This is what happens when you combine Rimworld's graphics design with an open world game. Its an open world game survival, nothing similar to Rimworld's colony management simulation.
Is multiplayer working with hamachi ?
comment below said it was 05.26 is tis updated ?
This isn't even version from 05.26 let alone 05.28... all the below bugs are present and no invasion toggle. Hopefully gets updated. I just bought the game but getting friends to buy isn't as easy.


  • Added a control switch for monster invasion, players can choose to turn it on or off when creating a map, and can switch the switch at any time in the interface of selecting a map. At the same time, we are still constantly modifying the invasion mechanism, constantly The optimization of , I hope you will give feedback, we have listened and recorded carefully, thank you very much;

  • Added tips and guidelines for Replica's manufacturing interface;

  • Fixed the bug that the new map may trigger the invasion of advanced monsters;

  • Fixed a bug that caused the map to not be displayed due to a map error;

  • Fixed a bug where attacking Target Dummy would trigger the healing effect of the accessory "Parasect Stone";

  • Prevented villagers in human villages from wanting axes and pickaxes (may take player's own axes and pickaxes);

  • Fixed the bug that the Exoskeleton Bursa tree could not be cut down;

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fake update its still 26.5
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is V26.5.2022 no V28.5.2022
i wanna play
Is multiplayer working?
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Maybe?, theres a dedicated server.bat file. You have to host it yourself and see.
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you can actually just launch the game and hit host, will be joinable via direct IP. just port forward.
Itsuka Komine ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ
I almost forgot about this game due to extremely slow update, whats new this time?
hold on
isnt this just rimworld
i mean the animals look like they're from rimworld too!
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Has like a Rimworld-esque design, but gameplay is super different.
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It's not rimworld-esque, it's almost a 1:1 ripoff of Rimworld's asthetic design.

It does have different gameplay (almost arcadey twin stick shooter style), but you can't deny the art and assets are nearly identical.
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technically, it isn't a 1:1 design ripoff from rimworld, Rimworld's vanilla assets literally look like low-quality bitmaps (not that I hate it) but this one is more refined and detailed, besides, there's lots of games that are getting inspired by rimworld and Tynan (Rimworld's dev) doesn't seem to mind, so long as the core mechanics and gameplay don't conflict with the actual Rimworld game itself, don't go hating on devs and their games just because they're inspired from Rimworld. You might as well whine about how LoL, Mobile Legends, DoTA2, and any other MOBA games are total ripoffs of eachother.
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Technically, it IS a 1:1 design ripoff. Where are the differences? the pawns look slightly different? No, it looks exactly the same.

And where was I hating on the game? I mentioned the gameplay was pretty dissimilar (well, the combat, at least), but you'd have to be absolutely blind to say it wasn't designed to look like Rimworld.

Yeah, obviously the Rimworld devs don't mind (Tynan might be a narcissist and take all the credit, but he actually only a small part of the team), but that's not what I was arguing. Hell, the Rimworld devs admitted their design style was inspired by Prison Architect (though they changed enough that it doesn't look like an exact copy).

As for other games looking similar, they aren't 1:1 copies (or close enough to it). Those MOBA you mentioned may mostly use the cartoony graphics from the original WC3 mod of DoTA, but they all look dissimilar enough that you couldn't tell at a glance that most of the assets were direct copies. There's "inspired by", and then there's just straight, unapologetic, uncreative copying.

The gameplay might set it apart, so it's obviously not a Rimworld clone, but again, the art is basically Rimworld design. And there are plenty of games that rip off Rimworlds gameplay. Pointing them out isn't "hating on" a game, it's just stating a fact.
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He is no position to mind, because again, Rim World's entire look is ripped off from Prison Architect.
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Reading isn't your strong suit, I suppose. I already mentioned prison architect. It still looks different enough from Rimworld that you can tell at a glance they're different games.
On the other hand, showing someone a screenshot of this game and they'd swear it was rimworld unless you corrected them.
hello person from third world country
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How can you rip off Rimworld's aesthetic when Rimworld's aesthetic was ripped off from Prison Architect?
wait hold on
i checked on the steam page and looks like its it own thing
false alarm