In case anyone else wants to play this without waiting for a fix, extract the files from the .exe into a folder somewhere, download Apocalich from iggames and copy steam_api.dll and steam_appid.txt (not sure if the second one is needed but whatever) into the folder. It'll work after that. Prolly doesn't have to be Apocalich, but it's under 200 megabytes, so likely the fastest thing to download with guaranteed api files you can get.
i tried, it doesnt work. i'm confused because there is also no other game files than "heliopedia.exe" and the .nfo. isn't there sup[posed to be an ISO or an installer??
It'll work after that. Prolly doesn't have to be Apocalich, but it's under 200 megabytes, so likely the fastest thing to download with guaranteed api files you can get.
Nothing opens a Steam page for me though.