Chuck The Cryptid Hunter
Aww so cute :D
Oh and VR only!
This game is VR, but has no reason to be. You can only move left and right, and no grabbing mechanics, just point and click.
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Game is VR Only
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Ryan Henning
Darn it. I can't see in 3D, so VR is totally useless to me. And I love the Kefling games.
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What do you mean you can't see in 3D. So everything looks like it's paper mario to you?
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Ryan Henning
I was born with my eyes slightly out of focus from one another, so I have no depth perception or 3D vision. I've learned to compensate through experience, but everything is flat, yes.
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How is that a problem? People normally only see a 2D projection of a 3D world. I also have a nearsited eye and a far sited eye, I can see perfectly fine. ( I mean, I can see everything normally, but without depth perception)
Also, you should still be able to focus your eyes so you can see an object with depth, unless there focus rangers don't meet.
But still, seeing things as flat is normally, as, unless you were a 4D being, you can only see a 2D projection of a 3D object, 3D vision only relies on one eye being able to see, and contextual clues to know where the end of an object is (Most of the, its shadows, or if your moving, than its the edge)
It is scientifically impossible to have orthographic vision due to the way light works (orthographic vision means objects are the same size no matter how far they are from your eye)
So yeah dude, don't worry, you see normally, aside from your eyes being out of focus from one another, but in that case, you should get glasses, contacts, or a monocle if you want to look fancy.
(Please note: This was not meant to be offensive in anyway, it was purely informational, if you take offense from this, pretend it wasn't offensive in anyway)
this is A VR game dam it
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Sahron Bone
Doesn't say anywhere in the details on this website.
Pure madness
Cool !!!