Fuck Nights at Freddy's
Silver Steelclaw
for people who have some trouble with maddie, don't worry she is nerfed for 0.2.1

(and for people who just don't know how to deal with characters, this is a tuto:)

Poppy: The most basic, but most aggressive. Usually hides in unusual spots by laying down or side glancing, but is obvious when she's attacking, and always visible on camera. Is most likely to cause a system malfunction every time she goes through a room with one, especially the cleaning drone. The bombs will explode if left alone and lead to you getting a game over so you gotta deal with them ASAP every time.

Nile: Nile is single handedly the biggest run killer in the entire game. The diva needs attention and if you catch her on camera but don't stare until the heart is full, before switching cameras or interacting with a system malfunction mini-game, she'll take out the camera. If it's the restaurant camera on a night when Maddie is active, you're 90% likely to lose the run. Her attack patterns are similar to Poppy and Sammy's though, but she seems to attack less if you give her attention (needs testing).

Sammy: Sammy is less likely to attack you and more likely to troll you by standing in front of you and forcing you to play the avoiding mini-game until she gets dizzy. The moment she gets dizzy is the moment you regain control of cameras and the room in general, so you gotta play it fast if one of the girls is at the door or you'll get attacked. Otherwise her attack patterns are mostly normal.

Ari: Ari is a bit different; her only goal is to check on you and make sure your sanity is up. If it's low when she's at either window or peeking through a door, she will attack and force a game over. Basically if you aren't hyperventilating, you'll be fine. However, she will forcibly open doors to peek in on you. If she does, remember to close them when she exits. Girls can't attack when she's standing in the way, but will if she leaves and the door is left open.

Misty: Misty is easy to deal with, but hurts when you forget about her. Basically if you abuse the plushie too much, she let's out a screech, runs in the office from the left side hallway (her room is on the opposite side of the hall), and immediately attacks. If you close the door first, she can't get in, but she'll bang heavily on the door a few times and you take a MASSIVE hit to sanity, before she runs back to her room. Occasionally, the door to her room opens on it's own; go to the left hallway on the cameras and close it before using the plushie again, because she can hear it more clearly when her door is open.

Maddie: The second biggest run killer after Nile. Maddie blocks off cameras she parks in front of by posing, looking curiously at the lense, or... eating a hamburger. You can't touch any interactables in the room she's in as she blocks off the camera, which means no malfunction fixes until she's gone. Furthermore, she'll force open an office door and stand there after talking to you. Unlike Ari, her being in the doorway doesn't block other girls from attacking. The only way to force her to move is to go to the Restaurant camera and interact with the microwave, which gets her to wait for food. However, if you abuse this too much, someone or something breaks the microwave for the rest of the night. Also the restaurant is Nile's is main haunt, so be prepared to stare at her, or else you'll lose the camera there and thus lose the microwave.
Blue Bomber
IN HEAT Lustful Nights PC Gameplay
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pleasee we need the new version
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A new version just got released. A reupload would be nice
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please update to new version
does anyone know what version this is
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Wheel of Pain
Uploaded Image"Coming soon" means that this game is in the Alpha/demo stage and not in the "Early Access"/mostly playable stage! Those downloading it should consider it as a "preview" of a game that may be worth looking into! For more information, see here.
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five night at fucking freddy girlfriends