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there is plenty of bugs i hope they get 0.96 version
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is anyone having problems making heart attack burgers during actual gameplay (not in the tutorial). I can't seem to make them right during the actual game but in practice mode i make them fine. Or is this ...a demo or...something?
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Jack D
On Quest 2 I hear no sounds at all. And I cant find a fucking glass to serve drinks :O only some mugs. WTF
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Tony Gross
Do you have to have a gaming pc to play these ?
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I'm running a GTX 1070Ti, 16 GB Ram, and a very old i7-3770k 3,5GHz processor, and I can run most VR games quite decently on the Vive. So no, you don't need the best of the best, but that's what great about sites like this one: it doesn't cost you anything to find out if you can run the games :)
Nice, I was looking for this one a few months ago. These games are always fun for quick play sessions, and for letting others try out VR.
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now i am super curious of what kind of monstrosities you serve
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why do i see your profile pic everywhere lol
Thanks a million! Downloaded and tested on HTC Vive, and working perfectly. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got some brain-burgers to serve :D