damn, what the hell happened to this game? i don't remember it having more that 2gb of file, is it because of the dlcs?
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The 2.5.3 version doesnt work but older versions does. Game crash on startup when loading to 91%
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Lmao this comment section is entertaining af. I don't even care about the game, I just came for the comments.
Pablo Raho
Wait what? My message was marked as spam is the dev flagging comments that say the game is bad? lol
Pablo Raho
The comments are more fun than the game.
I though it was going to be less Civilization and more like a conquest game, like crusader kings.. But it's not, Its pretty much like Civilization but less fun.
Olaf Darkpassenger
Going to try this gem. Hopefully it brings me at least as much fun as reading all those comments below.
Edit: Nope. I stay with Civ6 and Endless series. Even Old World is more fun. Game manual is nice, tutorial a bit long, but sometimes it took me more clicks than needed, because the game did not respond... well, I am probably too much in love with Civ6.
Aaron Yami
When I try to run the game it gets redirected to steam and shows an error and doesn't launch,can anybody help me to fix this problem please
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turn of your connection it's work for me
Buy the game because it does work without problems.
Julian Eugenio Boli
crack the games
will there be updates for this game?
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thank you so much for the patch (1.03). You are great
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You dont have to thank them. It is us who implemented that patch:-D
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so thank you :)
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The most sincere thank you is purchasing the game and supporting the developer.
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Buddy there are people that cant buy the game because they don't have enough money, so please stop being an idiot.
thank you.
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So this is like a human right to play games even you dont have money to pay for it?:-D
You know how crazy you sound?:-D (especially with that invective at the end of your "thought")
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David Kesterson
yeah I love actually payin for shit like gta 5 at target to still have to download 80 gig in forced updates and then another twelve gig for a branded launcher and then the bloody game doesnt even launch. They dont give a shit because they already had ONE class action dismissed against them back in 2014 so Im out 30 bucks for a nonworking game not to mention all the lost time and bandwidth it took me to get screwed over like that so take your self righteous antipiracy bitchy ass the hell out of here if you cant stand to see people giving games trial runs or maybe even just getting shit from "pirates" that actually fuckin WORKS,
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love how you're complaining about these companies yet you still want to play their products, you just don't want to have to pay for it lol. If their games don't live up to your standards, then don't play them. Otherwise you are just being a hypocrite.
None of what you said gives you the right to steal their product.
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Renangui Guilherme
it is like a shared netflix account, companies want to fuck us.
and rly? you're this game dev? lul
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Huh? That makes no sense. You're comparing a shared netflix account to companies fucking you over. lol Like what? Also, usually when a company fucks you over, you don't do business with them. You're greedy.
And no, I'm not a dev. I'm just not a delusional hypocrite. I pirate games because I don't want to pay for it. That's wrong and not right, I understand that. I have no defense. But at least I'm not making up dumb bullshit lies to try and justify it. You're acting like you're RIGHT to steal from these companies who spend years worth of time and effort in creating a product.
Perhaps try to use punctuation. And FYI this symbol "," is used in the middle of sentence, not at the end.
I don't understand half of the things you said and I cannot figure out your point from the other half which is at least a bit understandable.
I can see that admins have their own view of the world so never mind:)
I wish you to have fun if you find the game entertaining.
Take care.
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I promise if the games worths it, I will buy it.
I have already did the same for many games as DeadCells (Indie) or Avorion.
It is the only way to test a game now before buying it, as there is a lack of demo.
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That definitely seems like a fair approach! Have fun:)
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Victoria Smith
instead of complaining about your game being on a pirate site (and expecting it to be taken down because you ask nicely) how about working with the people who do pirate, and enjoy it, in helping you fix whats wrong with it eg. bugs/glitches ect. it would be nice for a developer to just accept that their game will be pirated, and embrace it.
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Tomás de Torquemada
Stop lecturing us, woman.
furio mil
it would be nice for craps like you to just accept that you will pay for a game once in your life
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Victoria Smith
i have payed for several games once in my life, because that is all you need to pay for a game... i mean... why would you pay twice for a game?
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Dark Sorceress
hahah thats great 🤣
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Gun H
Hi, do you have any plan to make a strategy game based on East Asia landscape? An area that consist of China, Japan, Korea, and Mongolian?
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We already have a roadmap for the next year and East Asia is currently not in plan. On the other hand, game contains map builder and scenario editor, it is quite easy to create a map based on your picture/map
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Gun H
Is there a Troy scenario in Imperium? Well, I just watch Troy the fall of city from Netflix and I imagine if I can use Helen of Troy to kill an Archiles in the game.
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Dark Sorceress
this anything like age of empires ?
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bwarg bwarg
more like civilization
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Dark Sorceress
thanks ill avoid
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gyaru butt always saying what is important
Iale Idioma
looks interesting
bwarg bwarg
wow a complete game launch and not a shitty early access ? what year is it ? 1995 ?
my name is Pavel and our small indie company developed game Imperiums: Greek Wars.
It took many years to fine tune the game and cost us enormous amount of energy and needed strong nerves:)
I would kindly ask you to not publish any links to crack version of the game. Please support us and remove it from the website.
Thank you
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damm, people are scary
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hard mode
damn bro you are being hated...you came t the wrong place to say that. l usually would support you but,complaining about your job, that you are supposed to actually want to do and like is one of the worst cases of hipocrisy that have been ever seen. You work in one of the most sedentary jobs from the XXI century besides being a youtuber,a streamer or a reviewer,adn you still complaint about how hard it is. Damn bro you have been cuddled as fuck your entire life if you really think that
Saiyan Scum
Honestly, you should feel flattered that people even want to pirate your game. It is going to happen, you knew before you even started making the game, and if you were really that worried about it you could've used denuvo or some DRM. But, piracy is exposure, exposure leads to more authentic purchases. Sure, most will just steal it, but some won't. That's just the way gaming has become for PC...
Lullul rao
1st your game is shit. 2st you charge way too much for this garbage, 3st
It's pointless to beg for a game to be removed, It's the internet, And
as long as it exists so will piracy. Deal with it! If you feel bad about
it stop making games.
edited: And in your case, I mean it the sooner the better, I don't know who's gonna pay for this. It's not even worth to sacrifice 4gb of my storage space, Let alone pay for it lol
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truth hurts.
so much.
Some people might like this...but not me.
You guys being mean to the dev are fucking retarded. He is not EA Sports, he is not Bioware. Even though devs are fucking fags who bown down to the most stupid policies ever, it is not their fault. Just ignore them.
furio mil
all these crappy people so unkind
If you hate the game, then don't play it. Why do you need to be this kind of person. Smh
It is absolutely fine, if it is s**t dont buy it and don't play it:) We would totally respect that.
Otherwise what you are saying is just hypocrisy;) (if you know what it is:)
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Lullul rao
Says the hypocrite one...
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Right. So you don't know what it is. Fair enough:-D
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Lullul rao
It's you, That's what it is. You're the perfect diffinition of what it means.
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Ahmed Aldaghistani
You do not need to attack people like this , Respect others is a good thing , mate , If You do not like the game and have some ideas to make it better then just tell Them about it and try to help Them by buy their game , After all , its good thing to help each other , and its a good thing to buy any game to help the developer to make some profits to make other good games , be positive guy mate , there is no need to deal aggressively with Him like this .
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Exactly. Especially when I am the reason why this particular page exists in the first place.
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You know what's funny? It's game devs who come in a pirate site thinking they can get their game removed just because they ask nicely. 🤣
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I would say that it is rather sad that this thing must be done by indies.
Even more sad is the response "we do piracy here, and frankly, we don't care what the devs think about it. If you don't like it, then deal with it".
It is like when someone steals your car and then drives around you and keeps saying "sorry but deal with it" and you cannot do anything about it:-D
But sure, thats how the world "works":-D
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Don't be sad bro, Imagine if the admins were to take down your game, Then all the other game devs will come asking to have their game removed as well. It can't be just for you. What you're asking is unreasonable, It cannot be done it would be unfair for all the other game devs who also had their games pirated. Besides it's already in many pirate sites not just this one, And i doubt any of them will remove it.
In the end it's like my coleague said, If people like your game and can afford it, They will buy it, If they can't they will not. It won't change a thing if it was removed.
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I am not sad. I have grown enough to know how world operates:-D
When one starts shooting, everyone does and noone cares anymore.
I like the way of your thinking "we cannot stop stealing from you because it would be unfair to other devs we are stealing from":-D
Good one.
I have no problem with players playing a pirate game and when they like it, they buy it. Unfortunately thats just cliché which isn't true. Have you ever heard about a thief who steals laptop from a store and when he finds it good, he comes back and pays for it? If you did I would withdraw all the statements about piracy here;)
We are trying to contact other sides and believe it or not, many do remove it ;) (P.S. I am talking about our previous game, not this one yet).
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Gun H
I don't want to be a hypocrite here, but I bought many games that I like after I play the pirate version till bored; as long as I can afford them. But not all of them. I'm not doing it to support the Dev, I just want to make a collection for the games that I love.
Who know I want to play again it in the future, like 4 years later, where no pirate sites put your game anymore in their site.
The example for this is Kerbal Space Program, where I play the pirate version till I bored, then I buy the original version, despite I never play it after that. I'm not doing it to support the Dev. I just want to make a collection for it.
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Ahaha i dunno about laptops, But i can tell you that i personally i have payed for many games i liked. If there's a game i like i will deffinitly consider supporting the devs to help them add more content or create more games as enjoyable. So if i do that you can be sure that there are many others like me.
Edit: Ofc it also depends on the price, If i can't afford it i just can't afford it. xD
Edit2: Somtimes you'll find devs charging 60+ buks for their game. That my friend is just above my capabilities.
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I am really happy to hear that;) Seriously.
Ad Edit1) If you cannot afford it, just dont even play it when you know that you cannot buy it even if you like it;)
Ad Edit2) If you dont think that it is worth it, why bother trying it and risking that you will steal from them eventually?:)
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Oh come on, let us poor people have fun, you expect us to pay whatever price for a game if we like it? Esp while a pandemic is going on with about 1/2 1/3rd of the entire population at the risk of becoming homeless/being evicted? Tens of millions having lost their jobs?
Let's just forget about many others who just regularly have to pick between food for today and gas, or rent. You expect them to pay for every game when they want to relax and play smth?
It's a blessing about the internet that game piracy(and piracy for shows and movies, and books etc) exists for people who can't afford it. The world would be a much bleaker place than it already is if things would go your way.
Game devs have already looked into it and found there is no clear correlation to piracy and them losing money on it, so why are you even complaining
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If you want to play football, you have to buy a ball. You cannot decide how much the ball is worth to you, there is a price label in the shop. So yes, absolutely. The price is the price and if you don't want it for that price, it is absolutely fine to not buy it. This is not bread which you must eat to survive.
I have no idea why are you refering to losing jobs. It's you guys who are causing us to eventually "lose" indie dev jobs right now and here. I am not sure what do you expect we look like. I guess you imagine us like people driving Ferrari and work one hour a day. Unfortunately that's quite far from the reality.
Of course that piracy is a blessing for people who cannot afford it and have nature to steal. It is the same with stealing cars. It is a blessing to see a car on the street which a guy cannot afford it and he can still it. No harm done, right? And he gets what he wants. Where are you people living? It is some kind of crazy parallel world?
"Game devs have already looked into it and found there is no clear correlation to piracy and them losing money on it, so why are you even complaining" this is total cliché and nonsense. If you were right, why would companies invest millions into DRMs solutions, trying to prevent cracking a game at least for the first few weeks after release. I tell you why, because it does matter and piracy harms. Of course big companies have budgets for such DRMs and also quite big profits from each game. But this is self published indie game and you are stealing something we worked on for years just because of "there is no correlation". Wake up.
But honestly, I do not expect to change anything here. I am just constantly surpised by the hypocrisy from people here and their "explanations" and "excuses", why it is ok and calling me an "idiot":-D Nice.
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I can also just take the ball, or 3d print the ball or ask a friend if they have one lmao or I can pirate a fifa game lmao. Why should I waste money on that if I can easily save on it?
Comparing stealing cars and pirating digital media is dumb, as stated by other people, it wouldn't be stealing the car if it would be literally copying its material existence and then using the copy, and eh, it's based to steal cars from rich people, so is squatting their 2nd and 3rd homes.
We aren't causing you to lose anything, piracy doesn't lose you money because people that pirate wouldn't buy your game atm anyway, that's like saying that it's peoples fault for not buying tickets and rather watching a match at home that you don't make as much money. They wouldn't have bought tickets anyway.
I pirate games cuz I have no money, and I won't be miserable all day long just cuz our current society puts everything under a paywall, I want some fun, not use money I don't have that I should save on food and rent.
"this is total cliché and nonsense. If you were right, why would
companies invest millions into DRMs solutions, trying to prevent
Because they're greedy moneymaking fucks who'd fire half their workforce before having their ceos cut their pay, if there is a chance to make even a tiny bit more money in these 2 weeks using a garbage drm they take it. You can literally look it up, their studies on it show it's not clear-no correlation on piracy protection and making money from those that pirate with those methods, it's just another money making scheme for someone else.
You can thank the internet for not being as much of a dystopian nightmare as real life yet, not yearn for the day where it might become it.
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"I can also just take the ball" - exactly. You simply take the ball (which is just a nicer word for "stealing" in this context). That's the way your world works, right?
"Why should I waste money on that if I can easily save on it?" - exactly. Why bother buying something when you can steal it, correct?:-D OMG.
"it wouldn't be stealing the car if it would be literally copying its material existence and then using the copy" - firstly, if you copy something and there is no harm done, it is ok. But it is not the case in 99% of cases because someone had to design the car, made safety tests, put all together. It is called intelectual property. I doubt you ever thought about it. That's what China has been doing for decades and I doubt that it is something you would find "ok" when it was your product. But it is not, so it is ok, right?
Secondly the "copying" of physical good costs money, too. Thats why noone does that in real life. But "copying" software is ok, isnt it? Because it does not cost YOU anything. Again, unbelievable way of thinking.
"We aren't causing you to lose anything, piracy doesn't lose you money because people that pirate wouldn't buy your game" - I am absolutely fine with that. Don't buy the game but also don't play it. The game has its price and if you want to play it, you need to pay for it. Otherwise, it is the same like if someone walks into your home and starts watching your TV without asking. Does it sound ok to you? Hardly.
"I pirate games cuz I have no money, and I won't be miserable all day long just cuz our current society puts everything under a paywall, I want some fun, not use money I don't have that I should save on food and rent." - how quickly the world owes you something, right? Because you have the RIGHT to have fun no matter what the cost is and what harm it potentially causes to the society. The answer is simple - play "free to play" games which are ok to have such players like yourself. There are tons of such games. Just dont steal games which are not ok with such players. Noone forces you to play them.
All the things, basically the whole answer of yours is nothing else than just a pack of hypocritical bulls..t and you know that. If you don't... well, there is no reason to talk to you anymore. Firstly, the fact about DRM speaks by itself. If there is no gain to put it into games, it won't be there. The world would just consist of two groups - people who pay and people who don't pay for playing games. But that's not true because if a player wants to play a game and cannot find a cracked version, many simply buy the game. The logic behind this is very simple and clear and that's why the DRM exists.
Secondly, if everyone would think as you - aka stealing whatever he wants - many industries would go bankrupt immediately. Movies, software, books... all would go bankrupt. So piracy is wrong by definition because if it does not exist, people would eventually buy more and allow the creators to create more.
If you steal, please just don't try to "justify" it especially in context of entertainment. There is no justification for stealing in any society.
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Lmao fuck "intellectual property" it's just a system created to make a few people that hold the most profitable IPs endlessly rich, same with rent and landlords.
Hell yes there is justification for stealing, from survival to being able to enjoy life while saving the money for things you need to to survive. How many paintings aren't available online to be seen? Entertainment, all art should be free for everybody and its creators compensated justly by society as a whole, not be forced to pump out games based on what they or their bosses think sells most.
You know what would happen if everyone would pirate? More people would make games for fun, and for donations on patreon or smth, the cancerous "triple A game industry" would die off and 99% of games wouldn't be made to sell a lot of copies running behind the latest trend and that's it.
Ohhhh if people just all pirated triple A games esp, that day would be heaven on earth.
Except for the online only games ofc, so all the industry titans would probably just jump on MMOs and other stuff like that.
Most free to play games(and more and more triple A games too) atm are created for you to endlessly and senselessly grind until you have enough or they hook you in to become a whale for them, so nope.
I have only this life on this planet, I'm not gonna buy any game I come across that I might enjoy just cuz Pavel is gonna be madXD
I buy the games I like after I enjoy them when I have money to spent and that's it.
Piracy is awesome, theft is ethically justifiable in this society.
Again, your logic doesn't hold up, DRM exists because a couple heads of the game industry got it into their greedy heads that if the DRM can maybe make them a lil bit more money in the week or 2 where the DRM isn't cracked they might squeek out a small profit, and if it don't, hey, they won't get less money.
Most pirates don't, I've never bought a game just cuz they spent a few million to protect their game with some bs DRM, overall the difference between the profit with DRM and without in place is inconsequential, esp compared to the issues DRMs can cause and the backlash they can have which can reduce their profits.
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Ok, I think that your last reply shows clearly where you stand. It is literally the biggest pack of nonsense I have ever read and I read a lot. I am quite sure that even people stealing the games do not share this view with you.
I don't think that there is any point to chat with you further so I am going to answer the last nonsense and end it here. I am just wondering who is behind "Lucretia" nick. I would be curious what kind of person (age, country, education, etc.) can create such b..t :-D
"Lmao fuck "intellectual property"". That's exactly what I thought. Unfortunately intelectual property (and therefore also patents) keep the world going. If there was no IP, companies would not invest into new engines, new medicaments, new technologies. There would be no motivation to do so. The reason is simple - a company has to invest quite a lot to the develoment and research of new improvements (which can turn into patents). After that it starts selling the new product (with those patents involved). If there is no IP, another company would come, copy the whole product and starts selling it. It would be cheaper compared to the creator company because there would be no cost of research to recouped. Hence the second company wins the market race and the first loses. Luckily for you, there is IP which in general works. There are still countries who don't care about that (like China) and people - thiefs - who don't care (like yourself).
"few people that hold the most profitable IPs endlessly rich, same with rent and landlords" - are you a communist? It certainly starts appearing so. No offence, I mean it seriously.
"Hell yes there is justification for stealing, from survival to being able to enjoy life while saving the money for things you need to to survive." - whatever is not essential for survive can be stolen. That's what this stupid sentence basically says. Impossible.
"Entertainment, all art should be free for everybody and its creators compensated justly by society as a whole. More people would make games for fun, and for donations on patreon or smth" - this very clearly shows that you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.
If I were you, I would join these indie games groups to see how 99% of indie games look like, how many can survive on patreons and other donations and what is their motivation to become indie developer. I can ensure you (because I am in many of these groups) that the motivation of good developers (not newbies) is to get to the gaming industry so they can live out of game creation. This is the motivation of indie developers. Hence if it would be free, there would be very few quality games because AAA would cease to exist and just very few naive people would make games for free and fun (to name couple games which would survive this "s..tstorm" - there would still be The Battle for Wesnoth or 0AD).
Moreover, as far as I understand your general approach, you would not support games on Patreon anyway. You would simply play them and not spend a penny.
"Ohhhh if people just all pirated triple A games esp, that day would be heaven on earth." - I am sure it would. For you. Just by the time when noone would make games anymore.
"I have only this life on this planet, I'm not gonna buy any game I come across that I might enjoy" - you have just this life so don't waste it by playing games. Steal something what is worth it ;)
"I buy the games I like after I enjoy them when I have money to spent and that's it." - riiiight.
"Piracy is awesome, theft is ethically justifiable in this society." - OMG. There is nothing to say really. "theft is ethically justifiable in this society". LOL.
Wake up to the real world. Bye.
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"I am quite sure that even people stealing the games do not share this view with you." Duh, other people have other ideological positions on things lmao, have you just come out of kindergarten?
"Unfortunately intellectual property (and therefore also patents) keep the
world" in chains.
"If there was no IP, companies would not invest into new
engines, new medicaments?, new technologies. There would be no motivation
to do so." Lmao famously IPs have always existed wink, and famously IPs aren't used to corner the market/inflate prices at the cost of people. I think it's exceptionally adorable how you are totallynotmad.jpeg on here, maybe spent the time somewhere else refining/making new games and grow as a dev, all the luck to ya on that
"There are still countries who don't care about that (like China) and people - thiefs - who don't care (like yourself)." OMG ALL countries steal all the fucking time dude, get offline and look around, the US steals actual resources all day from countries they've beaten into submission and not your oh so precious IPs.
"you have just this life so don't waste it by playing games. Steal something what is worth it"
You have just this life so don't waste complaining that pirates sites exist, do something more worthwhile!XD
I enjoy playing games, sooooooooooo. Dw tho, I didn't pirate your game.
"Wake up to the real world. Bye." Says the person who thinks that pharma invents their own drugs they have as IPs and who thinks that someone for some reason being able to hold the exclusive rights to an immaterial thing or an idea or even a fucking name is what holds society in place lmao. Or that only "big bad bad country take stuff:("
You're a naive delight, hahaha
"AAA would cease to exist"
And there was much rejoicing
"...is to get to the gaming industry so they can live out of game creation"
If you really wanna make money creating games isn't where it's at, selling games that others create is where the money is in our current society. And sure, same with any other passion, how miserable, ain't it?
"Moreover, as far as I understand your general approach, you would not
support games on Patreon anyway. You would simply play them and not
spend a penny."
I'm not the biggest spender, but I've supported projects before that caught my eye, esp when they're indie. And I've bought even triple A games before despite having been able to pirate games for the last 14 years, since I was 8 years old.
"are you a communist?" Close, Ancom.
Have a good life, don't waste any more of your time mad on pirate sites, there are more productive and/or enjoyable things to do if you're not a masochist.
The main reason games got pirate is because the devs charging greedy price tags for simple games,that's why it got pirate
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So if it costs 30% less, there would be no piracy? Or is it still too much? Would $1 be ok?
We earn less by developing a game than we would by being employees in any company. But sure, lets call it "greedy";)
Moreover, if I cannot afford something, I steal it. Is it simple as that in your country? It is not the same here.
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Gun H
You know what, don't be so offensive just because we pirate your game. We can become your fans if we like it. And you know, fans always support the dev with their future game.
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Why do you think I am offensive? As far as I know I havent said anything offensive:)
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Mystery Triangle
Maybe next time try not to act like you made the next Witcher 3 when people pirate your Imperator: Rome ripoff?
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Well, there is nothing to add to your post:-D
EDIT: I forgot to thank you for even bothering stealing our game;)
Ace Vaver
Do you have any connections to Imperium the flash game? Because if you do, I'd be willing to buy your first game. I owe you guys at least that much considering how much fun I had back during the flash game boom.
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No, I am sorry. This has nothing to do with Imperium.
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No, this game will not be removed. This is a piracy website, we do piracy here, and frankly, we don't care what the devs think about it. If you don't like it, then deal with it.
Besides, if your game is any good, then people with money will choose to support you by buying it. However, if someone was never gonna buy your game anyway, then it doesn't matter whether the game is available on a piracy site or not, cus you were never gonna make any money from them in the first place.
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Nice, thats what I call support of indie development! :-D
You can always refund the game in two hours. It is not our first game, too:)
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Feels like one.
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Gun H
You know, not everybody can afford to buy the game via online website. not because they don't have money, but because the paying system is outside their immediate area. Like me, long time ago when the game sellers only using paypal and credit card, I had difficulty to reach them.
And today, I use Steam Gift Function to buy a game. So I contact my friend, who's a seller, pay him the money, then he buy the game via steam before he send the game to me via gift function.
So I can't refund the game in two hours because it is a Gift, although I pay for it more than the price that Steam mentioned. That's why I choose to try the game via IGG-Games first, before I buy the game via Steam. Because I did buy an unknown game via steam before knowing about it's gameplay first. And I only managed to play it for 70 minutes (but can't refund it).
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That's very reasonable approach and I do understand your position. Honestly, I am totally with you on that.
Especially for you - have fun playing and trying the game!:)
Holy Spirit
To be honest, even in here, I will not play your game. I saw the gameplay on Youtube, it's seem that i don't have any reasons to spent time on it. Besides that, if you have spent many years to build it. I don't think you can cover your costs by selling this game on Steam, I don't see any potentials in gameplay. However, it's good try on your first game, keep fighting:). There is a long way to go.
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That's absolutely fine really.
Btw. this is not the first game.
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Holy Spirit
I don't see any of games in your studio on steam, What else games have you built?
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Aggressors: Ancient Rome
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Holy Spirit
Seems that game is very similar to this one.
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Yes, it is evolution of the previous game.
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the 2 hours policy dont work with this kind of games, you need at least a whole day
bwarg bwarg
2 hours test for a 4X ? seriously ?
bwarg bwarg
we need to test the game before supporting you i'll don't buy a game from an unknow indie studio especially if it's their very first game
at least it's not an early access and it's a good point for you
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if you want support then make a demo available on steam
people arent going to buy something without trying it first
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Dark Sorceress
i wouldnt buy it anyways poor lol