I can't recommend this game, the game try to set it's own values on player then put an illusion of decision, and yet all the values in game are predetermined. There is not really a set of values you can choose to make any real judgment, it's more like player is manipulated by what's predetermined bye this novel autor.

Everything the world, anything that live in it, animals, humans, other possible civilizations, even aspects such like family, it's all worthles. Rules moralites religions movies games vechicles are all diffrent things, they made up by humans for a certian purpos to improve us... and yet all of it are worthles, for all of it get desecrated and decayed even more through time by leaders and those who were born rich, sometimes by groups of people witch certain ideologies in mind. they break even the good memory of things, for they think that they known better and they forcfully push they own agendas breaking even the art of past. There is no value in anthing of that, all of that is part of uglines and that shuld simpy die horribly.

For what is good in this world, I sure Its just six things "solitary and free individualism" "act of imagination untainted by morality and humanity" "act of creation itself" "product of creation" "proggres that lay betven" "and change that elevates mind", and if one need to become evil itself to protect that, then that's not wrong. People even world itself are evil and autodestructive by nature, that how things works, people made many soothing pain tool philosophies stories and even religions but it's all just to forrget the pain, insted of embracing it insted of accepting it's own suppressed inner self.

PS; Sorry I got a bit wild with this ;P
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