This isn't worth the time to download. Most of the options (like build a tank, view inventory, etc.) are unavailable because you are offline. As far as I know, there is no way to go online. So, unless someone finds a way to get access to everything (go online), don't download it. It does look ( from the little that I have played, which was the tutorial) like a very fun game. Would love to be able to play all of it for what it is.
So, got the game, followed the tutorial on mounting the .iso and the files downloaded successfully, I try and run the .exe file and it opens steam and brings me to the game page with the option to buy, just like regular steam, so I even moved the folder to my steamapps and it still didn't work. Please Fix...
WTF you cant get into Options or anything. When i click on options or anything nothing works and when i use a controller its the same thing. Its a joke of a game that has a HUGE bug.
Sad i cant buy even is 1 Buck jesus.
if not then idk
Amstrad user