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Update 3.3 pls
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Update 3.3 pls
ahhh this brings back memories. I used to play this on my ipod touch when before I convinced my mom to buy me mcpe
Jame Heller
update 3.5.2
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jaso jaso
update 3.2.1 pls
Korven One
Update 3.2.1 Please!!!!!
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ali akeel
black screen when i lunch it but there is sound in the background
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Quite true my good friend and I see your point and I do respect them for their effort but what is the use of buying a new car and it is more in the workshop for repairs under warranty than the pleasure I get from driving it.
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Don’t be so downcast and compassionate, this is what I hate about the (http://v1.xxx starting up to http://v10.xxx games maybe will be the last version if U lucky) I bought Ghost and goblins and it was like walking up the steps of the Empire State Building.....only 1 step at a time then got to wait for a new version to get to the following step and then it will take U years to get on top...........These devs expected us to pay for their development not like Doom or Quake, Tom Clancy, Battlefield where there is only a few minor updates.
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Version 3.2 PLEASE
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Jessica Anders
Version 3.2 PLEASE!!!
Allen Right
3.2 Makes this a completely different Game. Version 3.2 Update If You Got Time!!!
Can you please update the game? Version 3.2 (Pet Hunt) just came out recently, I would love to check it out. Thank you in advance~
Can you PLEASE update this game already !!
You need to launch "junkjack.exe" and not "LAUNCHER.exe".
These are found in the "bin" file and click on x64 or x86 and then launch it.
Please update theres been an update since a month....
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patrick moore
Its says dll is missing.....wtf
John White Star
I can`t find Sapphires on this game on adventure map, is anyone at that situation or can help, please?
Muhammad Izzudin Asyrafi
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please dont double post if u have more to add to your situation please just edit or reply to your old post
if u have an issue try first reinstalling the game or even running it in administrator mode if that doesent work try to click off the game and click back in if u have already done all this then try to check if anything is missing from the folder u have unpacked
Muhammad Izzudin Asyrafi
anyone has the problem that the mouse pointer did't show up
Crazy Narcissist
same dll is missing ?>_<
looks like a Terraria rip off to me
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To me it's a mix in between Terraria and Minecraft.
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Bastian Inostroza
terraria simulator 2016 :v
Marco Funke
Thanks! :)
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Hey.i want you fix this game after i start the game doesn't work.can you fix this game?
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I can't seem to get this game to work...I've tried reinstalling it,or trying another one of the folders,but that didn't work. The game stays open for a little bit,maybe a few seconds or even minutes,but then it crashes. I've tried running it from the .exe AND the launcher to no avail. What am I doing wrong? .w.
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pleez fix, the multiplayer does not work
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It never will since you don't own the game. If you want multiplayer you need to buy it. It's on sale on steam now as well.
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Lance Andre
cant play the game it crash everytime I play it. plzz help
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when they will release the link version of Junk Jack ?????
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Ivan Shopov
i have a problem here ,,The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b).Click OK to close the application.'' that's it help pls
When I start it appears that the resolution is not right . How do I change it out of the game?
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if you want apply resolution of your windows press alt + enter
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file fmod.dll in bin folder was corrupt for me everytime i tried to re download the game
pls stfu thx
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Dude, that is a PC issue, not the game. Try to Google it. Install the latest Visual C++ update for your computer. Idk if I can post links here, but there is an official Microsoft page with the download. That usually fixes .dll issues.
Doesn't work (Direct me to purchase page steam)
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IGG-GAMES.COM (Administrator)
Start game from LAUNCHER.exe, bro.
BTW, if you like this game, you should buy it to support developer, too ;)
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the game directed to bug splat report each time start game from launcher. mine is 86 bit. kinda frustrated now.tried deleted start emu folder still nothing. tweak setting still nothing. if you got any idea please help? Thank you
Me i can't buy a game but this one is a really good one
So what? We said we can't prevent you from downloading it for free. This doesn't imply we are going to give support to people who don't buy the game. If you want to be a pirate at least be sure to be smart enough to make it run.
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I like platform games from the old XT, AT, 386,486, Pentium 1 mothers boards etc. And from all the 1,000,000 s of pirated platform games I got, I rate this one at 74%. U should be flattered with this hi rating!
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food for thought
how i love this logic.... if you ever come by my home hungry i wont give you shit to eat because i worked for it while i wont gain anything? i dont have money to give for games so if i could find it for free i just would be able to play it at all. its not that i have the mad cash and im keeping it for my self
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Max, iLoveBacons
By your logic, you can also go to the mall, put some food snacks on your pockets and leave without paying and justify "i don't have money to buy food, so yeah, i take it."? .... SIR... your logic has no logic! What if the person that makes games would go back home hungry because it makes its living from making games that everybody is downloading on piracy for free? :O
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food for thought
you dummy... are you comparing stealing a loaf of bread to COPING a game? furthermore about the part:"What if the person that makes games would go back home hungry because it
makes its living from making games that everybody is downloading on
piracy for free?"
as most people they dont just download the game and then forget about it, but if you actually make something i am WILLING to pay you for it (like your work + you, to give you money for making a GAME ((something not useful in survival and therefore high risk industry))) as for you logic for the part: "leave without paying and justify "i don't have money to buy food, so yeah, i take it."?" in contrast with YOU (i assume) i do not accept a society that leaves someone to go HUNGRY to END UP stealing to survive (dont start yapping about it to me... there are plenty great people which analyze it way better than i could so go read a book)
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Ye U right I admire programmers, they are 100 times more clever than U and I
“I am electronic engineer in the old times” but now in this agony, filthy, useless world now days we live in, they going to control the world........let’s give them a chance ok!
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Max, iLoveBacons
Please put Indie game developers and the big studios and publishers on different boxes. There's developers of many cool indie games around who barely can get income to continue development without sometimes having a job to continuing funding their game development. Piracy there, is a killer, and it's where people need a bit more understanding that for many around, the making of the game is the business they also make their living on.
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Well spoken.
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Joshua Torres
lol i like that reply
Hello guys! We're the developers of the game. While we can't prevent you from just downloading it for free, if you enjoy the game please consider supporting us by buying it. We're just two guys and without support we won't be able to add all the features we'd like!
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Shawn Robain
You guys are great! If I had money I would buy the game, but to support you, I'm not going to pirate it. Just keep doing what you're doing!
I really love this game but i can't buy it
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I bought it, but the government of my country has blocked steam for a while. I came to this site to download this game and I'm gonna download this if steam didn't blocked again.
dont worry i normaly download the games here first to see if i like them and if i do like them i buy them
Max, iLoveBacons
I already bought it, however your price tag is currently.. pushy. But far i saw your roadmap from late last year you have pretty cool stuff you want to work on, dedicated servers and the multiple planets setting can take this game to pretty cool levels! But due that my friends ain't getting it so this kinda works for now via direct ips, as this progresses i would believe they will end up buying it as well. Keep up the good work ;)
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Joshua Torres
good on you guys, i cam here to check it out since if i didnt i wouldnt have known about it
Nicolas Costin
Hey,i realy like your game,is very fun and it have a LOT of things in it.And im not here to say is not working.At me is working cause i have 64 bit.
I can't wait to se the game when is not early access.
I Just want to say gg, you made a rally nice game (still didn't played it but soon =)
I have win 10 and mine works just fine :) MP wont work OF COURSE IT WONT its a cracked game :) lol you have to use LAN or TUNGLE not Hamachi most things now a days are buggy on hamachi
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Simple Brian
How did you get it to work? it keeps crashing on me!
Max, iLoveBacons
does work, direct host, there's port foward 12345 port, :)
Shigure Mayimoto
msvcp140.dll is missing...
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Ahmed Mohamed
then download it
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I have the same problem as I tried to open the launcher , it directed me to bugsplat report. tried change the setting window , the problem persist. any thought?
dosen't work for me, ti appears a windows with somethink like "msvcp140.ddl and VCRUNTIME140.ddl is missing on your pc" but I have :/ Windows 10
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after installing the Red's you may need to reinstall the game.
INSTALL THE REDISTRIBUTABLES THAT COME WITH THE GAME! It will fix the problem (just hit MODIFY or REPAIR when the Vbasic and directX come up ALSO download XNA if you have not yet
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how do you install redistributables
okay thank's
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Slime ‍
Thanks IGG this game was better than i expected
Max, iLoveBacons
The steam multiplayer doesn't work i assume, who got it going?
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Ângelo Gabriel
when I click on the icon of the game it directs me to purchase page on Steam
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i had the same problem, use the "LAUNCHER" app
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Ângelo Gabriel
Wen I open the LAUNCHER, It appears to me a window for make a report, because the game has crash.
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same here.. After I use the SteamLauncher the game window pops up then it crashs
I'm going to download a version from another source
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I got it to work after 20mins or so. I ran it in compati mode set to vista service pack 2 and admin rights..
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IGG-GAMES.COM (Administrator)
I only test with win7 64bit, start from LAUNCHER.exe. It working fine now :D ... What window you're using?
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the game become whit no launcher for me, fix it pls
Im in windows 10, all compatibility options tryied, but still not working...
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this game looks good