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English not supported. Perhaps sometime in the future the dev can start with an English Interface translation (Easiest and least expensive). If a fan base develops and increases, perhaps English Subtitles can be added (Most difficult and most expensive). See my explanation about translation.

06/25/24 - Update:
Don't want to wait for a proper English Translation of a non-English supported game but want to play the game now?Uploaded Image
Uploaded ImageYou can try to use the freeware "LunaTranslator" combination text hooker (text grabber) and language translator application (GitHub page | Download page) to machine translate or AI translate the game's native text into English (Note: Machine translation is 1:1, word for word translation. Some ideas may get "lost in the translation". AI translation attempts to mimic a natural speaker's translation of a language into English (I haven't tried this method yet)).
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See the verbose "How to" demo video posted by "Daiya" on YouTube (Note: From her dialogue in the video, Daiya seems to be a teenage girl, so try to bear with the "quirkiness" of her dialogue with the viewer [you]. She set LunaTranslator to use AI translation [See the improved English translated, purple text in the screenshot]).
08/18/24 - Update:
If you're having problems with how to set up LunaTranslator before launching a VN then watch "superange128"'s finely detailed tutorial video on YouTube! I have set the link to advance to the precise pos in the video where he begins to explain how to set up LunaTranslator.
In the past, I personally have used the AGTH (Anime Games Text Hooker application with the Atlas Japanese-English translator application) to try to play untranslated Japanese H-games with machine translation and just discovered this combination text hooker and translator application that supports AI translation (An improvement over machine translation) so, if you have any in-depth questions then it's best to visit the dev, "HIllya51"'s Q&A page on GitHub.
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The latest version of LunaTranslator, v5.23.6, was just released 2 hours ago! The previously available, 7Zip Sfx (Self-extracting archive executable) seems to be no longer available.
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thanks, knowing about a new translation tool is great. this is unity it looks like so https://github.com/bbepis/XUnity.AutoTranslator would probably work easier for most
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No problemo! I'm glad to be of help!
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Can you make a video, its really confusing to setup the translator for this particular game.
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Unfortunately, I haven't used LunaTranslator in depth and don't have the time to devote nor the right utilities to make high quality, professional looking, YouTube level videos (There are also some low quality, amateur looking videos on YouTube). However, I was able to find a finely detailed tutorial on how to set up LunaTranslator before launching a VN, that was created by
"superange128" which he had posted on April 15, 2024 that may be able to help you! Watch his video on YouTube. I have set the link to advance to the precise pos in the video where he begins to explain how to set up LunaTranslator.
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Great post.
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No problemo! I'm glad to be of help!
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the publisher cube game said that they will add english translation before v1.0
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any update on when it's going to come?
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Why I'm always intrigued by jianghu games but always dissapointed because it's untranslated
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MTL is functional IMO.
As long as its close enough.

But you have to have some hacking skills to set it up and do it.