The story so far is fully voiced, though the quality of the actors and the audio varies as you'd expect from a small production team. It didn't bother me, but it was noticable.

The combat plays out similar to Riot Games' Team-Fight Tactics. Each hero has some traits that can overlap with another hero, and stacking the same traits grants exceedingly powerful team bonuses. Each Hero also has an element, which makes them weak or strong versus certain other elements, rock-paper-scissors style. This combination of factors makes it fun to find the "best" team for each fight.

Out of combat and story, the questing and exploration system seem pretty straight-forward. Do quests to gain points, spend points to unlock areas, areas grant more quests.

Finally, the guild is a place you can improve over time to empower your team in different ways. So far, I've not really dove deep enough to give a full rundown, but it looks like a fine, if somewhat basic, support structure to help you shape the details of your team.
Thank You!