Rectification: Après avoir fini le jeu une cent-et-unième fois je me suis rendu compte que c'était vraiment une masterpiece. Ce jeu dépasse notre vision de pauvre humain faible ! Il faut penser plus loin que notre vision ! Notre but est de tuer le Grand Prêtre Hitler, et pour pouvoir oser le rencontrer il nous faut 14 memes, memes qui nous guide vers la voie de la sagesse donc Grand Prêtre Hitler. Une fois cette épreuve vers la rédemption passé on rencontre enfin notre Prêtre suprême: Hilter. Or notre but est de le tuer mais peu importe le nombre de grenade qu'il prend dans la tête il ne meurt pas, cela montre notre doute envers cette foi toute nouvelle en nous. Hitler se défend en nous tirant dessus pour qu'on puisse tout recommencer a l'infini et comprendre enfin sa grandeur. Mais hélas notre cerveau de pauvre humain pas évolué ne nous permet pas de le voir, on voit qu'un jeu débile, rigolo, sans vraiment de sens MAIS ERREUR ! Ce jeu est tellement profond que très peu de personne ne le comprenne. J’espère ne pas être la seule a avoir découvert ça et m'être élevé vers notre Grand Prêtre Hitler, notre sauveur a tous. Puisse vos âmes s'élever vers cette lumière éblouissante. -Rectification des reviews de Pépito et Granolax.-
Ce jeu était une agréable surprise je ne m'attendais pas a ce que le prêtre Hitler soit aussi attachant, charismatique et aussi bien écrit. Une personnage qui force l'admiration ! Notre personnage est tout aussi bien fait. J'aime tout particulièrement la texture de la peau qui est vraiment réaliste j'ai cru que c’était filmé en FMV MAIS NON!! J'ai recommencé le jeu une centaine de fois environ. Bien qu'une difficulté qui laisse a désirer tantôt trop dur tantôt trop facile, faudrait ce décider un peu ! bon je vous laisse je n'ai pas éteins le four ma maison crame la mais j'étais obligé pour un jeu aussi bouleversant. -Les reviews de Pépito et Granolax.-
You confuse the WASPs in the US back in the day, with the Jewnited States of America of today. Back in that day, the WASPs also had a jew problem, like Hitler did, and this is why they backed up and sponsored his war efforts to an extent, clearly always behind the curtains, to not be labeled anti-semites by the international communist party or if you prefer the (((media conglomerate))). I suggest you to look it up Henry Ford, The International Jew (4 volumes) book. It is very informative regarding the clash between WASPs and the international communist party, I mean jews. The later won off course, and they have acquired, merged or led to bankruptcy many of those who opposed their mafia cartel.
This game looks pretty awesome. Hot girls, Natsy's... But why am I shooting at Hitler? I only like to play Natsy games if I get to play as the Natsy's.
Sometimes IGG mods plant their bullshit DRM and other garbage inside of other cracker's work. Sometimes it's a false positive on the crack. Use at your own risk.
Digital rights management (DRM) is a systematic approach to copyright protection for digital media. The purpose of DRM is to prevent unauthorized redistribution of digital media and restrict the ways consumers can copy content they've purchased. Clearly you should educate yourself before spewing BS out of your shit hole.
Bro, crack from different warez teams can include malware like for example simpleX or maybe darkzer0, safest cracks are from codex, cpy, plaza, reloaded and gog instalations. And SOMETIMES unknown repacks can include malware! IGG mods don't plant malware in games, certain crackgroups do or unknown repackers.
i dont think you understand what DRM is... also igg only adds 3 files, the readme.txt and the links to his 2 main sites, all games are tested and scanned before upload so there is no risk
They never ever question reality, question the program, question reality, etc. They simply go with the flow, and do not display any kind of critical thought..
I wonder why you got downvotes for such an innocent message... Oh I know, it's just losers who are jealous of the privileged relationship we have. Aaaaaw come and hug me, honey. Let's make them more jealous. And happy new year to you!😊🎉🎊
hihihi,i totally agree,i think you know i like your mind(cuz more empathic+honest as someone may guess ,BIG 😘 to your heart),lets hug n cuddle purrrs like a cat🐱 ,those who knows us,know ;) and the rest we dont care.
there's a gaggle of young kids that have been downvoting people they just aren't friends with, or dislike for whatever kiddie reasons they got. The funny part is, they think that shit matters.
i didnt complain about shit, I find it hilarious you young twatwaffles care - it's pathetic, and really - why bother disliking a comment? maybe if y'all had a reason, but you don't - it just happens to be a bunch of really young kids who think internet validation is something to care about, when it ain't. have fun building that strawman though, lemme know how it comes out.
You legit Clicked here due to a sort of Curiosity or because you enjoy some aspect/genre of this has in the game. The question is, Do you like Hitler? Are Hentai?
its a shitty russian games made by shitty russian asset flipping ": devs " jesus kid, you really think somebody that gave a single shit abnout anime made this garbage? it's the same shjitty free to use vagina-less " hentai " model every asset flipping shitbag uses/
Action, Nudity, Anime game. Nothing much to do except kill Hitler and collect memes. Sounds are hilarious. And music is funny. No need to kill soldiers. Game works fine. Funny game.
You'll find that file on every DARKZERO releases, And yes it's harmless. It's useless to the game however so you may delete it, It's a bit of a signature.
finally! the game i have been waiting so long for! now if only igg would upload hentai sheriff, i requested it 50 times via text message, but he always says "stop texting me weeb" so i think it will be uploaded tomorrow
set AutoDLC to true(AutoDLC=true)
Hot girls,
But why am I shooting at Hitler?
I only like to play Natsy games if I get to play as the Natsy's.
That's always a good thing. It'd be weird if you wanted to be a Nazi. Hahaha. Haha.
Where is Steiner when we need him??
Clearly you should educate yourself before spewing BS out of your shit hole.
antiviruses mark reloaded cracks as game hacks or hack tool
but this simplex.EXE file is different
a brand of soap?
perhaps a breakfast cereal?
are you so stupid you don't know what a fucking brand even is?
I'd say looking at their proifile pic, it's this ^
Oh I know, it's just losers who are jealous of the privileged relationship we have. Aaaaaw come and hug me, honey. Let's make them more jealous. And happy new year to you!😊🎉🎊
The funny part is, they think that shit matters.
have fun building that strawman though, lemme know how it comes out.
The question is, Do you like Hitler? Are Hentai?
jesus kid, you really think somebody that gave a single shit abnout anime made this garbage?
it's the same shjitty free to use vagina-less " hentai " model every asset flipping shitbag uses/
It's useless to the game however so you may delete it, It's a bit of a signature.
who knows
you know MR. IGG on a personal level!?
I'm super jealous, can I have his autograph?
tell him to sign it - john IGG