ya know i just wanted to see what to the whole fuss was about
probably not doing that again
anyways about the game, I got act 1 and I liked it so I'll probably put this on my list
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act 6 suck!
looks down at comments
continues to see the same three people arguing over whether homestuck is good
don't read comments again and continue enjoying homestuck in every conceivable way, even laughing at the mistakes but enjoying the story regardless even if it doesn't suit your every whim

Cappyd Capps
I may be stupid but Im not stupid enough to waste my time arguing about if homestuck is good, which ends up making it look worst.
Homestuck's story went downhill fast after the scratch. That's the point where he stopped lightly making fun of the fandom and instead just let them write the story for him.
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Uh, not? Seriously why does people think Hussie let the fandom writte the story when thats the exact opposite? More to the end he wasnt even picking the sugestions to make the story, he was just doing the story in his head and thats that. Thats even why some part of the fandom complained that they had no influence in the story anymore, so your complaint contradicts what happened.
And yeah its a matter of opinion but, no, after scratch wasnt bad at all, it was amazing, he still made fun of fandom, himself, the average reader, etc, he kept the humor that could be stupid and trashy, while making some very serious and phylosophycal parts, if you dont like serious and phylosophycal, then yeah you wont like it, but that doesnt mean its bad, many of the best parts of Homestuck are like that. I really dont get why people cant stand duality, when most of the best things are more than one genre, more than one thing at the same time.
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why are you arguing in the comments of a video game piracy website about the narrative integrity of homestuck shits bad move on and accept it lmao
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Aukion Makiro
its 2020- were bored, grungus must argue!
never touched the HS series- cant really say if its good or bad, but the person that showed me what it was was ... really fucking gringy- but again idk.
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Because its not? It doesnt matter where Im discussing this, in my opinion Homestuck is great and I will defend it, I know some people dont like it, but the arguments used here are stupid or dumb or worse, so I will argue
I'm gonna be completely honest with you; I stopped reading at "Uh, not?"
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Great to know you are just another one that ignores everything so they dont have to even try to reflect, bye
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Man, you must've put a lot of effort into that post, too. Must be a real bummer for you.
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Nah, dont care about people like you, it will help people that care for having discussions, conversations, etc, so you dont matter at all here
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Oh you care. Otherwise you would've actually left when you said "bye".
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By that logic you also care, and thats why you are still answering me, trying to make it seem like you didnt care about my answer when it definetly made you mad. But I gave you enough attention already, try to say whatever you want, see if I will come back. Bye bye.
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You just can't help yourself, can you?

I guess he came back after all.
When did I ever say I didn't care?
You're really bad at this.
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munching popcorn
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Be careful, Roxas might downboat you too!
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he's still downvoting you lolol dude got so butthurt, nobody in the world can dislike homestuck
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Yeah Im still downvoting, he is mentioning me or saying shit related to me in every comment to try and see if I get pissed, but the only one pissed is him mentioning everytime I downvote him, so why not continue? Its funny
Also you can dislike Homestuck, I dont care about that, but the nonsensical reasons he and a lot of others here are giving dont justify anything, they dont make any sense at all
Rin Franz
Lookin at games to "try" and scrolled down a bit, already see tons of uhh conflicts in this comment section,
Mind telling me what's with the conflict? I never heard of this fandom or homestuck or whatever it is > w>ll
(Dun' kill me guys)
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nah, there wasn't any conflict.
Just me trolling some Homestuck fans, that's all.
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Oh definetly, because you are not a prejudiced person at all and you are an awesome troll, yep, that makes a lot of sense
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Homestuck is a web comic, that either people love or hate it hahaha the fandom can sometimes be great, but can also be as toxic or even worse than the Undertale fandom.
If you like strange stories, that can be sometimes stupid and trashy, while other times being philosophical and heavy, than you could like it. But if you decide to try, I would suggest starting with the comic, then playing act 1 of Hiveswap, then Friendsim and Pesterquest, and only then coming back to play act 2 and then read Homestuck 2.
Oh and, if you do read and like it, buy act 1 and 2, Friendsim and Pesterquest IF you can, if you cant theres no problem downloading here, but if you can these people are worth supporting.
And I almost didnt answer what you asked hahaha not considering the ones that just hate Homestuck and everything related to it, the ones that do love have the conflict of, Andrew Hussie is the creator and writter of Homestuck, he created the skeleton of the story for Hiveswap and others, but other people are really writting the meat of these stories, and some people think that only Hussie can writte Homestuck, that everyone else that does, even with Hussies approval, are bad and writte bad shit. So some agree and some disagree (like me) and that generates the discussion.
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Rin Franz
Ahh, so it's more of a battle of fans then?
Gatekeeping has always been a trend in fanbases...
= .=ll
Guess I'll try to take a read or something
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yes, and then you have the haters who like to throw gasoline in the fire, and then the shit show is done hahaha
if you just focus on the story of the web comics and games, in my opinion, they are amazing and pretty enjoyable, I will always say its worth at least giving it a try. I hope you like it
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Rin Franz
That I will
I liked homestruck but the fandom ruined everything and this game reeks of fandom.
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I think the same about Undertale, it was nice and all but the fanbase is full of furries and SJW shit
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Oh so you are another prejudiced person, guess I wont bother answering your posts anymore, cool to see that this website have the worst of the worst in it
Ryoga Hibiki
Anything that gives the notion that you can be an individual, have the role that you've made for yourself, identify your status especially when it comes to relationships, and all the while having your ideals be valid with the general consensus no matter how far out it is... will cause rampant fandom creations. For good or for obvious worse.
It's a nice avenue for what it is, but there will always be zealots. There will ALWAYS zealots...
Homestuck was never good, it was always SJW pandering cancer. Even the author himself hate his own creation and don't care much anymore, and let other people to write it.
Problem Sleuth and Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff was so much superior.
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I blame the trolls, they never were the main characters.
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they weren't that bad....I kinda liked some of them
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Your name here
Unironic use of SJW and trannies outside of 4/8chins
Opinion immediately discarded /pol/ack
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Uh, not? Just because it had more than one type of sexuality and gender doesnt mean it was sjw pandering. You definetly havent read it huh? Because Im pretty sure SJW would be pissed with Homestuck and try to cancel it if they read it. And no, the author doesnt hate Homestuck AT ALL, he wrote the epilogues, he wrote the skeleton of Homestuck 2, he wrote the skeleton of Hiveswap and Hauntswitch, so he is still VERY involved. Just because you are a stupid prejudiced person who thinks everyone needs to be hetero cis doesnt mean Homestuck is shit. Also I find it funny how you like Problem Sleuth (which there are great inspirations of it in Homestuck) and Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff which was PURPOSEFULLY shit. You dont get writting at all
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you seem rather triggered. Are you one of the writers?
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As triggered as you are? To the point of calling it sjw pandering cancer? Or saying its fro trannies? Funny how you ignore that fact. And no, not a writter, just a fan, and when people rightfully criticize Homestuck I dont care, I know how it can be trash for some, but the shit you are saying? Stupid is just the start, so yeah I will criticize, even more when you give false information like Hussie not caring and not being involved, when he does and is
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He only cares about the money , not the Homestuck itself.
Well yes, he get minimally invovlved from time to time but he clearly don't care about this trash anymore and let other people run this circus for him. I bet he would happily just abandon it if he only could.
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Oh because you definetly accompany Hussie and everything he does huh, so when he lost more than FUCKING 700 THOUSAND DOLLARS because a company duped him, him STILL making the game he wanted is him just caring about the money right? The fact that he doesnt sell the game for like, 30 dollars or more each episode is definetly his greed, also the fact that there are no microtransactions whatsoever is his absolute greed, the fact that he makes a patreon that if you want you can contribute with only ONE FUCKING DOLLAR is definetly EA leves of greed. Yep, congrats, you are the smartest that have seen trough him, want a prize?
Also, he gets VERY involved with everything, yeah there are other people that writte, WITH HIS SUPERVISION, also they write BASED ON THE HOW SKELETON HE MADE OF THE ENTIRE FUCKING STORY, so they only put meat on the bones but everything else is still him. Definetly not involved at all huh.
Its almost like, because you were too dumb to understand Homestuck when IT WAS COMPLETLY WRITTEN BY HIM AND HIM ONLY, now you have to hate on everything else, using the most stupid of justifications, to not sound like a salty hater that only hates just because.
So congrats, you are so right, your arguments make so much sense, you are a great person, have a cookie.
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yeah, ok. Keep telling that to yourself.
Also, I'm not sure if this true, but there's rumor that around act 6 Homestuck had ghostwriters. So no, Homestuck wasn't completely written by him.
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Oh because rumors are definetly the truth right? Yeah, keep trying to delude yourself to justify hating it.
And, if you want to see true greed, go into any youtube gaming news channel, and see the news about both AAA companies greed and Indie devs greed, and maybe you will see that what Hussie is doing is far from greed
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Its not, the game is great
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It is, play first then judge, otherwise you will just hate for hating
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I played a SJW game and it was crap.
I watched a SJW show and it was crap.
I read a SJW comic and it was ultra crap.
I played another game that turned into a SJW and it was crap.
You know, people could learn from their mistakes. Only a fool falls into the same trap.
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Look, idiotic people using the SJW term as a mean to justify their prejudice and hate, wow how creative
yeah, SJW suck at creating anything, really.
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Imagine thinking that every thing that has a character that arent hetero cis is just SJW shit, and thinking they arent a prejudiced piece of shit for that
Chuck The Cryptid Hunter
Looks interesting, thanks :D
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DæmIan Amendølara
i never understd Homestuck or had interest on it
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DæmIan Amendølara
so its just tumblr garbage,the home suck thing,thanks for explaining it all ,please do not support those and "on your face" vegans they are the worst and thanks
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no problem
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Oh look, another either uncreative troll, or a prejudiced person that hates everything that is different from them, congrats
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I don't know what's funnier: that there isn't a scrap of bait you won't
bite or that you think downvotes matter anywhere outside of crackwatch.
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I have never heard of Homestuck.

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Homestuck is a web comic, that either people love or hate it hahaha
If you like strange stories, that can be sometimes stupid and trashy, while other times being philosophical and heavy, than you could like it. But if you decide to try, I would suggest starting with the comic, then playing act 1 of Hiveswap, then Friendsim and Pesterquest, and only then coming back to play act 2 and then read Homestuck 2.
And, if you do read and like it, buy act 1 and 2, Friendsim and Pesterquest IF you can, if you cant theres no problem downloading here, but if you can these people are worth supporting.
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Now I know.
I checked and read what it is, after seeing your quarrels in the comments.
Not for me.
Thx for info.
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If you are not gonna read just because of fandom or quarrels etc, dont do that, dont let fandoms and opinions influence you on reading something that you could enjoy. But if you are not reading because its not the type of thing you like, then ok, its a shame but ok
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It's not about that.
I'm just not interested in comics too much.
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Then you probably wouldnt really like it hahaha
and don't ever try. It doesn't have any sense, also the fandom is full of SJW and trannies. You miss nothing.
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Oh look, a prejudiced idiot, how inovative huh? And you didnt read it, its very obvious, stopped where, act 1? Because you were sensitive to a main character being gay? Did your fragile masculinity got afraid you felt like him and then decided to stop playing and hate on it? Stop saying stupid bullshit.
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well, actually I'm woman. A cis, white hetero woman, the SJW worst nightmare.
Also, I stopped reading Homosuck around act 5.
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Oh so it was Rose's lesbian romance that made your fragile feminility shudder? Or was it Jade that activated your transphobia? Anyway, being prejudiced is ridiculous. Also really? Act 5? And you say it doesnt make sense? Were you really reading or just looking at images? Because at that time the story makes complete sense, it gets crazy a little later but it still makes sense
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my fragile what? >.<
You even spelled the word "feminity" wrong, sweetie.
Well, I must admnit that I'm sometimes kinda dumb,but you are even more dumber than me, darling.
Also, if you are such a fan, then what are you even doing here? Pirating game from your beloved franchise? Not nice, such a fan you are. :(
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Oh so the important part is focus on how I spelled wrong, because you dont have good arguments huh? Not even gonna try to refute how prejudiced you are, good to know the kind of person you are. And just so you know, english is not my first language, so yeah, I make a lot of mistakes, sometimes I forget how to spell certain words and all of that, what a fucking crime right?
Also, it seems you dont know how to keep scrolling, because otherwise you would see that I was here to tell everyone that, if they love Homestuck and can buy this game, they should, because its very worth it. I bought day one, and if I can help even one person to also buy it instead of pirating it, Ill be happy.
Oh and before you use the same stupid argument as the other person did, saying Im a hypocrite for being in a pirate website and all of that, just read my answer to him/her/them whatever and youll get it, if you dont ignore like you did with most things I said.
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ok, whatever, Roxie.
I had fun but I have enough of you.
Now be a good girl/boy/genderfluid shapeshifter and go back to Tumblr to masturbate to tranny aliens.
Bye bye.
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Because its easier to flee when you cant use any good arguments right? Why instead of me going, dont you go to twitter or whatever forum you use to hate on everything thats different from you? Your other prejudiced friends must be lonely without you there, bye
It was a online story using flash and some cheap animation. It was funny but not great.
I prefer RubyQuest
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I like Sweet Hella Quest.
It's a fan adventure and it's hilarious, I recommend.
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Well, yes and no. Was Homestuck trash in some parts? Yes, but that was one of the reasons it was funny and endearing. While some other parts were serious, interesting, creative. So yeah it was both not great and very great.
Ryoga Hibiki
Trust me, you don't wanna.
I LOVE YOU GUYS💕💕💕 I can play homestuck games thanks to you :DDD
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If you like Homestuck and can buy it, please do, its worth it
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Again, if you can, if you cant thats ok, but if you can please do support it
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you are in this site for an obvious reason kid
so quit the hypocrisy
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The hipocrite is you, even the websites that share pirated things say "support the devs", so stop saying bullshit. What do I download here? EA games, Ubisoft games, Bethesda games, games from multi million companies that milk everyone with their shit microtransactions. I bought this game, I buy titles from companies I want to support, even more if they are indie.
So you know what would hypocritical of me? If I said that this website should take this game down because the devs need the money, while downloading other games from here. I wont do that, but what I will do is, say if the game is good or not and if it deserves support or not,so anyone that WANTS or CAN do it, do it. So tell me, what wrong thing am I doing? Because Im pretty sure its nothing. Dont want to buy? Dont buy, also dont be a fucking piece of shit asshole.
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@sickxigma:disqus says hello by the way kiddo
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And? Funny how you just got the discussion in another direction and ignored everything I said right? Whatever, if you are just gonna say shit, go reply to someone else.
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actually the new homestuck game devs are kinda shitty from what i've been told
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They arent, most people are just pissed that Hussie is not completly involved in everything, even though he already made like, the sleketon of the stories and the other people just have to complete them. They are good, but its difficult for a lot of people to believe that others that arent the original writter can writte as well or even better, which is funny because many fan made homestuck stories are as amazing as Homestuck.
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ah my mistake then
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Its ok, there are a lot of people that unfortunately really think like that
Ryoga Hibiki
Homestuck Fandom

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It really is still just as bad as it was back in the day, and I actually liked the first half.
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Ryoga Hibiki
I'm not even gonna try going down that rabbit hole to understand it. There must be something good to merit such a following, I'll agree to that. But it says something when the drama was/is so bad that it hits the ear of those who want no involvement in the franchise at all.
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Well the first half of the series was essentially just dumb fun. A bunch of 11 year olds trying to survive in a world where they were bound to a ridiculous adventure game format that made doing anything at all inconvenient. The focus was on comedy and it was legitimately decent at it. Then the author decided to weave in a large scale adventure, and that went really well, too. Basically the gang had to hit the reset button on existence because they irreparably fucked up what they were supposed to do. During that first half, before the reset button was hit, even the trolls were bearable and were more of a parody of what the fanbase was starting to want: teen drama and shipping.
When the second half opened up it seemed to be almost entirely teen drama and shipping, only this time without a hint of parody. It just wasn't worth reading from that point. It might have gotten better over time, but I'd read about four novels worth of content up to that point and the new characters just weren't likable enough to read another four novels about them.
The fanbase on the other hand ate that awful shit up and will stop at nothing to tell you you're wrong if you didn't like it.
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Ryoga Hibiki
I see. I was told that the start was more akin to the humor found in 4chan/AlbinoBlackSheep/Newgrounds at their peak. Didn't know that's the same site where the "it keeps happening" meme spawned from. But then again, that's not Homestuck but a separate title. Nonetheless, I heard good things.
About the time I heard from my coworkers and friends (who are fans of Homestuck) about the shipping and how ridiculously and needlessly complexed it was is when I caught wind of how off the rails the fandom has gotten. Before all that I was like "neat, but it's not my bag, baby" to "nope". It says something that numerous anime/fandom cons have to place rules for a specific franchise due to previous mishaps. I'm sure they're not the only one and it's just the bad eggs, but that still isn't a good look for the community as a whole.
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You aren't wrong, and you've got good instincts. A fanbase gets big enough it turns into a hivemind, and not a pretty one. Homestuck's is something of a phenomenon. Even Undertale's fanbase isn't as bad, and that says a lot.
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Ryoga Hibiki
Heh. I've had my fill of hanging around the fandom crew back in my Evangelion days. But hey, without em around it wouldn't be as amusing to watch while keeping in check of one's own obsession... unlike some folks... nudge nudge, wink wink, say no more.
This one wasn't even a reply to you, Roxas. Admit it; you're in love with me.
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Behold a game about the only fan base worse than rick and morty, you may have never heard of it or even seen the characters but here it is and all his tainted glory homestuck... i actually heard both games are good point and click adventures on their own
Bruh, that was fast
now this, this is an epic gamer moment