finished it. it is under 30 minutes. it did a good job in what its trying to do with is self-reflection. in retrospect I probably pushed "real friends" away from me without me realizing. wanting to be left alone and such. without seeing there are some people that care, even if you don't see it in first glance. but, nah. that can't be. this may apply if we're talking of kids. but not adults. yeah maybe that's exactly why the main character is a kid. and since we're adults, we should know better that children have more rights than us otherwise there won't be "legal age". the message this game is trying to convey is misplaced imo. also don't have kids. they have more rights than you. just look at that tired dad. you don't want that happening to you.
Read, you just need to read to complete the game, like other VNs. Just kidding, it's a short VN with some thriller. The game is verry simple, there's no save, no text speed in settings, no voice-over and you can finish this game in 30 mins