dam 14 parts
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better fire up your torrent client, its way better that way and you can help seed.
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id like to argue this torrent being better
comment... considering if the torrent
files get a hiccup and corrupts during
download, then your screwed and thats
days, sometimes a week of downloading
gone. where as, if your using parts, and one
or more are corrupted you can simply redownload
those bad parts from any link shared here on
and continue on without issues.

a torrent simply will not allow such thing to happen
and the less its seeded the longer itll take
to obtain. so, how are torrents better?
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I really had a little amount of problems within corrupted torrents over those 30ish years (they became completely irrelevant when i started using SSD drives). The only thing i dislike is when there are too much leechers instead of seeders. Not everyone play the game to share their parts so of course downloading one of that size can prove very long.

The good part of torrents is about having unstable and average/low internet connection, it will continues even with some internet cuts. While DDL without download manager may cut at 90% of downloaded file which is very frustrating.

For my part i use File Download Manager since it can download torrents but also DDL and both can be resumed/paused/stopped. There's also an url updater for every unfinished download if you have the exact same file from other hosters.

I mostly prefer when there's DDL links nowadays since you'll use the full hoster's available bandwidth according to yours. The only annoying part is getting all the links and adding them to your download manager which don't really bothers me if i'm considering playing the game for free :)
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the only way to direct download is using
a download manager, i use IDM.
and afaik it doesnt do torrents (as i stated)
i dont deal with torrents and havent for along time.
although even with IDM paid version its still
not wise to pause a download as at 99% sometimes
itll state an error and ask to restart after refreshing
the download link. either way, i agree with some part of this.
as its indeed annoying to add all parts (even more so
with 20 or so) but in the end, using winrar. ill know
which part was/wasnt any good.

appreciate leaving some info to broaden my
insight, and perhaps others.

IDM, XDM, Jdownloader are the main 3
i know of/have used for download managers
however. as i have not heard "file download manager"
unless you just mean it is a file download manager,
and that isnt its name. as googling this
shows only one thing. which its name is
"free download manager"? XDM
and jdownload manger are both free
too. and IDM (can be obtained from
other sources that hose cracks).
Torrent clients have error handling, especially corruption checks. Far better than what you can do manually yourself. So if your argument against torrents is because of the possibility of corrupt files you are making the exact opposite argument.
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considering how much i see
it all the time. someone making
a statement about "corrupted"
torrent downloads, after having
downloaded for however long,
and it not catching any error
i think ill stick with my parts
using IDM since itll immediately
stop the download and insist i
re grab the link to where itll try
to resolve, or tell me to start that
singular part over.

perhaps your using "built in"
download features of your browser,
that just simply wouldnt do!
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there is no ''not catching errors'', if it became corrupt in transfer it automatically rechecks and downloads those bits. But if someone shared a poisoned file, that's on the uploader not the client.
Its not the protocol or the software's fault you downloaded an already bad file share mate, next time learn how to use p2p and download trusted files not prisoned ones.
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Ive been around for 35 years dude,
and used my fair share of torrents.
you state what you wish to use,
and how you believe it to be better.
ill stick with parts that are almost always
faster yea?

no poisoned files come from here.
sure TPB perhaps back then, or
another site perhaps. but without
a doubt, i reply to comment after comment
HERE about torrents and having corruption
issues after its finished. they use the same
link again and have no issues

state what ya wish bud.

but at least for the sake of the argument
your stating reasons.
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and I've been around 42, not sure why you think the age should matter, you can be 14 and have a better grasp of technology and networking software then a 50 year old seasoned C developer, it makes no difference. I am simply informing you your argument it incorrect. you can prefer direct downloads, but stating DL is better then p2p for reasons of corruption and error handling is a bad take.
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age can indeed make all the difference.
for someone who is 42 you have some understanding
of torrents, but i dont see you responding
to others in midst of assisting them when they
downloaded a torrent that took 3/5 days to get
then it have some issue extracting with
it stating "corrupted/missing" files etc.

direct download is faster in most applications.
ive yet found a torrent use case that has "countered"
that. plus any torrent application now days seems
to want half your resources i.e. ram, cpu, etc to even
run. ive not personally used torrents in a long time.
due to having to redownload since a check/recheck would yield

either way, good info i suppose. but dont bank
on that re-checking to solve the issue.
bc as i stated, its not always a given.
and can be a major waste of data/time/resources.

anyways, we should probably stop the
argument for the sake of the OP
:)) appreciate the info as well as not
becoming some rude jackasx about it.
ill seed the hot blonde girl in the second picture
There is full English support via the English interface, English audio and English subtitles!
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Jate Hews
Damn look at that bloated file size
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70 GB is not a "bloated filesize" especially when you consider the quality
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to be fair it probably is somewhat bloated, it usually is these days since storage became cheaper so they just leave lots of things uncompressed or unoptimized. Its modern software development.
Thats because most publishers can't be bothered to optimize their pc ports.
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after reading the reviews on steam i dont feel confident to download it
this square fucks lazy ported this shit without giving a damn about the performance
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Unless the steam version is significantly different than the EGS version, performance is not an issue whatsoever. The EGS version runs perfectly, never dips bellow 60 FPS even on my old rig with everything turned up as high as possible.
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That's fast
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When I close the game, the save file I had just disappears. What do I do?
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I played a PC Version of this years ago. I wonder what´s new in this one.. ??

BTW, it´s a Great game.
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Nothing, this is just the steam release. It's the exact same game as the Epic version
Re Mind contains new story cutscenes and gameplay elements, including the options to replay certain battles in the Keyblade Graveyard against members of Real Organization XIII as Riku, Aqua, and Roxas. Players will be able to explore Scala ad Caelum and play as Kairi in the final battle against Xehanort
Hey guys, please read the file "__HOW TO START GAME.txt" to launch the game properly.
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"Fatal error" appears as shown in the image and the game cannot be started.
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Have you followed the instructions in the file "__HOW TO START GAME.txt"?
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I started the game from "KINGDOM HEARTS III GOLDBERG.exe" but I get a "Fatal error".
Kingdom Hearts or findom farts,
disgustings warts or failed starts.
I don't know what drove these devs,
to mix S-E with Disney bleffs.

I'd rather watch the paint go dry,
accept another wifey's lie.
Why did these games succeed at all?

Excuse me guys. I got a call.
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These games succeeded because they're good. They're fun, the gameplay is fluid, the characters are memorable, the story is good without any western nonsense, there's no microtransactions or any anti consumer BS like that. Is the story perfect? Hell no. But it's damn good regardless
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I accept that, but personally, I never could get into this, from my perspective, weird mixture of the two universes - Square Enix and Disney.
I remember AVGN James Rolfe point out, that this actually felt quite natural, but to me it's just odd.
The same goes for the Super Smash Bros. games.
I see a crossover of MK and DC work out, or a Street Fighter and Tekken, but that's it.

That aside, I noticed that "Trusted" tag. That's new. Do you know, what we were awarded it for?
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And that's perfectly fine, it's not a series that's for everyone. Yes mixing Disney and Square is super weird and it shouldn't work but somehow it does work. Don't ask me HOW they made it work, they just did. As for the Trusted and Helper tag, I don't know, seems to be a new thing they implemented today
have you never played any of the originals?
some of the best experiences ive had were
on gamecube back in the day playing this.

i havent touched any of the newer ones
since number 2 so i suppose the first and second
but those were the real ones that started it.
idk what these newer versions are.

i dont persay like smashbros etc. but i havent tried
em. mario was mario imo. but this, was the exception
(not this remix thing) but again the first and second
games to enter the mix back then.
have you tried those by chance?
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Actually, I never touched any of these and, yes, just by seeing images, I went towards these games with prejudice.
The art style didn't appeal to me, when I first noticed, Kingdom Hearts exists.
Around 20 years ago, I just had my PS 2 I actively played on and my Mortal Kombat, Burnout, GTA, Gran Turismo and Street Fighter games.
Since so many people and reviews state, the Kingdom Hearts series is among the best or at least well worth playing, I might change my view on it and try it out.

I just know from an AVGN episode, that it's almost impossible to play all KH games and follow the timeline.
Too time consuming and some parts of the timeline/story was told via movies and concerts only, so it's better to just play one random KH game, I think.
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I suggest if you do, make sure its one of
the best there is. (again, my opinion,
not the best perhaps since 1 & 2 are
that to me) although graphics now days
for that old of a title would be....lets
just remember what we thought was great
back then, looks horrible now lol.
i honestly may take up this one since i
am in need of another game to play.

the timelines are hard to manage since
its indeed accurate that they flow all
over the place. rather in game, or tv.
one might use google to judge on which
to 'randomly' select, or check the subreddit
for KH.
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I'd opt for the one that takes the least time to download.

On a 4090, it's great I can play older games at 4K or even 8K.

I got back into 2010's (2014 on PC) FF XIII recently, which still looks quite nice at high resolutions.
This game is what I call a personal highlight and an emotional roller coaster ride.
Very underappreciated.
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Ive a 4070ti so i suppose for older
games, it wouldnt be a slouch, but compared
to gamecube, or ps2/3 era details. there is no

i was a console only player for the better
part of my life. getting into PC building
in 2019. FF XI for PS1 is where i must
say my most memorable game lay.
or ofc the legend of dragoon which
one could indeed benefit from a remaster
but its almost like its been long forgotten.
even tho it was of the first RPG turn based
games id played. If you havent, thats
a game i suggest you crank to max
with an emulator. i suspect, you would
not be disappointed (overlook the
errors in translation tho).
what different than before?
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This is the Steam release
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and garbage ports for what i see
true reviews saying the same shit while fanboys defending it no matter if the port sucks
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Again unless the steam version is significantly different than the EGS one that is simply not true.
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its still same then
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Yes, there shouldn't be any difference between this and the EGS version uploaded before. Even the old FLING trainers work like they did with the EGS version