This is strange, though not the first time that it has happened: On this game's Steam page, it says that this game is no longer available but it also says that it's coming soon. Maybe it means that an earlier version of the game is no longer available and that a newer version in Alpha stage is coming soon!
Very Confused

This game is no longer available on Steam. It may now be a collectible for some game archivists.
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Uploaded Image"Coming soon" means that this game is in the Alpha/demo stage and not in the "Early Access"/mostly playable stage! Those downloading it should consider it as a "preview" of a game that may be worth looking into! For more information, see here.
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This game was on steam, got taken down because steam's current policy is to not host games with a lot of ai content pending legal issues with the technology, and then moved to itch.io.

This game might eventually end up on steam though
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That's strange. I've read that AI is not illegal, even when it comes to porn. Even when it comes to the "Deep Fake" videos that involve celebrity facial and speech manipulations via AI, there's no legal copyright issue (eg. Check out the famous Sylvester Stallone Deep Fake of Arnold Schwarzenegger's character, The Terminator in the following Youtube video). Can you please provide a link to the source of your information? I'd like to read about it.
Very Confused

It's possible that a game that is marked "Coming soon" has a 50/50 chance of actually making it on Steam. After all, such a release can be delayed indefinitely and the product can still be deemed "Coming soon". Case in point, I've been waiting for almost three years for "Boxing Babes: Sexy Fight Hentai Anime Girls" to "Come soon" but so far nothing has materialized. It's all vaporware!
Rolling Eyes

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Valve no longer wants to have any a.i. assets in any games in steam's marketplace because its still unclear who actually owns those a.i. assets. So it's not a matter of legality, but ownership. It's less them making a stance on a.i. generated art and more them trying to protect themselves.
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how to adjust the screen?
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right click -> small window.
This game really lacks setting options
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how to adjust the screen?