Son of Earth
somehow this reminds me of the PS1 era. man, i miss those days
TrustedVIPHelperRob Conner
Thank You so very much for sharing this "Blast from the past", IGG-Games.com [admin]~!

Kids nowadays will be like "WTF?!?" but us "Kids at heart" will be like "Cool!" or more appropriately, "Wowsers!" LOL~! I remember watching this animated series as a staple of my childhood, after school finished on weekday afternoons, Monday to Friday, as well as many other favorites (See here). Like the classic Peter Allen song goes, "Never need to remember when Everything Old Is New Again" (I also enjoy Ann Murray's rendition of the classic song see here).
๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ˜€

Fellow fans of "Rick and Morty" will recall one reference to this old series in Season 2 Episode 6, "The Ricks Must Be Crazy" where Rick calls out "Go Go Shanchez Ski-Shoes!" just before starting to chase after Zeep (See clip here).

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Yeah pal as a 80s kid i used to watch this masterpiece series it was very funny fun to watch and always Inspector Gadget solved the cases but he never knew how he did it! I love lit. And you might remember Thundercats, Garfield, and the one with the 2 mice that they would love to take over the world. Pinky and Brain or something very funny. Smurfs of course this game brings awesome memories of a time that we were having fun as kids at least with the cartoons of those times that were the best!! Poor kids now play with instagram and with crappy bad cartoons i pity them because they are unlucky to be born in a sociity and period and a world that is a mess now and 80s and 90s were awesome IMO. Thanks for the game team IGG!! :)
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TrustedVIPHelperRob Conner
He didn't actually solve the cases himself - At least not without his niece "Penny" and her dog named "Brain" who both worked "Behind the scenes". They were the ones who actually solved the cases (See the linked wiki page about Penny).

The Saturday Morning cartoon that I enjoyed the most was "Disney's Adventures of the Gummi Bears". IMHO, it had the best detailed background artwork (As best as possible for TV limited animation), the best limited animation available for a TV animation series and the best stories out of all the other series offered on Saturday Mornings. The series lasted for six seasons from 1985 to 1990. Sadly, after Paul Winchell, the voice of "Zummi Gummi" retired from the show in 1989 to concentrate on his continuing voice work as "Tigger" on the "Winnie the Pooh" series (He passed away in 2005), the show became the premier segment of the weekday "The Disney Afternoon" series for only one season with Jim Cummings playing the role (He also voiced "Gruffi Gummi" originally in the series and also "DarkWing Duck" in the series that replaced the slot left vacant by the departing "Gummi Bears" series. Even more sad is the fact that June Foray, the voice of "Grammi Gummi" also passed away six years ago and Lorenzo Music, the voice of "Tummi Gummi" passed away twenty-two years ago. Even, if through some miracle, they brought back that series with new stories and TMS Entertainment was contracted once again to produce the TV animation (BTW, The final season's animation was produced by "Disney Studios Korea"), it probably wouldn't be the same without the three famous voices of Winchell, Foray and Music behind the scenes.
๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ‘ โ˜น๏ธ

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I agree with you. TV animation today is a "Lost" art. The quality of TV animation that we grew up with just isn't there now in the TV animation that is show on today's cable channels as production costs have risen and animation studios have to find ways to continually cut costs in order to try to make a profit. Though, web based cartoons like RWBY are starting to become serious market competitors as more animated shows are being streamed nowadays. Like the old saying goes, "The neighborhood has changed".

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Yeah of course i ment that but i did not said it right Penny and Braid always solved the cases or helped Gadget to solve the cases and his boss in the police was very funny those were awesome times to watch cartoons. I agree with you we had great series with awesome animation simple but wonderful. And our cartoons were funny pure with no sexist stuff made for kids now they make cartoons for grounups to watch and bad for the kids...!!
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TrustedVIPHelperRob Conner
Well, I guess that in a way with all of the "sexist" content, the industry is still really catering to our generation of "kids at heart" (Some people's attitudes were different back then before PC [Political Correctness] took hold in the general public) since we're now adults (Or supposed to be - Some of us still haven't "grown up" yet, LOL!) with more buying power than when we were just kids.

Again, look at "Rick and Morty". I'm sure that a lot of kids watching that show don't even get half of the references to old material like what I've already noted in my OP comment above, that our generation would instantly know about! But yes, some shows I probably wouldn't want my young kids, if I had any, to watch because of that kind of content. I'm not sure about the same content for older kids though, as older kids will start to wonder about sex and old sexist views (Which are still present in some parts of mass media like TV or printed magazines) when they start to get into their teenage years and will eventually find out about those things from other sources anyway. Nowadays, resourceful kids will just go to the 'net for that stuff. The difference is that parents have more control with site blockers and monitoring applications so that the younger kids don't accidentally discover that kind of stuff.

However, I'm sure the teens will find out about that kind of stuff (The sexual stuff - The old sexist stuff is still readily accessible through the open media) from their friends in High School (Or even in Junior High School, depending upon what kind of neighborhood that the kids live in) and/or from the Dark Web using Tor which is harder to monitor (It's easy for the FฮฒI or the local police to monitor the Dark Web though). Anyway, only time will tell what happens to those kinds of series.
Heronymus Om'Draco
Inspector Gadget was so full of esoteric easter eggs. Lol. There's one right in the logo, when Gadget falls and hits his head, landing in the upside down position. This is referencing "Fallen Angels," or mankind, and "The Hanged Man," tarot card number 12, the inverted position harkens to the symbolism seen in the magnifying glass, "ones reality is actually upside down," when you take a step back to see it through a different lens, thus the hanged man is upside down, to see the world for what it is.

"The Hanged Man usually indicates a lack of ability to help oneself through independent action. The energy is arrested and awaiting judgment. With this card, there is no avenue for the will to regain control until the situation has passed.

This represents a good time to be philosophical, to study and meditate upon the position one finds themselves in, and to form resolutions for the moment one becomes free again. Only those who possess wisdom, patience, and optimism will be able to see through limitations, including possible humiliation, to grasp the inspiring lesson one can gain from such an experience."

Sounds like a day in the life of Inspector Gadget. Helpless, lol, and even though he needs Penny to often lead him in the right direction, if it weren't for the ridiculous amount of luck he has, where everything seems to just fall in to place as if by some kind of odd fate, things would never get done. It's as if he's haplessly bound for luck.. It's kind of paradoxical. He messes up but no matter what, he always wins. It's like losing isn't his choice.

There's also the symbolism in him being part man, and part machine. We as living beings ARE machines.. Computers made of "wetware," we are inspectors, we break things down, understand them.
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TrustedVIPHelperRob Conner
That's some real "Deep" thoughts that you have about the show's logo, man.

I remember that in High School Biology class, we were taught to view the humans as chemical machines as much as androids (Not the mobile phones or rather the OS for the phones nowadays! LOL!) were electronic machines.
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I just watched a gameplay video and this is a pass for me. I was a huge fan of this show as a kid and was so excited to see this pop up, but that excitement was gone immediately when seeing what this game is.

It's supposed to be a party game but for some reason has required single-player segments that have you free roaming the city for absolutely no reason in between party games, and the games themselves are preschool level difficulty. One game just has you clicking the button when you see a picture with a blue background and not clicking when it has a red one. Wow, telling the difference between blue and red sure does seem fun! In another one you just mash one button to hammer through a door. They're all pathetically simple and boring.

I really can't understand why they'd make a game for people who were born 25 years after the original show went off the air.
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TrustedVIPHelperRob Conner
Well, one theory is that the kids who are now adults with kid(s) of their own, can share the experience of the game with their kid(s) as the kid(s) take turns playing the game.
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gadget is a french(france) ip
the developers smart tale(france) do mostly licenced garbage(fire) with the quality of the game relating directly to the amount of money the ip holder give them.
Rec Bunianz
Inspector Gadget MAD Time Party - GAMEPLAY WALKTHROUGH

Windowsยฎ 10 64-bit
Processor: Intel i5, 2.5 GHz
Graphics: AMD R9 285
DirectX: Version 11
Storage: 3 GB

Windowsยฎ 10 64-bit
Processor: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060
DirectX: Version 11
Storage: 3 GB

Sprachen / Languages:

Oberflรคche | #458;font-weight:bold" class="hljs-type">Ton | #458;font-weight:bold" class="hljs-type">Untertitel
               Interfaces | #458;font-weight:bold" class="hljs-type">Sound | #458;font-weight:bold" class="hljs-type">Subtitle
Deutsch: โœ” โœ”
Englisch: โœ” โœ” โœ”
Franzรถsisch: โœ” โœ” โœ”
Italienisch: โœ” โœ”
Spanisch: โœ” โœ”
Japanisch: โœ” โœ”
Niederlรคndisch: โœ” โœ”
Polnisch: โœ” โœ”
Portugiesisch: โœ” โœ”
Russisch: โœ” โœ”
Tschechisch: โœ” โœ”