This game is awful... no tutorial, no way to know how to do anything. Im currently starving cuz I have no idea how or what to eat...I tried the cabbage but i guess im not allowed to eat cabbage?? and then i try to sell my cabbage in the market but it wont even let me sell my cabbage! Then it tells me to clean up cow poop because it looks bad to the customers like...really? So i go to clean the poo and the stuff dissapears completely! What is this nonsense? What were they thinking? What is the point of this game? Im gonna complain to Steam and demand my $14.99 back... this is stupid. These are the kind of games that can start a world war... not funny at all.
Hey now. Don't be so harsh on a specific game type genre because Stardew Valley was better than anything Harvest Moon ever was and it was a clone. This game however, looks like its going to be crap.
Lol no, Stardew Valley doesn't even compare to the Harvest Moon of PSX. Even the Rune Factory series of DS and 3DS are way superior than Stardew Valley, what else? Harvest Moon:DS was also great. Harvest Moon have so many series released thanks to it being great and it's one of the longest running farm/village simulator. So no, Stardew Valley can't even compete, Harvest Moon are far way superior on any aspects.
Especially the part where the story goes your grandpa leaves you a run down farm....even the story had to be cloned how original....well done developers good work.......(YAWWWWWWNNNNNN)
pls pls Update
It would be nice and decent to give credits in general, if you use files from others here for the money maker page. :)