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Paul Watkins
Ok first things first for anybody who has problems opening the file once extracted.
Use a program like PowerISO to extract file MDF. Then next use the following
key to install game " 1740-9488245-5171152-5578 " you can not cut and paste sorry
I tried and have to type in the key no big problem. Even if you follow all
these steps the program comes up with the following during install.
Please insert CD 2. Not sure how to get past this so if anyone can help it would be great
that is if anyone reads this..lol
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All you have to do is unmount the the 1st MDF file and mount the 2nd one to the same drive letter. Then click okay and it should keep going.
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there's no .iso file ??
Mr Buttons
is it working with controller?
☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
Not sure, it was 2 years ago. Right after I played a game I love, I'm usually very inspired, so maybe I just wrote this in 10 minutes. lol
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For the people having trouble just go onto this site and it download it, it was free all along lel: http://nightfirepc.com/
João Guiné
When i try to install the game it asks me for a code
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Walid mc
Google Drive link Broken.
☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
One of the most underrated games ever.
I never understand one thing...
I love all kinds of stealth games, and whenever I google "best stealth fps games", everybody always mentions the same games... Like Dishonored, the Thief games (great!), Deus Ex series (one of the best!), maybe the Stalker or Fallout games too(it does contain some stealth)...
But I NEVER saw anybody mentioning "James Bond 007: Nightfire"...
Because this game plays like one of the No One Lives Forever games, you know.
So it's not pure stealth, but it does contain actually more stealth than in NOLF, in my opinion.
I won't say it's better, as they're some of the best FPS/Stealth games ever, but it's very close.
I can't believe I first played it in 2017, since it came out in... 2002. lol
I guess all critics were extremely negative towards this game back then and we ruled it out too fast. I don't remember...
Never believe critics and don't be influenced, kids.
You'd miss out a lot. lol
Graphics are actually quite good for the time, almost on No One Lives Forever 2 level...
Lighting effects are quite pleasant and sometimes almost realistic(with the patch), and the low-definition textures are still believable, surprisingly. lol
IGG didn't add pictures so I'll just put one here:
The atmosphere is pretty good and I really appreciate that for once, I don't kill nazis or monsters from outer space. Or nazis from outer space. lol
The game apparently uses a very heavily modified(improved) version of the Half-Life 1 engine, the "Goldsrc" engine (pronounced "Gold Source").
It's actually still very recognizable and I LOVE it.
There's something about this engine... Or maybe I'm just being nostalgic and it reminds me of HL1. lol
Only a few games have been made with this engine, but all of them were GOLD (hence the name? lol).
Here's the list of Goldsrc games:
Also, I keep playing it since daaaays and I haven't finished yet...🤤
The gameplay time is incredible, compared to modern FPS, which you can finish in a few hours... lol
Levels are huuuuuuuuge and divided in several parts.
When you think you're finished, it keeps going on and on...
Of course, you can try to speedrun it, but it's better played as a stealth game, except some parts in which shooting is really necessary. lol
I admit, I wonder if this game isn't TOO long, actually. 🤣
Never thought I would say this about a FPS. lol
So far I think I played it 30 hours and I'm not done yet.
And I haven't even tried the multiplayer yet...
Apparently the multiplayer IS alive, but you can also play with bots.
This game seems to be still considered the best 007 game when it comes to multiplayer, after all these years.
"Nightfire: Source", a multiplayer-only remake of this game is replacing it now though : http://www.nightfiresource.com/
I have no interest in multiplayer, I prefer singleplayer only, so I can't comment on this, but it's considered great, so don't hesitate to try it, cos it's free!😋
Another thing is the difficulty...
It starts quite easy, but now it's starting to get BRUTALLY hard.
I already pulled what was left of my hair out and I'm practically bald by now.
Hiding from cameras prove to be insanely difficult in the latter island levels.
(I don't know if their range is improved or something...)
Of course, you can ignore it and just get ready to face hordes of very heavily armed enemies as you trigger the alarm...
But again, this game feels much more satisfying if you play it like a good sneaky spy... he he
Which means, THANKS GOD they added the quicksave feature! lol
You'll be using quicksave and quickload a LOOOOOOOOT.
Actually, I just had to quickload 15 times to try to sneak past a camera...
But I guess I'll give up and decide to kill everybody... lol
That's one of my only gripes with the game.
Eventually, being stealthy becomes completely impossible.
Cameras become way too good to detect you, and it seems that hiding behind bushes or anything that completely covers you is useless...
TIP: forget about bushes, hide behind walls, and use "lean left" and "lean right" ALL the time. You can also shoot this way.
I have to mention that the Gamecube version is supposedly MUCH better than the PC version. (I can't say as I never tried it yet)
There are many reasons to this, but apparently the main reason is that the Gamecube version had "driving" levels.
ALL driving levels have been removed on the PC version for obscure reasons...
Here's a picture of one of these levels:
Also, some people say the weapons sound effects are better on Gamecube.
I'm not so sure, after watching some comparison videos on Youtube...
Maybe the patch I installed improved the sounds?
But I do know one thing...
It is true that some weapons seem completely useless, or severely under-powered.
Maybe this is one of the reasons the game was criticized so much.
For stealth, you'll stick to the silenced pistol, one of the best weapons in the game.
For action scenes, you'll stick to the FAMAS (it is a Famas rifle, right?), but everything else has so much recoil it's barely usable.
Also, the way your character "trembles" as he's getting shot by enemy bullets is one of the most infuriating things I've ever seen in my entire life.
I'm serious, the developers should have paid a fine for doing this. lol
It makes you completely unable to aim accurately at anything, and by the time you managed to do it, the enemy emptied an entire clip on you, and you're dead.
Bottom line: for the last time, be stealthy as much as possible.
Direct confrontation is BRUTAL.
Or as usual, maybe it's just me who is an aging noob. lol
Anyway, just warning you that you might "ragequit" quite a few times... I sure did.
Finally, DO NOT FORGET to install patch v5.91!
I already mentioned it a few times.
Download link: http://nightfirepc.com/downloads/client.php
Like the patch description says, it has now some nice improvements like dynamic lighting, and most bugs are fixed, etc.
It doesn't make the game better than the Gamecube version, but it makes up for it.
Enjoy this rare underrated gem!😄👍
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It's really good... played it like crazy on the ps2. The problem is that the story is weak, if it had a good story and characters like Goldeneye then it would be a classic.
EDIT: I was thinking of Agent Under Fire. Never played this one. Gonna try it for sure.
The crack folder only comes with an .exe file and once clicked on it says: "The code execution cannot proceed because Platform.dll was not found." any ideas?
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It seems you are trying to run the exe file from the crack folder itself. If that is the case then you need to copy the exe file from crack folder to the directory where the game is installed and replace the existing one there and you are good to go.
I know I'm replying to an old comment but just in case if someone else is having the same problem. There are not many players trying to play this old gem anyway.
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? i dont understand, i cant install the game without the crack so i cant put the crack in the installation folder??
Ssj Nnn
Search and download Platform.dll from google and place it in the game folder