Haydee 2, with Haydee 1 mod and nude mod


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Censorship is from the game, turn it off in settings.
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nude mod doesnt work my friend, it's just pixels
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V a p o r Boii
Dont get why some people find this so vulgar when its perfectly fine for guys to appear as shirtless bodybuilders in videogames since forever.
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Because most people are unable to comprehend fiction from reality so they create a double standard when it comes to sexual topics which basically comes down to "fictional violence good but fictional sex bad".
That leads to even more double standards where no one cares if male sexualization exists but if female sexualization exists then it's somehow bad.
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They released a patch (v. 1.05) that fixed some stuff. Will you guys update it?
VIPHelperRob Conner
Thank You so very much, IGG-Games.com [admin], for sharing the latest build v.10603271 of this game which includes Patch v.1.0.16, released in Steam on 21.02.2023~!
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Is There Any Update on this game? cause the original one have a update
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A new update has dropped.
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Saving does not work. I interact with the device and hear the noise of operation, but file is not saved.
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And I already tried to run as an administrator.
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I've seen the problem. When the operating system had a problem, I had to turn on ransomware protection. For the saving to work again, just disable the protection or put the game in the scection list.
Yudo Budhi Wibowo
hey guys, can somebody help me, i've installed the game but it won't started, i've copy paste intire thing on iso into the game folder but it still won't started
Javier Clavel

Hola, despues de extraer el archivo Rar, no aparecen mas archivos para instalar el juego. Help me!
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MonsTer KiLL 07
es una iso. precisas un programa para leer y montar isos en dispositivos virtuales yo uso Daemon tools
she has a face now? ( ο½₯ oο½₯)
1.don discriminate the ogly aliens(XD)
2.using nude mod is ok
3.sencure= off ( diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmm sheeee weiii to tick)
4.hol the gun on all the dors aniting can hapen and don forget to to lock bijaid.
5.weit intel the mod comunity add som sox attack from the enemis( i don tink i can piuck is the opesed off relax is more like a horro eniting can hapen at eny moment aaaaaaaaaaaa)
6.loock at the masagas but don get distracted wen you are shuting.
7.wen you save the game hold the gun craush two time and stare at the puss ( o men sencure it most be offff diam dreaming is faaaaaaaaarrrrrr bion reality)
8.hack the gun dipens on the player you well not have inof ammo in some situations.
9.way are you reading dis garbich.
10.jus play the game and finished.
beyond the ass, is it any good?
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It's hard even if you choose the softcore difficulty, sometimes you'll go search online for a solution, no platforming unlike first one which I consider good and has a lot of mods and user made maps, so choose your poison.
pp sauce
it says that its darksiders and i dont want darksiders, is this a glitched crack?
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No, its a pp sauce.
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pp sauce
that dosent help me
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read my name
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Hey there. I initially wrote this comment as a reply to the guy who deleted his comment, but while I was writing he removed it. I'm posting it now here so other people can see it, and hopefully, the guy can come back and have a civil debate with me. It was not intended for you BaguetteOuttaHere, but I will reply it here none the less. The first time I did this it was marked as spam. Let's hope it doesn't happen again aye?
Enjoy lads.
I always like to imagine stuff like this (being sexually explicit
games) with reverse genders. Let us imagine that instead of a very
disproportionate looking woman, the protagonist is instead a hunky
Arnold Schwarzenegger with his chest wide open for the world to see and a bulge that can make a heterosexual man gay.
What would the reaction be from the gaming community? I argue this. Nothing.
Now I won't disagree with you, sexualisation most certainly can turn a
living thing, such as a human woman, into a sex object, but from the way
you phrase it, you are saying anytime sexualisation is brought,
whomever is being shown in a 'slightly less than what is acceptable in
public outfit' has immediately become a object of sexual desire. I
Revealing clothes, such as short skirts or
scandalous swimming wear don't necessarily suggest anything. There could
be a variety of reasons why one would chose to wear such attire (I'll
leave you to think up of a few). One could simply wish to feel more 'at
nature' as the nudist hippies would say. One might also simply enjoy
wearing unveiling some skin. These 2 are very valid reasons for choosing
to wear clothes which expose the (usually) smooth membrane. And with
these reasons, no objectification is created.
Alas, I will have to retract my own argument because of the stupidity of
english. First I would like to define 2 terms. Sexualisation and
What does it mean when something goes
through the process of sexualisation? Well, it generally means
attempting to create a sexual desire. In the 1830s, Mario Taglioni
decided that she wished to wear shorter clothes for her performances. I
would have imagined this had brought a little controversy to her and her
father's door step with angry people complaining about the revealing
skirt that she wore (omg it showed her ANKLES). During 1800s,
sexualisation would have been something as simple as letting one
(particularly a woman) show their ankles. Nowadays, sexualisation is
being naked in a compromising position, not showing off your ankles.
With this, I argue that sexualisation is not an objective term. Unlike
the shape of the earth, what we define as sexualisation can (and I
daresay it will) change. It is a subjective term.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, well, in this case so is sexualisation.
If you deem something as sexual then you, yes you, deemed it sexual. If
you saw a naked hippy and said they are sexualizing themselves, and the
hippy says they are only living with nature like how nature first
birthed them. How do you determine who is right? You don't. This isn't a
question asking if the earth is flat, it is something totally
different. This is a question which is a symptom of the evolution of the
human brain.
Im getting very philosophical with this aye :)
What is objectification? Well, Wikipedia has saved me once again so I'm not going to rant about it.
I'm going to conclude this. Sexualisation is not objectification.
Portraying sexual attraction does not permit turning a human being with
subjective feelings and opinions into a slave that can be traded freely
and who has no agency over their own life. My girlfriend sometimes wears
a lingerie before we do some good ol cardinal sin, but I never see her
as any less of a human. Of course, there is some objectification in
her because she obtains some of the traits of a fleshlight (being a tool
to obtain a dopamine release), but she still maintains most, if not
all, of the traits of a person, particularly the one to say, "stop, no
P.S. If I made a mistake somewhere within my argument
(i.e. logical fallacies) please point them out! Don't let this be an end
to argument, even more so if you have something to say my dude.
P.P.S. Don't insult yourself like that brotha.
P.P.P.S. If you know this reference you get a million dollars.
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Well said.
Damn that must have hurt to finish typing that whole essay just to hit refresh and see this comment was deleted. You seriously still posted it like whoever that commenter was is gonna see it and come have a civil debate with you on a pirating website about a topic you dont seem to have much first hand knowledge in.... oh wait first hand might be the only knowledge you do have on this topic. Anyways just a heads up you might have made a mistake in your argument so let me point it out to you. Your fleshlight is in fact an object so maybe dont refer to it as your girlfriend.
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I think you should reread the last line.
"Of course, there is some objectification in
her because she obtains some of the traits of a fleshlight (being a tool
to obtain a dopamine release), but she still maintains most, if not
all, of the traits of a person, particularly the one to say, "stop, no
I was very specific to point out the sexualisation is not always instant objectification, that was my entire argument. I might have made a mistake myself with the beginning of the last line when I said "sexualisation is not objectification." I should have have elaborated that it does not turn that which is not an object, (i.e. women) and instantly turns it into an object. My mistake. The guy who deleted his comment said sexualisation depraves women of something or something else and turns them into objects. I argued that the traits of an object are gained through sexualisation, but the person themselves is not turned into an object (that is why I used the fleshlight analogy).
So, in your words, the only women who are built like Haydee are never built like her naturally, and are stupid for looking like her.
This is your champion for feminism, people.
Mimpi Indah
is this game had some S** scene or somethin? or just some puzzle game
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jew media
Terry Nova the videogame.
Anything else about it is just gravy.
Watch Terry Nova bend over and crawl through a crawlspace from the future.
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Great description.
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3 soyboys are mad lol
Loverslab has mods. Just look up Haydee 2. Especially if you want the robot face back.
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poorman thanh
but how to really get the mods and dowload them and then put them in winrar ?
jew media
Lovers Lab are perverts with talent.
Its not all just weiner and vulva mods,
they do really nice sexy outfits and I've seen nice spell mods there that aren't on skyrim nexus.
As long as they're not pushing it on children, I dont care how much of a pervert you want to be as an adult. Dont follow me around if you dont like it.
This post is particularly disgusting. There are women out there who literally are built like Haydee. By calling her exaggerated and abnormal, you are insulting them. Shame on you.
If you don't like it, don't play it. There are plenty of shitty games that offend me, but I don't try to ruin it for the people who aren't offended via constant angry whining and demanding that moderators bend to your fragile ego. Spare me your false equivalencies, too. The existence of a woman with a fat ass isn't even close to the same ballpark as slave torture, and sexualization of either sex is perfectly fine to portray in a fictional setting. Sexy people exist in real life, therefore there's no reason they shouldn't in fiction. Your virtue signalling is obvious, naive, and embarrassing. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Here's your ideal video game female, bro
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oh boo hoo is someone mad because an actually decent metrioidvania has a big booty and tiddy character? its just a game dude who fucking cares
Amr enawy
idk... i thought that's how adult games work actually.
jew media
This game has a lot going for it.
The body is sexy appropriate.
The waist isn't all cartoon small for the size of the thingy's.
And it has some kind of butt physics when she's walking.
Which is a wonderful touch.
That's a display of 21st century coding and technology for a better mankind.
(elon musk and his boutique electric cars is an axxhole.)
But they should make teh thingy's size adjustable, like outfits.
Miramisu thingy's are the hypnotizing option for some scenario's,
but sometimes smaller ones are the superior weapon for the job.
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Some mods in the first game had variable sizes, so we might get more of that with this.
𝐁(q Y q)𝐁𝐀
Games For Cykits
She is thicker than a snicker but I prefer when she had robot head or helmet which ever it was
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The face kind of grew on me.
Alex TrollBoss
Jack did u know dad randals monday was made by an study of my country :D
jew media
Haydee's kinda hot!
I wanna point and click on that!
Jimmy Gorilla McRustle
Haydee 1: puzzle game
Haydee 2: combat game
That very much sums it just right.
Enthou Endhut
Somebody, please tell me that there are more than simple 'actions' in this?
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try out the first one, its much more puzzly it seems
This reminds me of a Loverslab mod for the Fallout 4 institute and somebody went way overboard with the CBBE body mod...
IDK why every time i play this game my tourette's syndrome is always kicking in.
Lady Alcina Dimitrescu
look out for these booby traps guys they are are very annoying!
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Niel Ivarez
Thanks for the heads-up man. I totally missed it at first since I was all distracted by that delicious and inviting potato chips bag.
Setting one of those mines down and killing something with it is like popping bubble wrap.
where is the editor ?
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Since there is no any actual executable for the Edith Editor, I figured it was just a command-line argument and I was right.

  1. Create a shortcut for "SteamGame.exe" and then open the shortcut file's properties.
  2. In the "Target" field, you should see the executable file's path, for example ("D:\Games\Haydee 2\SteamGame.exe") without the brackets.
  3. Simply add " -edith" after the path with a space, for example ("D:\Games\Haydee 2\SteamGame.exe" -edith) without the brackets.
  4. Launch the shortcut file and Edith Editor will start :)
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yeees it work thanks
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How to run game editor (edith?) coz cant find it..
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Since there is no any actual executable for the Edith Editor, I figured it was just a command-line argument and I was right.

  1. Create a shortcut for "SteamGame.exe" and then open the shortcut file's properties.
  2. In the "Target" field, you should see the executable file's path, for example ("D:\Games\Haydee 2\SteamGame.exe") without the brackets.
  3. Simply add " -edith" after the path with a space, for example ("D:\Games\Haydee 2\SteamGame.exe" -edith) without the brackets.
  4. Launch the shortcut file and Edith Editor will start :)
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Desth O
I took one look at Haydee and was blinded, because those 2 poked my eyes out.
ew she's all human n shiet
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Mods exist for a reason :)
I don't think she is
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Well... You're half-right. She's in a facility that turns humans into sex bots and her brain wipe didn't work out, giving her the opportunity to escape.
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Because of course that's the plot...
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Makes sense. Definitely explains the posters, magazines, vending machines...
PΓ‘trisz Maskulin
Whats this for a Brainless Game?
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Come back here and nag again until you can get at least the Night Vision, yes the over sexualized stuffs are dumb I like it but not fully like it, yet the game still gives you a good puzzles while still trying to refresh your brain from everything bad happening in the game from the oversized fanservices
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To be fair I'm liking that the sexualization is woven into the narrative. What this facility is doing is just as disturbing as a survival horror game (which this pretty much is) should be.
92% ratings out of 130 people base on steam as of Nov. 25, 2020.
Who doesnt love some nice πŸ‘ and πŸŽ‚ lol
Denis Roadmen
So she was not robo girl? she was cosplaying? And what's wrong with her face? Was her
face made by sjw?
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Read the entire notes and beat the game before talking nonsense, yes I was shocked at 1st why the protagonist is still a human, about the face it's probably the game dev female fantasy, I don't like it either but I'm not "judging" the dev for his own game that he made, create a game or mod for this game by yourself then you can speak everything you like
This is a different model from the one in the original game i'm pretty sure
Denis Roadmen
i hope mods fix this issue ;)
Kamil Adem
Haydeee means in turkish language, "what da fuck is this now". i think 1 programer is turkish guy :D
Temmie Plays!
name should've been: Hey Double D's, amirite hehehehehehehehehehehehehhe
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boob haha
This how you promote boring puzzle games.
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The Common Concept
Sex sells, especially for bachelors and gamers.
I'm a simple man. I see Haydee, I download.
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nice mechanics
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These are better:
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but bad game
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Deus Ex: Invisible War
Was thinking the same thing lol.
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i dont feel any regret for deleting that crap tbh
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Deus Ex: Invisible War
Maybe so, but all the new street fighter games are trash compared to the 90's version and EX plus/alpha series.
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not really since they use this game in a similar way
for reskinning
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Deus Ex: Invisible War
also maybe its just me, but what's up with the extra charging of money to play as characters that are already suppose to be default characters? notice alot of games are doing it, especially mortal kombat. its like the ultimate scamming happening.
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Ryoga Hibiki
Worse when the characters are already in the data/disc upon release and you're literally paying for the key to unlock em. Street Fighter 4 was all about that at launch.
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crapcom being crapcom
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Ass and a cake, wow that's gameplay right there.
Iale Idioma
one was enough
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wont be surprised if the dev copy paste it for a 3rd game :P
Blue Bomber
has decent and smooth graphics
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there goes the censor lol, is it really necessary ?
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Blue Bomber
its a bonus xD. so smooth and fluffy eh?
How you always posting your videos everywhere in threads on IGG ? Are you a staff member ? Can I do it too ? because after reading the rules I dont think you allowed bru
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it's not against the rules, if you want you can do it too, just don't spam, while it's not a rule set in stone, we appreciate limiting yourself to one video per thread.
That is, one video per person in each thread. it's not a rule set in stone, but it's general advice.
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i dont think showing the booty its offensive, i mean theres already a lot of youtube videos of girls showing the booty, it would be if she was naked showing the pussycat and the hole
but anyway, in a scale of 10 how much you give it?
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𝐁(q Y q)𝐁𝐀
yea i mean youtube even has "nude yoga" its education
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yeah right its education (Ν β‰– ΝœΚ–Ν β‰–)
Blue Bomber
yes, but it will be considered as soft nsfw foor booty. its good, the gameplay is fluid, typical of unreal engine, lo lags so far with decent graphics, but its too hard, need more hints, no indicator there is a weapon lying on the floor
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It's a proprietary engine that shares its name with the game, so it's called Haydee according to the dev while Edith is just the name of editor which I assume stands for Editor Haydee: https://steamcommunity.com/app/530890/discussions/0/1692662484259302181/
This is a game where you're supposed to play with lot of trials and errors.
That's the reason you have unlimited saves.
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Nifft Batuff
How much does it cost for a save?
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Few brain cells.
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you can show some fat tiddies and pussy on youtube, it just has to satisfy the guidelines, look up like indigenous amazonion women or somthing and you'll see some tiddies, it just has to be considered educational or a cultural thing or somthing, and if you tag and advertise you're hentai game playthroughs correctly, as a guide or walkthrough it wont get taken down
✠ | JadeusTibedes | ✠
I give it cum/10
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i knew someone would gave me that reply Β¬β€ΏΒ¬
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"Try the following in game, aim your gun, press crouch, then press crouch again, then s, and then s again." someone comments this...I think it is asking us to help verify the control...I volunteer myself.
Wait, they made a second one? Oh boy, the modding community is going to go wild on this one, much like they did for the original one
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theres not much difference from the 1st game
well except that this one seems to be crossing the line with the NSFW
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From the description it seems like this game will contain shooting, something the first game didn't have or barely had
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It is way better than the first installment, these people just haven't bothered playing the game so they just say it's the same. Not just the game but the optimization is also significantly better.
Also, you can toggle jumping and dodging via editor tool, it's present in the game but just is unused.
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I mean it's not like the first game was THAT good to begin with
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How about just shut the fuck up and try the game for yourself? You're already on a pirate website so it doesn't cost you anything.
If you like it enjoy it otherwise uninstall and move on.
I'm being blunt because what's "good" is completely subjective so just because a person doesn't find it good doesn't mean others won't.
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How about you watch your fucking mouth and don't assume i never played either game, how about that? Both games are MEDIOCRE and made only for looks over substance, PERIOD
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It's a puzzle/combat game with a busty ass robot, that's exactly what you get, what else do you want? You expect the game to suck your tiny dick or something?
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I expected nothing and i got nothing back. Because that's what this game and the previous one was: Nothing. Now are you going to shut your sheep mouth or am i going to have ot block you?
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Lmao, looks like kid got offended majority of people enjoy the game.
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No, i think you're confusing me with you. You know, the actual kid who got offended someone doesn't like the same things he does. If you look at steam reviews, the vast majority are idiots drooling at the character's looks, they don't even mention anything else. Yeah some legit positive reviews that are ACTUALLY reviews and not just a moron drooling at pixels on a screen but the vast majority? No no. Enjoying is far too good a word for what people are saying about this game, they are "enjoying" this as much as you can enjoy an interactive porno. Now then off to my block list you go
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Not really, I'm not mixing anyone.
I don't care what anyone else likes or dislikes.
If you don't like the game, why are you here, on a thread of a pirate website for the game?
Exactly the reason I pointed out how you're offended by others enjoying the game which is the reason you feel the need to troll here.
The fact that you're saying "x review is true, y review is false" says it all as opinions are completely subjective, just because you think a review is false doesn't mean the person who wrote the review didn't enjoy the game.
So, again, the majority of people says otherwise so continue whining and then blocking when you've got no actual argument.
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Dark Sorceress
nice didnt know there was a second one out
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It's good too. Leans more into Resident Evil style gameplay, especially REmake 2, but it does it well. About as brutally hard as the first one.
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Dark Sorceress
ooh what games you been playing lately ? anything new in general ? Merry early christmas btw lol its snowing here i hope its all gone and warmer by the morning
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Hey, merry Christmas! I've been replaying Sekiro lately after finishing Jedi fallen order, which was surprisingly really good. Also played Mafia remake which brought back memories of playing the original. I'm about ready for something a little more Japanese lately lol.
It's cold over here too, but it's that annoying just barely at freezing cold so more icy rain than snow. I'm more than ready for warmer too.
Hbu? Any new games lately?
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Dark Sorceress
lol deff hoping for a warm christmas , you have any plans for it ? i downloaded a few games i wanted to play a few days ago but i been running all over town everyday for my parents i havent got to sit down and do much lately , but i got that one that just come out plastic rebellion downloaded wanting to try it soon as i get a day at home finally which should be tomorrow since its supposed to be around 20 or so degrees here a great day to sit inside and do nothing but game allday i hope and watch overlord season 3 which seems to get worse every season lol
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Was definitely interested in plastic rebellion. Used to play the Army Men games way back and it has a similar idea. Christmas plans are probably what I always do, visit relatives, eat, swap gifts, try not to freeze. It's gotten a lot busier here too. Still haven't beaten all of Dragon Quest 11 since I'm at the part where you have to straight up grind past lvl 60 or you'll get killed by everything.
Haha yeah I wasn't as crazy about overlord season 2 either. I should just get around to finishing it. What I'm really waiting for is Promised Neverland season 2 but I haven't heard anything on it yet.
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Dark Sorceress
lol yea im freezing also i just got home good thing i left my heater going its in the low 40s ill get used to it ina few days , everyone comes over at my house for christmas so ill have to do alot of cooking for a day or two ahead of time and still have to gift shop thank goodness amazon helps me with that so i dont have to leave the house , promised neverland i never heard of it ill check it out though , gonna force myself to watch overlord season 3 just to finish it out lol really wish we got more good games like plastic rebellion instead of all the early access indie games daily , hows your week going so far though ?
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Busy so far lol.
Promised Neverland was a damned good anime. All I can say about it is a handful of orphans' lives depend on learning the secrets of their orphanage. It's probably the only legitimately tense horror anime out there. I watched the first episode to the end just to try it out and holy fuck I was hooked. Let me know if Overlord s3 ends up getting good later on!
How's your week been?
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Dark Sorceress
my week has been cold and raining and hoping it warms back up lol and trying to find out why my car puts out hot air on the drivers side and cold on the other side its weird i just got it last week , i hope its not a expensive repair if i get the part i might can get my uncle to do it , im hoping i can get to stay at home today for once lol , i checked out some of promised neverland its pretty good liking it so far ! its 23 degrees here atm so i can stay inside and just watch anime but says its gonna get up to 58 ina few days atleast , im still looking forward to rune factory 5 coming out soon hopefully also , did you ever play those ?
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I haven't broken into Rune Factory but I really love Harvest Moon so it was always on my list. I remember playing Innocent Life all the time way back on my hacked PSP. It was basically supposed to start a Sci Fi version of Rune Factory, but it flopped. I may start with RF 5 when it comes out. Especially now that I finally beat DQ11. Such a great game, but the third act is a huge difficulty spike. When you beat the real final boss, you know you earned it.
Your A/C problem doesn't sound like it should be insanely pricey, especially if you have a mechanic uncle. Is it a brand new car?
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Dark Sorceress
2012 camaro i got last wednesday , ust drove it 3 times since then lol to cold to drive it much without the heater working right but ill drive itmore tomorrow , title supposed to get here then also then i can finally get a tag for it , yea its weird one side is hot and the other vent right beside it is cold lol , do you use emulators ? if so you could download the rune factory roms for free , the first 4 was for nintendo ds the 5th is for switch and i dont have one so i guess il wait till the emulator for it is working better , or check on it later and see how far its come maybe i can just get the rom for it , wish they would put it on pc , how was your day today tho ? do anything fun ? i just sit home allday trying to stay warm but its not as cold as yesterday atleast , nice job beating dq11 i never played it but it always reminds me of blue dragon a anime i used to watch
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Good ol' Akira Toriyama was the head art director for both DQ and Blue Dragon; same guy who created Dragon Ball Z. Dragon Quest is the oldest JRPG series and easily one of the best. They're long even by JRPG standards, though. 11 took me about 80-90 hours, and I didn't have the will to 100% it.
Mostly I've just been relaxing today. Helped my own uncle put up Christmas lights yesterday, and he's one of those competitive types who has to outlight everyone on his block, so it was work lol.
And yeah, I've got just about every emulator. Back when I had a potato for a computer, my SNES and Genesis emus were a lifesaver.
I wish I could help out more with your car situation. I don't know the first thing about cars. I did find this forum post from somebody who had the same situation with a 2012 Camaro, but that was about it:
Definitely ask your uncle about it though just in case that forum poster was being stupid.
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Dark Sorceress
lol outlight everyone on the block thats great , sounds like my neighbors to the left of me , theyre hard core drug dealers but they always have to have the best lights up for christmas and fancy stuff for halloween lol , thank you ill check it out i hope it doesnt cost much to fix im having a rough time as is finding 18 inch wheel covers for it lol they come pretty far with the switch emulator i think just got to get the rune factory 5 rom when its out but in the meantime you might like the first 4 in the series theyre really fun just wish they was longer than what they are cause theyre really fun you get married in game and have a kid and after you beat the game it starts a second game with a new story i think where you play as your kid but keep most of your skills etc hows your day going ? i hope its warmer than here
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That sounds awesome. I like generational leaps like that, where you can keep your family line going and play as your kids, and then their kids, etc. There isn't enough of that out there.
It's been more running around but it has been a little warmer, in the 30s instead of the 20s, above freezing for once lol. Any warmer over on your end?
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Dark Sorceress
abit warmer was nice yesterday then around 2 it started raining set in all night and made it colder again lol its cloudy now out and looks like it could rain anytime , i just got back inside its like 40ish out there not to bad but the winds blowing alot so a good day to stay inside or go driving around for fun lol hows ur day , any plans ?
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Man, it's been raining here too lately. Knocked the temp down by 10 degrees easy. Right now I've got all my Christmas stuff squared away and it's just video games and hanging with my couple of friends between work. Been playing Demon's Souls (the original, not the remake, no way am I getting a first run PS5 lol; too many problems like the GPU overheating) and Mafia remake.
How've you been lately?
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Dark Sorceress
lol yea same no ps5 ill stick to pc gaming , its cold af it finally stopped raining and the wind blowing 24 7 now it just left everything cold lol gonna see if i can get my ac and heater fixed soon so i can actually drive my car some this winter without freezing , nice u got ur friends video games for christmas ? idk what to get my bro ill prolly get him a drone or a ssd im not sure yet lol i just hope its warmer tomorow so i can get out some you said its raining there also ? are you near alabama ? its a frozen hell here right now it feels like cant wait till summer comes then i can go to the creek
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Lol nah I got 'em gifts, but no games. They're both notorious pirates like me so there wouldn't be a point haha. We've actually been playing emulated Demon's Souls off and on since there are private servers. It's usually just working on invading each other to give each other a hard time.
I wouldn't say I'm extremely near Alabama, but I am in the south. Texas to be specific. Similar weather somewhat but you guys have the better trees.
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Dark Sorceress
lol pirates life for me , always sail under the black flag 🚒🏴 if i payed for every game i got id never have money for anything else lol , demon souls sounds cool i think i heard of it before and oh texas nice i go there alot well used to more to see my cousins around fort worth i think it was ? and outside dallas forgot exactly where near some place called caney creek i think also i been there so many times dozens and forget now where they live lol havent been there in about 15 years though its a allday drive for me my cousins all got older and moved away i think but theyre normies so its ok 🀣 i just woke up feel like going back to sleep least i can look outside n see its sunny for once and kinda warm im hoping it gets back up to 70 i wanna go driving some later for fun if you was here id take us to grab some breakfast at the gas station they make great cheeseburgers all natural beef 🀀
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That's wild; I live near Ft. Worth! I've got one of those gas stations too it sounds like. Added to the side is the best independent sandwich shop I've ever eaten at. People actually come for miles just to eat there. They say the chef has a gift, and I believe it. Used to get breakfast there all the time too.
Demon's Souls is great, but it's really, and I mean REALLY hard and unforgiving. The same team went on to make the Dark Souls series, Sekiro, and Bloodborne, all of which are also just as hard if not harder. The satisfaction of killing a boss, though, is unmatched.
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Dark Sorceress
lol sounds rough my brother plays those dark souls games and another called sekiro or something and always plays it on the hardest difficulty and has to beat it on it , i dont get it but i like watching him die over and over in 2-3 hits though lol he finally beat it a few weeks ago on the hardest setting idk why , i always play on normal or easy lol , i just woke up its cold af here frost on everything and im hoping the sun comes out at some point and warms it up like yesterday , wish i could find another game like rune factory until 5 comes out maybe ill play the one for gamecube on emulator that one was really fun , they have so many harvest moon games , theyre fun love those , you tried them ?
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The dark souls/sekiro/bloodborne series is a can of worms, believe me; if it hooks you, it becomes a second home. That hardest setting? It's the ONLY setting. None of them have difficulty sliders and you have to get creative to make the games easier (like picking a mage build, which gets crazy OP and lets you take care of a lot of hard enemies fast). Basically the team that makes them didn't like that games in general were getting easier, and went the opposite direction, and other people who felt the same way jumped on it big time.
I haven't played the mainline Harvest Moon games in years, but I got really into Stardew Valley awhile back. Reminded me of the SNES version. Really well done game.
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Dark Sorceress
ooh sounds rough ill stick to watching other people play those dark soul games lol did u ever try red dead redemption 2 ? was thinking of trying it soon but after waiting so long for it to be cracked the hypes dead now and not as interested in it as i used to be just wish we had more good games completed like it out sometimes , i hope cyberpunk 2077 will be good other than that idk if theres any major games i like coming out , what about you ? maybe i should go back to pokemon mystery dungeon great game one of my favorites , i like some of the pokemon creepypastas , do you ever listen to creepypasta stories on youtube ? or do you like scary stories
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Probably a good idea. Dark Souls is hell. They're awesome, some of the best video games out there, but it is not easy by any stretch.
Definitely play Red Dead Redemption 2. Really beautiful game with a really good story and I'd even recommend playing 2 before 1. The first game actually felt like a sequel even before 2 was announced.
I'm pretty hype for cyberpunk, but I'm cautious too. It'll pretty much be free though so I'm not too pessimistic lol. I loved the Witcher games so it's near the top of my list.
I used to read creepypastas all the time when they were in their prime. Every now and then there's still a good one that pops up. I'll usually read random SCP Foundation entries, too. You ever hear about those?
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Dark Sorceress
scp whats that ? i just heard of creepypasta s thru a friend on world of warcraft lol hows ur day been so far though ? i got up worked out some and its been cold af and windy allday my mother had me buy a gps caus ei get lost so easy in town lol ebay people take days to send stuff out sometimes way to long i prefer amazon since i got a month long free prime trial now , ill order some cheap stuff and have the ups here everyday for fun lol i have witcher 3 and tons of mods for it but i havent installed it yet i been wanting to tho , lol every game is free for us πŸ‘πŸ΄im so glad i dont have to spend 60 for a single game any more , could hardly ever afford one pirating is the best , also have sims 3 and 4 tons of mods for them i wanna try later i gotta get a big enough hdd to hold them all lol hope your staying warmer than i am atm oneday itll be nice and sunny again , i really like the pokemon creepypasta but they havent been the same since like 6 or so yrs ago when they had the good ones now all they make about pokemon is no good lol
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SCP Foundation (the site is http://scp-wiki.net) is some crazy shit. Basically it's a website that pretends its a secret government archive that lists haunted objects, buildings, monsters, all kinds of stuff. It all started with this pic and it blew up. It's basically just hundreds of horror stories in one site.
Witcher 3 is crazy good and you don't have to play the first two since I haven't yet and still loved 3. The DLC is also great and is about as big as the game itself.
Speaking of working out I miss my gym. It just reopened but I've gotta reregister which means I can't go back till I get paid.
But yeah, creepypastas went downhill about 6 years ago like you said. Feels like all the best ideas were already put out. Goat Jump, the Lavender Tone, Happy Appy, there was a lot of really great stuff back then.
You ever read Junji Ito's stories? Great manga artist and writer who has that same vibe. His shit is damned scary.
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Dark Sorceress
lol nice ill check it out , its finally starting to warm up some today im hoping it doesnt rain and make it all cold again , junji nope ill look him up tho thanks , cyberpunk finally got released cant wait to try it out soon as they release all the files for it which i hope is today or soon atleast , its supposed to be 68 tomorow if it doesnt rain itll stay 68-75 for most of the winter lol last yr or so on christmas it was 75 and great lol any plans for the weekend ? its actually warm and sunny i wanna get out soon and go somewhere so i can enjoy it since it gets dark around 430 now , if you lived in alabama id invite you along with me ! maybe a quick trip to town grab a foam cushion for my car since the passenger side sits extra low for some reason lol idk if all camaros are like that ?
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I do appreciate that invite. You seem cool to hang out with. Already got the preload for Cyberpunk, just waiting on the EXE to drop (in about 4-5 hours) so I can play some of it while waiting for the day 1 patch lol. I know what you mean about it getting dark at 4:30. Feels like the middle of the night by 6. Crazy shit. Glad it's warmer over there, though, same story here in TX. It's a nice break before winter really kicks off.
The one or two times I've ridden in a camaro I can confirm, those seats are low as hell lol.
What're your plans for your cyberpunk character? I'm on the fence. Either I wanna be a small guns hitman with high hacking or Macho Man Randy Savage with gorilla arms.
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Dark Sorceress
lol no clue what char to make , wish i could watch you play though cant wait to finish the download and for baldurs gate 3 to get patched up fully , it was like 62 here allday nice n warm for once and supposed to be 68 tomorrow if this keeps up winter will spoil me and ill get to have a warm christmas where i can go around in shorts again and a tshirt , how was your day ? my cousin n his wife coming back for christmas they was here for thanksgiving , his wife ask my mother if she could take some leftovers home with her since there was alot left she went out bought 4 big bowls and come back loaded em full took everything lol she woulda took the pineapple upside down cake but she only left it cause she thought it was cornbread hahaha 🀣🀣🀣
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Liking Cyberpunk so far, and it looks and plays good as long as you set a certain setting to medium. Decided to go with an evil looking Corpo guy with a guns/hacking focus and it's been really nice so far. Really dense city that's really comfy to just walk around in. Even the release version isn't as buggy as the memes say, but I made the mistake of downloading the preload GOG version which didn't come with the day 1 patch. I either have to wait for a new patch (which isn't out yet???) or just download the Codex version and transfer my saves lol.
All my aunts have pretty much come to town and had christmas dinner early for some reason haha. One's a hell of a great cook, though, so nobody was complaining
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Dark Sorceress
lol nice im glad your liking it , is it as fun as you was hoping it would be ? did it live up to the hype , i was gonna get it but was sorta scared to after what everyones been saying and it not working but if it worked good for you then maybe ill go ahead n get it , is it first person only all game long ? i gotta watch some gameplay videos of it only one i seen was that linus guy and he ruined it by micro analyzing every detail of the background lol hows your weekend going so far ?
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I never get hype for major games until about a few days before release. It's basically a mental block because E3 Ubisoft trailers were constant lies for so long lol. Better to look at a game right before it's out so I don't get overhyped on prerendered "gameplay" trailers. The 1.00 release was definitely the buggiest mess I've played since Witcher 3 1.00 which was really bad before its own fixes. It's also giving my graphics card an exercise (I'm keeping a consistent 30fps, but that's mostly because I'm using an older GPU). That said even the Day 1 patch fixes most of the bugs and it got really nice from that point. Putting in the second patch now and I'll tell you it if made much difference.
The gameplay itself, when it works, is really fun. It's definitely not as brainless as Skyrim's combat. Enemies will try to hide and take cover or flank you, and killing them off is really satisfying, especially with a shotgun. The atmosphere is great and everything has a ton of detail which I really look for in a game. The map is a place I can just kind of take some time to walk around in. Dialogue is also good, better than Fallout 3 but quite as in depth as Fallout New Vegas. You get some different dialogue options depending on how you start the game, though. Like a nomad will be able to say something and a corpo will have the option to say something different since he wasn't raised in the desert.
Haven't made it to Keanu yet, mostly because I keep doing sidequests.
You can only go third person while you're driving and that's it. Kind of a bummer but Kingdom Come Deliverance was the same way so I'm used to it.
Not sure if you're into DrDisrespect, but he's got the game on supermax settings and it looks gorgeous. He plays like you'd expect a pro FPS streamer would play too. Seems like he likes the combat.
So far my weekend's been good. Mostly just messing around with cyberpunk lol. How bout you?
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Dark Sorceress
lol same i try not to get hyped up cause i know on release for pc itll usuually be full of bugs and have to wait for a patch or some fix lol like my friend who played red dead 2 had to undervolt his gpu just to get it to launch lol , 30 fps what gpu u using ? i was wanting one of the new series but theyre sold out everywhere like the ps5 is lol , cant find any gpus unless you buy em from a scalper on ebay i think , so you liking it alot then ? i think ill downoad cyberpunk in a month then when they have all the stuff fixed lol , looks like i gotta get a new headlight for my car or go to a junk yard find one there cheap i hope , its so cold here in the mid to low 30s cause it rained for 2 days straight i been up since 7 and i feel like the days flew by lol hows ur day going tho ? i got my bro a gaming mouse for christmas he needed easy gift lol
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RTX 580. I can go higher, but I usually keep modern offline games locked at 30 because I'm paranoid about GPU overheating; it's a personal phobia lol (online games on the other hands I try to get as high as I can). I probably do need to get a juicier GPU down the line, but they get crazy expensive. I'm a pirate for a reason lmao.
That said a lot of people except for the best of the best are having hard times getting Cyberpunk at 60 on max settings. I'm more than used to stable 30 since I prefer the visual quality.
If you have a backlog, waiting isn't a bad thing. I did the exact same thing when Witcher 3 came out and it similarly went from buggy mess to masterpiece in a few months. Can confirm though, Cyberpunk so far is worth it. A lot of stuff to do, bigger RPG system than I expected, beautiful world map, story's solid as hell so far. There are still some bugs, but I'm in love.
It's been raining here like crazy, too. Just been freezing my ass off and getting cheap stuff for relatives mostly lol. Only ten days till Christmas. It's been flying by.
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Dark Sorceress
hahah thats great yea me also pirate cause i dont wanna waste what money i got lol even if i was rich id still pirate all my games lol rx 580 is really good its what my bro is using its great for 1080 and 1440 gaming and i wont upgrade again till i upgrade my whole pc in like 3 yrs , as long as my gtx 1060 can play them with no problems im good , sides maybe the 3080s will be cheaper in 3 years and available , lol you sound like you having fun there about the same happening here raining and cold staying in allday cept for my daily jog to the pond and back and i wanna download it asap i heard theres dlc coming out for it ill have to google it later though , wish i could watch you play , the mail is super slow atm my car title still hasnt got here after 2 and half weeks
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Dang man. It can't be much longer. You'll get that title in no time I promise.
And yeah, exactly. Games can be a huge money sink if you aren't careful. I've got bills and stuff lol.
I've been hearing stuff about DLC, too. They announced some free packs down the line (like they aren't all free lmao) and apparently there's gonna be a new story pack too.
I'm not too worried about the complaints; a lot of them are valid, especially when it comes to consoles, but it isn't hurting their PC sales at all. It'll just get better over time until it's basically Witcher 3 all over again. Even right now it's still number one on SteamDB for players, right next to CSGO.
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Dark Sorceress
yea i texted the guy back i bought it from he said the mails backed up and to wait another 2 weeks lol and yea i think cyberpunk topped sales in history or something i read ? cant wait for the game to have all the bugs worked out and all the dlc released i really wanna try it and maybe baldurs gate 3 to im not sure about that one yet but it does look good , i just wok eup its been raining all night and allday so much for seeing the sun again this week lol i guess im stuck with gloomy cloudy skies and rain for the next 3 months lol it rains all winter here , puppies finally started walking i been playing with them got 5 of them i gotta get rid of soon , 7 dogs is 5 to much for me lol you looking forward to the weekend ? any plans for it im hoping ill be able to see the sun finally lol
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Have a couple of dogs myself. Usually end up with a litter one way or another before the next generation kicks in, so I'm no stranger to that feeling lol.
Mostly just traveling to folks, more Christmas stuff. I've kind of got a big family I keep in touch with, down to like third cousins, so it takes some time.
With you on that Cyberpunk DLC. Somebody's already found parts of a new big map in the game's code so that's exciting. Dunno if you played Witcher 3, but its big DLC, Blood and Wine, had a map that was almost the size of the main map with almost as much to do. It was amazing. Probably the biggest expansion to a game I've ever played.
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Dark Sorceress
yep have withcer 3 and tons of mods forit but i been slow getting around to it lol what about you anything new any new games lately or you still working on cyberpunk ? how far did you get in it ? it was actually sort of warm here today felt nice for once im hoping its warmer tomorrow i gotta find someone here to put the spoiler on my car for me , will a regular mechanic do it maybe ? i called a couple body shops they said they dont do it , whoever does it i hope they dont charge a arm and a leg lol do you work on cars any ?
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Sadly I've kind of been too busy to even hop on my PC half the time. That said I'd say I'm about a quarter of the way through the game so far.
Yeah, I've been feeling it getting a little warmer here. Texas weather means that it'll be like 75 degrees one day and 15 the next. I'm almost used to it since I've lived here my whole life lol.
I dunno about how much it'll cost, but somebody's gotta install a spoiler somewhere. I'd say ask a third mechanic if he can do it and if he says no, ask him if he knows anybody who can.
As for me I know next to nothing about cars. My uncle knows absolutely everything though and I usually just ask him for advice lol.
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Dark Sorceress
just ask him for advice huh haha same with my uncles they like know all kinds of stuff about em and i just go to them , been busy huh ? i just got back from the gas station only place close by within 15 miles i can get burgers at lol and had to rescue a puppy that ran off following its mother i got 2 left gave away 3 other day to guy that come to deliver some food lol i been geting in bed earlier tho and feeling better than i was when i stayed up till 2 or 3 , happen to know any good movies ? i just watched max mad 4 fury road the other night really good movie , if you have any favs id check em out since im looking for more πŸ‘
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Fury Road is godtier, yeah. Way better than I was expecting. I'd say watch Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior if you haven't. Older, but easily just as good. It's a classic.
Ilso really liked Mad Max 1, but you have to make sure you get the original undubbed version. Back when it came to America, some idiot thought Americans didn't understand an Australian accent and overdubbed the whole thing with American voice actors. It was awful. The one with the real voices turned out way better.
Mad Max 3: Beyond Thunderdome is probably my least favorite but that whole Thunderdome fight cannot be missed.
I'm a huge movie buff. Just ask what you have in mind and I'll tell you if it exists lol.
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Dark Sorceress
lol thats great i recently started watching movies some i hadnt been for a few years cause most of the stuff they put out now isnt worth watching so i have to go back to the 90s and back to find anything good when movies was actually decent , my fav is The exorcist the original from 70s i think , rest after it in the series was just ok most of em dont live up to the original in many movies lol whats your fav ? if you know any good horror movies love to hear em so i can take a look i just watched cool hand luke other day pretty good movie , you seen it ?
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lol I remember how weird Exorcist 2 was in particular, with the sci fi machines trying to figure out what the demon was.
My favorite horror movie is probably Jacob's Ladder, from 1990 (NOT the remake from 2019, that's terrible). It's one of the biggest inspirations for Silent Hill, especially Silent Hill 2, and it shows. Really well directed atmospheric horror. If you like horror, and haven't seen it, it's one of the best.
I've also really gotten into weirder Italian horror like the original Suspiria and Phenomena. They're generally English language with American actors, so no need to deal with subtitles. Like I said though, they get weird as hell from time to time.
Haven't seen Cool Hand Luke yet, but I've always wanted to watch it. The late '60s were a golden age of filmmaking, most directors really giving it all they had. Need to get into more Steve McQueen movies, too, like Bullitt and Great Escape.
I'm with you on most movies these days. They just aren't as good for the most part, though sometimes a really good one shows up. David Cronenburg's son is directing now. There's this new movie Possessor by him that looks pretty damn good that I'm thinking of watching. Cronenberg himself is great, especially The Fly and Videodrome. Great horror movies.
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Dark Sorceress
ooh jacobs ladder nope havent seen it but ill check it out ina few minutes ! thanks , weird italian horror huh lol sounds interesting id like to see a few , the fly huh good stuff i think theyre was 3 or so of them i watched em with my aunt awhile ago , like movies like that and robocop the originals was always good even tho cant get anyone to watch em with me here they all wanna watch new crap but yea sometimes come across a good one made nowdays just hard to think of any off the top of my head lol i seen quite a few of stephnen kings movies my aunt used to have them going at her house 24 7 almost it seemed , i remember going over around 5 or 6 yrs and being scared of that clown movie IT , good day to watch movies though its raining here not alot to do , gonna be cooking tomorrow my cousin n his wife the fat ones are coming over i like em but his wife constantly coughs all around the food and says its her allergies lol and she wakes me up at like 7 or 8 am coughing and when i try talking to her she ignores me ill have to ask her 3 times before she answers me you have any plans for christmas eve and christmas ? you going to parents or families ? i just hope its not raining allday on christmas so after i eat i can actually go outside , or maybe just stay in and watch horror movies or vincent price movies hes one of my fav actors , whos yours ?
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Vincent Price is way up there with me. Any horror regular from around that era ended up being some of the greatest actors out there. Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing are another two of my favorites, cut from the same cloth. Lee in particular had a crazy life. He was one of the inspirations for James Bond back in World War 2, as in he'd go on undercover missions and everything. Even crazier, he was step-cousins with Ian Fleming, who wrote James Bond in the first place.
I'm pretty much near most of my family. Most of them live pretty nearby so we all keep in touch pretty often. Your cousin's wife reminds me of my grandma, she's awful about coughing all the time. Like three doctors told her it really is allergies though, so she finally decided she wasn't dying lol.
I'll probably be out of town tomorrow or the day after, eating like my third Christmas dinner lol. The two relative families who do live out of state always come by like two or three weeks early so Christmas pretty much comes in threes every year.
Hope you enjoyed Jacob's Ladder!
And Merry Christmas!
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Dark Sorceress
hey merry christmas i just got up and i still have cooking to do lol , cousins over with his wife atm hows ur day going ? its sunny outside and around 34 or so freezing but least its not super windy like it was and cloudy , just everyday garbage alabama weather sure wouldnt mind living in florida right about now for the winter ill cook then see if i can get a small dent out of my car door then come back in and get back on here cant do much with it that cold out it just messes up the whole day atleast the banks are open tomorrow , wish nothing closed for christmas could get a check cashed then atleast , hope your having fun with plenty to eat there , let me know how it goes for you ! you gaming any today ? thinking of starting up a new one called lifeplay , its a bit to cold to do much else least its no snow thatd make it like way worse lol we used to get huge snows but now hardly anything im liking it like this lol ill prolly warm up and watch the last star fighter i downloaded last night looks pretty good from what i read , you seen it ?
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Last Starfighter is probably what made me want to play video games. I loved it when I was a kid. Just the thought of getting so good at a SHMUP game that you literally get to pilot the ship itself was the coolest shit to me lol.
Christmas turned out alright. Not everybody showed up at once which was really nice. Ate a ton of good food, so I'd say it was a success.
Still mixing my gaming time between random small games on IGG, Cyberpunk, and this new RPG that just came out called Omori, which seems like a combination of Earthbound and Yume Nikki. Seems pretty good so far but we'll see haha.
What's Lifeplay? Sounds like a sim game.
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Dark Sorceress
lifeplay a good sims type game its free , you may like it i was downloading alot of roms for dif systems since i been using emulator alot recently saves so much money , i used to go down to gamestop or walmart pay 60+ dollars per game once a month but now i can just get them all for free lol saves so much money emulating games on retroarch i remember going into a local gamestore i dont recall the name now and paying 55 for a used donkey kong country 1 game for super nintendo now i can get them all free lol , christmas was good mostly got clothes though its been nice n warm but supposed to rain next 3 days straight lol
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Raining here right now and colder than hell lol.
I'm drowning in emulators myself. Try to keep up with the latest developments and everything. I'm still amazed how hard a time they're having with the OG Xbox emulator after all these years. You can play nearly anything on a PS3 emulator, but the first Xbox is just too much. Always thought that was crazy.
Same story with Christmas, mostly clothes and some random junk. I mostly look forward to Christmas for the food these days lol.
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Dark Sorceress
hey hope your doing good there im still waiting for a cyberpunk dlc to come out and enjoying the warm weather things been pretty slow around here and i can finally relax some , i hope its sunny today i gotta wash my car other than that i hope to stay at home allday for once , whats new with you ?
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Hey, I'm doing alright. I'm kind of doing the same thing with cyberpunk. Waiting on DLC. Main campaign was good, I liked it. Now I've kind of moved on to listening to music while playing Elite Dangerous for hours lol. Sometimes I get in one of those "flying around in empty space" moods.
It's actually ramped up for me, been way busier, but I can't complain. Mostly same shit more hours haha. I do like that it's gotten warmer here, too.
Anything new on your end?
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Dark Sorceress
its freezing here just woke up to 2 inches of snow and its snowing hard lol hope your alot warmer on your end its supposed to be almost 60 thursday so hoping it hits that until then stuck with tons of snow and inside lol
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Dark Sorceress
nice i havent played a space game in so long , not much on my end new its gonna be a cloudy rainy looking day , was gonna build a small car garage for mine if i can find some materials cheap i think i can though i found a place called true value hardware here where they sell second grade pieces i think looks good was going there today see what i can find cheap that or raid a nearby barn and tear it down myself hahaha i been playing champions return to arms with my bro on pscx2 emulator alot its pretty fun im glad all the busy part of the holidays are over and things are going back to normal now , i dont think im gonna even put sides on the garage just 4 post and a top should do and save munie , this has been one of the best winters ever its been so warm if they was all like this i dont mind it so bad lol
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Dark Sorceress
lol for the food huh nice hope you got alot of good food , yea raining cold here just bad weather for 3 days straight , did you finish cyberpunk ? i got so many roms downloaded lol you seen the price of ssds lately ? a 500 gig samsung is like 54 on amazon , gonna buy one to keep all my roms on i think , do you ever play any older games on yours? and happy new year πŸ΄πŸš’πŸ‘when i get up itll be 2021 and nothing will have changed lol
Patriarchy Pete
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Those reviews are puzzling:
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Haydee 1 was actually pretty fun so I don't see the problem.
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the reason of the reviews are because you can easily mod it with any model you want, its a reskin simulator same as the 1st game
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There's already a very simple tutorial on how to get her naked
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Never heard about 1st game.
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i played it and honestly its meh the gameplay
but the reskin mods are endless, probably it competes with skyrim
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Did you play that?
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Man i need to play that more on my Switch...
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It's free online.
I like free Games.
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Diablo 3? IT's not free. I mean i can get it free on switch cause pirating but otherwise it's not free. Pretty sure it's never been cracked on pc either
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So how do i play it Bowie?
You don't wanna argue with me again?
Look at the pic, there is my name, and it's free.
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Yes that is indeed your name. And what does that tell me? That you have the game. It doesn't tell me if you got it for free or not. On PC you didn't get it for free because it's NEVER BEEN CRACKED. It needs a constant connection to Battlenet. Now if you had said" oh this is the private server Diablo3Reflection" then we wouldn't be having this argument because that is a completely different matter altogether. The game was never cracked BUT a private server exists. That's all. It's not a crack, it's a private server
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Show me, WHERE I said it's cracked 🀣 !!!!!
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Did i say you said it was cracked? No, no i did not. BUT when you say you play it for free on sites like this people assume it's cracked. It's not. You never specified that it was a private server, thus it's the same thing as saying it's cracked which it's not
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I said it's Free.

OK. That's all.
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On a site that's all about cracked games. Just saying "it's free" doesn't mean "not cracked"
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Yeah I can agree with you.
Still Free πŸ˜†
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Any idea WHY they haven't implemented the Necromancer update?
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No, but I saw a lot of questions about it.
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It's weird, they seem to have every update but not the Necromancer class, weapons and armor sets and the Greater Rifts. Shame, i love the Necromancer class
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nah didnt like it
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Bob Dole
How is it puzzling? I bet the developer has at least 59 friends he gave free copies to who left good reviews.
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Looking at the reviews I'm just seeing haydee fans happy to see more haydee and praising the difficulty and sexual aesthetic.
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Can be.
Nothing puzzling about this. It's a game with a hot as fuck character, of course people are going to rate it positively
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Hey Unbeliever!
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with those fake melons not really, the main reason they like its because you can mod the model with any shit you want, same as the first game
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Nah, people like huge melons like that. Not everyone does of course but a lot of people do. I will never understand WHY they like fake tits but they do. I guess that to them size trumps over being natural, i dunno
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J. Blayne Greiner
I personally love huge breasts that size so long as they are natural. Macromastia is a gift from the gods.
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i like big tits but NOT THAT BIG :/
Being hot is arguable. At least for me proportions make her look like exaggerated sex doll even more so that first games robot.
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Sounds like a lot of small dicks in here lol.
And that's what people find hot. Thicc, big tits, big ass. That's what people like
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except for the melons, very exagerrated :/
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Eh, some people like them
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Nah well atleast for me and some other ppl that I know we are not into really REALLY huge lumps of meat , I mean bruh these thing probably have their own gravity xD
SOME ppl like this but not everyone is atracted by it , I like mah melons big but there is a point wich breaks it for me like this.
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I like big titties, but not HUGE :)
And i never said that EVERYONE liked women like that now did i?
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Oh no didn't say u said that just put mah opinion about the MeLoNs brueh , still saying "that's what people like" kind of sounds like everyone but I get ya :p
Temmie Plays!
you said " And that's what people find hot. Thicc, big tits, big ass. That's what people like "
we're all people. you didn't exactly say anything else.
Teddy Riggs
Yiiieah giving the MC a face is a bad idea. In the first game her face is basically a blank robot head but it has personality and easy to recognize design but now aside from huge honkers she just looks like another run of the mill female protagonist.
I want my robo waifu back
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its a reskin simulator game so that can be easily possible to happen
Karolis Čižauskas
Tbh i agree
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Curtis Newton
some developer really needs a girlfriend
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more like it needs to make something different than just copy pasting the same shit
Nice \butt 'armour'...
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Ryoga Hibiki
no BeΓ«lzegulge
Absolutely haram.

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The Mask:
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