English not supported. Perhaps sometime in the future the dev can start with an English Interface translation (Easiest and least expensive). If a fan base develops and increases, perhaps English Subtitles can be added (Most difficult and most expensive). See my explanation about translation.
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VIPHelperRob Conner
It's too bad that this game is not localized for English support, unlike Sonic Powered Co.'s "Japanese Rail Sim: Journey to Kyoto", though a Steam user named "Get_to_the_Choppa!" says in his review of the game (See here) that the controls can be translated and figured out in five to ten minutes via the Google Lens [mobile] app (See here). IMHO, this game is still worth a try as it has FMV driving [scenery] and driver's cabin operations scenes!
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Maybe more previously non-English supported games will start to be available in English if more fan translators start to use Google Lens to translate, sentence for sentence (versus word for word, if possible) non-English supported games like VNs and H-Games (If the app only uses "word for word" translation from Google Translate instead of doing the translation itself then it would provide only an increased speed in the input or read part of the translation process but not enhance the translated text as ideas may still "get lost" in the process with "word for word" translation).
Putting a cabin model in front of a TV wall does not count as rail sim... and it only has one route with a total length of 37.6km; not sure if it's segmented.