more and more rubbish on this site. Goodbye you fascists.
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i think you should keep this permanent
its more than disgusting watching this idiots to worship a fucking racist
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Then, IGG should take down the complete game as well as this page, don't you think? Everything else would simply be censorship of unwelcomed opinions and simply anti-democratic.
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Well, I'd like to close this thread, but someone keeps opening it. I've closed it twice now.
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Your view on democracy is sad.
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You have no zero idea what my view on democracy is, don't act like you do. My plan was to minimize the amount of arguing going on in this thread by just closing it, but evidently one of my fellow moderators doesn't agree with doing that and keeps reopening the thread, without bothering to tell me about it.
I'm just gonna leave it open. If people wanna argue endlessly, that's their business.
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just tell igg to delete this crap and explain the situation
i am sure he will understand to remove this garbage
who probably no one download it for sure
its embarrassing and sickening watching this comment section full of racist lame fucks defending their beloved cornhead
"My plan was to minimize the amount of arguing going on this thread by just closing it"
I'm with you. Would have been the "right" thing to do, coz what's happened and is happening here, could easily be anticipated like you did.
Have a nice day, though.
Ok, I'm sorry, Phase. Might have misunderstood you. I read "political cancer", maybe it triggered me.
It seemed to me you would be one of those that simply don't want to hear anything about Trump, still US president, as a matter of fact, until the 20th of January when all voting guys decided.
As a German I don't want to tell US people anything, yet, we have the same political climate of divide and conquer, denunciation and isolation of unpopular opinions here, thus, I can somehow relate to what's going on in the US society.
Take care.
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It's no problem, and I see what you mean by saying that you thought I was just trying to silence anything about the current US president. That's not what I was doing, I was just trying to keep general toxicity and arguing down, but I see you realized that intention, so thanks.
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Lowers black unemployment
Condemns white supremacy countless times
Highest number of black votes that a republican president ever had this november
Talked about what the african americans have accomplished in the good light
Very racist racist orange man bad bad man orange

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he didnt help black unemployment. racism is the employment industry was finally getting out so maybe in the end more blacks had finally been able to get jobs, but it was nothing at all to do with trump. he was single handedly destroying our economy, allowing the rich to run rampant, small businesses everywhere were closing down before november of last year. as with the influx of prices on everything, the housing market is unlivable, wages are unlivable. you know absolutely nothing about our economy. especially when orange face has stolen right from your pockets countless times giving it away, paying off mexicans to act like immigration was an actual problem, NOT CONDEMING AND FINING BIG BUISNESS FOR HIRING THESE INDIVIDUALS. as with the case farms here in morganton, they got busted by ice. they get a slap on the wrist, or told to hire more so they can bust them again. no fine, but mexican people that were working harder than the privileged whites here making less got detained and have to go through due process now. yet he used his charitys money to buy him football memorabilia. had a scam school that did nothing except accept rich people, and as was shown. schools who get paid to give people grades dont get busted, but the people who pay go to prison. great justice system right? brough this business from china to mexico. great for the american people! whew, shall i continue? i could rant forever about his tyrannical leadership. you ignorant dimwits. get over yourselves. biden is president. trump will be played off and never president again. thankfully
Obama promised his black voters a lot and didn't deliver. That's why more and more blacks have voted for Trump.
Being a black president (*cough a Muslim with fake birth certificate + crackbiatch gaylord) manipulating black people into voting for him, doing nothing for them afterwards, is for me a possible definition of racism.
Obama fostered "white privilege". How anti-racist is this? :D
☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
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Holy Diver
where are the sources, bitch?
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Holy Diver
sources on Biden being auth-right.
I'll wait.
☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
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Holy Diver
damn bitch, go make a family
I hate this piece of sh1t. Poor girls...
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Holy Diver
lmao'ing at this trainwreck of a comment section.
on one side, you have the triggered conservatards and on the other, you have crying demotards trying to distance themselves away from games like this one.
it's a meme fucking game, get over yourselves, you bunch of mentally ill losers.
Jack Hando
rent free
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Obama funded SDF not ISIS.SDF is a different terrorist group.Its actually a communist terrorist group.
Alan da Cruz
so much games without any comment before that one, now I know where they all went. Can american people go down any further?
Josh Dimpas
This is a neutral comment, this is a region where you can rest if you are tired/afraid/disappointed/chilling from the harsh comments in the comment section
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Holy Diver
some people just need a reason to be continuously mad.
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I can feel the cancerous lumps growing on my body as I read through the comment section. I never understood why anyone would waste resources even making low effort "games" like this in the first place. All it does is redirect the sewage line directly into the comment sections.
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I DESPISE TRUMP WITH EVER FIBER OF MY BEING but I hate games like these. I think people make these types because they suck at devolpment or have a very low budget and hope that can stir up enough controversy to get people to play it. It's the hatred business model.
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Ty, for you thinking objectively.
Ryoga Hibiki
That's the whole point I believe. It doesn't happen often, especially now with how sensitive society have gotten, but usually a dev team will unleash something like this. Something so controversial, so shock-worthy, and enough edge that you'll get cut by the wind will cause folks will talk about it without much effort. No publicity is bad publicity, especially if it leads to sales/downloads from those who are curious. Hell, Puppet Combo made it their prime directive at this point.
J. Blayne Greiner
It is absolutely hilarious, I love political satire games like these. I can't wait for the sequel with Biden. Oh, they could also make a prequel that features Obama as a chimpanzee. That one would be funny too!
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Watch your mouth, neo-nazi.
To test for yourself in which bad times we're living.
Imagine the following + the upcoming sh1tst0rm:
"Conservatards" create "Hunting for Biden".
You can kill this child-creep and pedophile in this game.
Although, just imagine, Biden would be the actual president now in office, it's absolutely okay for "Conservatards" to make post about him being killed and how nice this would be.
Ah, doesn't work, eh? Now, then, democracy is destroyed. Bigot.
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John eFfing Kennedy
You can pratically smell the soy from the screen
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I wonder what these people with TDS and the big media will do now that Biden will assume as president, will they keep attacking Trump?His supporters (most likely since there´s already people asking for them to be send to re-education camps)?Someone will have to take the blame for everything, and no one really cares for Biden, he only got ellected because he´s "not Trump".
I like how in each of the pictures the gun and hand looks 100 % the same. It ressembles the effort put into the game that could be a symbol for how accurate leftist people get their facts straight :D
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just some guy
hey its a game about trump i wonder what the comments are gonna be like
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It's like putting fresh meat into a pond full of piranhas.
If there's a missing puzzle piece in the movie "Idiocracy" for you, just read through the comments and you know how the society in "Idiocracy" could happen. It's disgusting how people are today, how they treat problems, how they not care for each other.
I wish mery X-Mas to all of you and a happy new year, independent from what your political standpoint is. May the world be a better a place some day, seems like it must get even worse before it's getting better.
And I wish many of you that you realize that you're acting like the elites want you to act. Politics and media are consciously dividing us people.
Though, I'm open-minded, trying to be rational with political issues, I have not much respect for most leftist ideas and isms. I think that a huge number of them is against human-beings and very unnatural.
This does not mean that I refuse acknowledging any info or idea coming out of this corner, though many of you might want this to be true.
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LOL, i came here for butthurt Trumptards! FOUND ONE!!! :DDD
You need a LOT of ASSCREME butt guy
most of the people who comment on political games like this i've never seen before, like they just got a upload notice from breitbart and came in, flooding the comment section with pro-trump comments.
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Ryoga Hibiki
You see it too, huh? It's on both sides really. Where are they coming from? It's always some kinda topic that causes folks to come from the shadow realm here to speak their minds, fight, and then fade back into the dark waters til their slumber gets disturbed again.
Political krakens, matey.
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You are using a metaphor for "us" that came top-down to you.
Sir, this metaphor or analogy sounds like "we" would be insects. May I kindly remind you that National Socialists kinda did the same with Jews?
I was born with collective guilt, and I can't ignore people talking like Nazis in 1933-1945.
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Ryoga Hibiki
Oh yeah? I am the youth of a civilization that got nuked decades back and had to progress to survive. Regardless, I'm not gonna play a game of "who had it worst anyway" where the points and the points of view really don't matter. It's been years, cuz. Much like you, it didn't happen even to my parents so why should I have a chip on my shoulder for something I personally haven't experience?
Besides all that, it IS true that when something controversial arrives, YOU CHUMPS ON BOTH POLITICAL SPECTRUM emerge to shit talk over a game that is often a trash game to begin with. It's like the worst Bat Signal ever designed to look like the Twitter icon. Why not hang with us in general? Most of us are chill.
Lastly, be mindful that youre in a site full of (mostly) stolen games. Virtues, signaling or not, is gonna be laughed off the face of the Earth here. Chill...if that's even possible.
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"Oh yeah? I am the youth of a civilization that got nuked decades back and had to progress to survive. "
Oh really? And I'm just a boomer right?
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Ryoga Hibiki
Worse. Regardless of what things they've done to affect the world today, I give more respect to boomers because they're more focused on the now. Newer generations? There's so much convenience that most of the time they complain about things that they are slightly put off about. Often skimming through Wikipedia for the TL;DR version of the flippin' summary of a research page to pass a judgement over topics worse than What you'll find in satirical tabloids.
And for what? Making this plane of existence another issue of Bizzaro World where the caucasians are discriminated while the rich gets richer but we're okay with that cause they relate with us after adding a few hashtags? Might as have the president mandate a law to wear a red nose that honks 24 hours a day.
I'm just here fuckin' around and playing pirated games to unwind, homey. You're gonna find a few folks who are like you somewhere here, but this isn't known for it. Which is the point in the first place.
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Politics is everywhere now, I also don't like it. I stopped watching soccer some odd years ago, and today it's even more loaded with politics. Weekends used to be there to relax, watching sports too.
I didn't defend Trump, I defended moral.
I don't post here normally, it was just this game that caught my attention, so please relax.
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Ryoga Hibiki
I'm chill mostly. I simply don't cotton to conflict. As cringy the community is here, especially when I post, it's not bad. Which is why I sad that it'll be kinda cool if those who seldomly comment here should really try hanging out whenever they wanna.
One thing we collectively agree on is the comments section is much more entertaining than the trash game, heh.
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Yeah, I totally agree on that :)
Have a nice Sunday, man.
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Ryoga Hibiki
You too, cuz. Stay safe out there!
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Ty, take care
"Why not hang with us in general? Most of us are chill."
I do. Yet, I give my 2 cents on people finding it nice to wish death to people.
Why don't you chill?
Talk like that to your pet.
Or Pro-Biden. It's not better, but you may think so. Don't you see that you are put against each other? Sad...
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you dont understand the true politics and how it actually physically affects us and our economy as well as foreign relations. the difference between the two we have to "vote" for was grand. you should be poking fun at trumps media, how he claims mail in voting was fraudlent, yet vice president pence hired a new usps chief. while my 3 day priority mail packages are taking 2 weeks because of ignorant folks believing trump that covid is nothing now supposedly we have 19,000 people out of work from usps because they have it. its all blah blah blah yada yada. but i could give you the whole 9 yards. people act like socialism is bad and is a thing. yet you put a comment on anothers post about sadism. we will create whatever titles fit the perspective we are trying to portray without having to actually give any definition to it. pretty much strawmans main weapon. quit being an ignorant and go learn you some about communist road we were headed down with trump.
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J. Blayne Greiner
Wow, you are SO enlightened! You know SO much about politics and the economy. Please keep dropping these informative truth bombs on everyone!
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wow. you really responded with much facts. i will for sure keep pointing out how stupid people like you are. egotistic and cant show for anything.
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Your "facts" are top-down fairy tales.
You will see for yourself in near future.
There's nothing more stupid than to simply take over interpretations and framings of a corrupt "elite". That's the dumbest shit ever.
Do you want to be a German Nazi like in 1933-1945, Anijames.
Do you?
They did the very SAME!!!
Nabiel Faiz
Who the fang request this game??
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good idea
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Is Pharaoh inside?
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No -- only Horus's mongoloid cousin.
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You mean retard is inside?
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You are better off downloading this game than playing this shiate:

I know there are fans of this type of games here.
Xmas Shooting - Scramble!! for Free.
SOUL OF DEMON FOOL................................................ ACHIEVED
Weimar rising...
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Not Putin? Lol...
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The hoftjude controls both Montague and Capulet houses...

The guillotine is fitted for the necks of traitors...
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What about Biden senior and junior when it comes to China? Uh?
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I see your "Jo Bi Deng" meme, and raise you a...
I want to see a meme of Black trump getting hit by an airplane that was hijacked by a terrorist.
Donnie Darko.
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The Common Concept
This is a $1(or less) joke, my fellow piracy partakers. I mean, it would be more fun to literally burn money and or download 10 gigabytes of malware, but some people would say otherwise. Who is this aimed towards? Well, people with a sophomoric sense of humor and people who detest the 45th president, Donald Trump/Republican Party (U.S). This game has little to no effort put into it, seeing how this is aimed towards being an mockery towards a world-leader. Overall, I wouldn't recommend this garbage to you, regardless of your political stance.
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dick curved left cause you dident do me right
Jesus Christ, for this comment section I need a second bowl of popcorn.
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RoyaldGuard Royi
Dilate harder, faggot man.
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hilary actually claimed the fake news thing first
no one should have to cope for your lack of humor
RoyaldGuard Royi
"one of the worst enemies of humanity"
Leftoids sure are a retarded breed
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LOL you upvoted YOURSELF??
How pathetic are you?
But we don't expect more from a trumptard.
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RoyaldGuard Royi
I always upvote myself. What, do you want to downvote my comments you fucking fag?
Meconium-minded children / children-grown-older should keep their cryptochidic opinions away from politics.
►Call of Dullards is that-a way →
Misan tropo
If he started some wars and dropped more bombs of children hospitals he could get a Peace Nobel like Obama
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says someone who upvote itself
go ask your mother/sister for a hug.
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go ask ur dad for a hug, oh wait ur black
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Let's not forget, women are hypergamers so they are all about playing the tallest richest dudes for money, so nobody really gets a dad anymore. And also men are toxic and masculine so women can't deal with them, so double no dads.
No dads no hugs, in the Cyberpunk future.
Also all men will soon be women and all women will soon be men. And black people will still just be black, with gold plated prosthetics that aren't even electronic. You know, like kit cars, kind of. But for your body.
I can't wait.
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Oooooouuuu I made a moomoo madd.
Casey Jones
A game for leftards. Cool.
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leave it to a conservatard to not understand a joke, whos the real the snowflake??
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Is it funny to kill a contemporary still in office US-president?
Please, educate me. I'm just a dumb German from Europe. I must have missed this new turn in your constitution.
Cure Lovely. Lol.
Misan tropo
This game should be in chinese tough
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RoyaldGuard Royi
And be about Xi. But then it would get banned and not picked by anyone for fear of the CCP.
Wait 'till someone says this game is FRAUD
hey, mates
Merry Christmas for all IGG users!! :D
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this dev its a little late for making jokes since cornhead its no longer the dumbass leader we have
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He never wanted to be the Puppet-in-Knesset -- it was all a publicity stunt gone horribly wrong.
Moral: NEVER underestimate Amerimutt voter stupidity / ignorance.
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Not quite Jan 20th yet.
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even so hes already done for
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You look like a fool, cos I know your own constitution better than yourself, lol....
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Might wanna check your clock dude. Hes president until Janurary 20th, 2025. And he will always be the God Emperor.
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in his dreams
even now no1 gives a shit of what he says
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You mean except for the 75+ million of Americans who actually voted for him and won him the election... No one cares what Pedo Joe and his "most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics" CCP masters have to say.
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Lol, so now that Trump supporters didn't get their candidate, they've turned in to the echo chamber they were calling the left the whole time.. As an independent who has been standing on the sidelines, laughing at all of you the entire time, I honestly have got to say, at least the leftists aren't hypocrites.
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The Leftists aren't hypocrites....made my day.
You aren't independent. If you would, you would see the same hypocritic aspects in Leftists AND Rightists.
J. Blayne Greiner
Any centrist can see that's a load of bullshit lol The left are as hypocritical as anyone who has supported Trump for the last 4 years.
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That last line is the furthest from the truth. The leftists didn't get their candidate and spent these last 4 years on a completely bogus Russian conspiracy theory while they have been sleeping with the Chinese. Neither of them are good.
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calls joe a pedo, but ignores the multiple rape allegations put on trump. not only that but he made some weird pedo comment about his daughters ass. eureka!! i could never support someone like that
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See, the difference is, President Trump goes to court and successfully defends himself from these false claims. We all know what happens to those that accuse Dems. Either the media smears them and sends domestic terrorists after them or they get arkancided. I have seen video of Pedo Joe rubbing a 5 year olds nipple on stage, I have seen him sexually harass children on video, not to mention his own son is an actual child rapist who molested his niece. Face it buddy, you support the party of evil.
what's it like being so delusional that you actually believe that? do people have to remind you to breathe?
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J. Blayne Greiner
How are all the videos of Biden inappropriately touching people, including children, "delusional?"
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dont forget the hand on trumps daughters leg, while talking about grabbing them by the pussy. who knows what she had to put up with all her life.
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You are a bitch that obviously hates kids. Scum!
Don't make jokes about pedophiles, really!
Chvck Price
It's not a delusion. It's called "reality". Just do a video search for "creepy uncle joe".
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Nah, I don't support beijing biden. The dude so demented he thinks everyone is his dead son. Meanwhile his corrupt, child rapist son who is exactly like him, is only still alive due to the "big guys" deals with foreign powers.
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75+ million of racist dumb fucks? whistle
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Chvck Price
You know who calls 70+ million people racists without any kind of basis for it? An actual racist. It's ironic that you and your party are constantly claiming people are Nazis because they disagree with you when it's blatantly obvious that you are the actual Nazi party. Not to mention that anyone with a half a brain knows that the Democrats created the KKK. If you support the Democrat Party you are the racist, pure and simple.
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Oh? Remind me again who was the party that fought for slavery, Founded the KKK, imposed Jim Crow laws, opposed giving black Americans civil rights, had an "exalted cyclops" as a senator whose own pedo of choice flat out said that if you don't vote for him, "you ain't black". Face it dude, if you support the dems then you are no different than a neo nazi.
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Indeed. I can support this.
In Germany, leftist ideas and isms ARE VERY close to nationalsocialist progapanda and isms.
Nazis = Socialists. I don't care for what history is telling me. Nazis are Socialists and not "rightist-extremist", no, Nazis are = leftist-extremists.
lmao i wish they were racist cos niggas like u would be done by now
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you kids are pathetic, still living in the past
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Chvck Price
Ah, projection. Another classic tool of leftists, communists, and fascists. Don't bother with any evidence or even a rational argument. Typical.