It only happened with files under 100mb and only with Google Drive for some reason. Everything is tested and scanned before being uploaded, this website is virus free. If you get a trojan, it's false positive, like explained
I bought it a long time ago, back when it was still like $25. But before that I pirated it, because I normally pirate games I want to buy to see if they're worth the money. But it is a pretty fun game, no story really, just kinda capture and ride dino, fight other ones. It's a good solid 20 hours, or more, of entertainment depending on your style of games
i give it a try and theres so many bugs and the horrible ai
it needs a lot of work and its far from finished
Everything is tested and scanned before being uploaded, this website is virus free. If you get a trojan, it's false positive, like explained
EDIT: Just the base game, no dlc
No, never downloaded that game. It does look cool tho.