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To anyone who want's to play this game co-op together with me for free, here's my steam friend code 259433085, username is Zenix, also join my steam group
https://s.team/chat/TyVm3XP1 and i give you multiplayer fix and game links and guide you so np, we can play this game and other coop/multplayer games for free, anytime ;)
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Look what I found
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Iron Bandit
Where is the first part?
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hey, Is there a 1.0.8 version? I need a patched language file!
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Asking for v1.0.8 in game request section you can copy paste this for we get update
Request: Update
Game: Guns, Gore and Cannoli 2
IGG: http://igg-games.com/guns-gore-365517393-cannoli-2-free-download.html
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/525510/Guns_Gore_and_Cannoli_2/
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this is outdated I believe.
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it keeps crashing when it's opened
Marion Barry Martin
It takes a long time to load, did I do something wrong
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Chris Stone
Yee, the game's good. Although i would hope the dev would put allies controlled by the AI.
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I installed the game but when I am trying to open it its opening a steam game page. Can somebody help me with this problem?
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cuz u didnt put the crack
Jared Cabansag
is there multiplayer?
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The Jingo
are you dumb even if there was one it won't work
Online works?
Dhammasota Dhamma
I have install the game properly and put the three file of crack on the game folder but as I click icon for play open first page then close the game please tell me how to fix it
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Dhammasota Dhamma
Please tell me how to fix it and play
ahmad tsabit dzaky
same problem
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i am running the game in my relic potatoe laptop and it is running ok but game does not save just save inside when i am playing and died but when i close game and start it again opening and it starts from the beginning, is someone having same problem?
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same problem ı have unfortunately. also ı got joystick problem not turning back. developers will make a patch for it they says on steam
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yes i have this issue sometimes but after a little while trying then i finally sync my xbox 360 controller with the game and then everything is ok but i will try to figure out the saving issue
☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
lol I just played an hour, and at some point, while you obliterate dozens of enemies in a gory way, you hear the character saying with his thick Italian accent...
Basically, it's what we call a "run'n'gun" game, a la Metal Slug. (the best example I could compare it to. lol)
Just run right and eliminate everybody. You have no friends in this world. lol
While the first game took place in the early 1920s, this one takes place right during the WWII, in 1944 to be more exact.
So I assume we'll kill more nazis...Yaaaawn. (I killed 50 millions of them since the 80s... lol)
The introduction starts in some kind of warehouse, in which Vinnie is tied to a chair by two Mafiosi, who are about to beat him up.
I don't need to tell you he manages to untie himself and kills them, one of them in a particularly gruesome way. game starts
Get ready to face thousands of vengeful gangs of mobsters in the coming levels.
Eventually, you'll have to face zombies
once more, then American soldiers back in Thugtown, and you'll even participate in D-Day on the
Normandy beaches, fighting the Nazis.
This game is crazy.
Vinnie didn't age at all, it seems. If anything, he seems even stronger and agile than before, and still delivers his one-liners as manly as ever.
Now your character can double-jump, which is immensely useful when trying to avoid enemies, or jumping on some platforms, whilst avoiding bullets.
You can also kick doors, do dodge rolls, use dual guns, etc.
Oh, and in case you wonder "what the hell is a cannoli?"...
It's just one of the most delicious Italian pastries ever.
Since I live in South of France not too far from the Italian border, it's also popular here and I often had it.
I tell you, this is addictive.😍 (The best Italian dessert is still Tiramisu though...🤗)
Oh, and...
This is the way you regenerate your health in this game, by the way!
So eat some Cannoli!😄🍰
The first thing I noticed when starting the game is that, compared to the first game, the "camera"(view?) is more far from the action.
As a result, you see much more information on the screen, which is a very important change in this game.
Because, unlike the first one, this one has LOTS of traps, not necessarily aimed at YOU, but that you can trigger while shooting at it.
(drop some barrels on enemies, for example)
Always look around you, and make sure to always use the environment to your advantage.
On the other hand, the downside is that the game seems more confusing.
There's SO much action in this one that sometimes you don't even understand what's happening on the screen anymore, even more than in any Metal Slug game. lol
Often, it's kinda hard to distinguish your little character among the countless explosions, and you end up shooting blindly, hoping that some of these lost bullets will hit some enemies in the head. 🤣
(I have to say I played in windowed mode, 1600x900, as I almost always do, really. But it would have been better in fullscreen, 1920x1080... My bad! Many times, characters looked too little to my taste in 1600...)
I need to play more, but so far, this game feels almost hardcore, at times.
I set the difficulty to easy and I already died in the first level, which NEVER happens to me. And it sure didn't happen when I played the first game.
Something was wrong though.
Every enemy needed at least 20 bullets to the HEAD to die.
After I died once, strangely enemies became "normal".
4/5 bullets to the head and they die. Like in real life. 🤣
Seriously though, maybe this was a bug?
Or maybe I switched the difficulty setting while in-game and it wasn't "recognized" yet?
Whatever difficulty setting you choose, make sure to do it BEFORE starting to play anyway.
TIP: I noticed that when I kept running trying to escape from enemies, well...
That didn't turn out well, usually. lol
Eventually, more and more enemies came out until I got completely swarmed by them and got killed by hundreds of bullets.
So, what I'm saying is: GO SLOWLY. Or at least not too fast. 😁
Despite being a run and gun game, I feel like it's made to be played step by step.
Make sure to kill every enemy in a building before going to the next.
I know it's obvious, but well, I'm stupid and wanted to go too fast, as usual. lol
In the first level, I already got at least SIX different weapons, I think.
At first, I thought that only the chainsaw would have gory effects, but nope, this time, every weapon destroys enemies in the most bloody way you can imagine. lol
This game is a gorefest.
Besides your good old baseball bat (what would be a mafioso without his baseball bat? lol), you'll have access to many American(and a few German) guns from the 40s.
Tommy guns, shotgun, MP40 submachine gun, MG44, etc.
Not gonna lie though, sometimes I wish my guns were more powerful.
For example, I wish the shotgun really "pushed" the enemies around.
Overall, I feel like most guns don't have enough impact on them.
I was very tired of zombies in the first game, so, this time, killing real humans feels more satisfying, as bad as it sounds. 🤗❤️️
(you will encounter some zombies later in the game though...)
And especially in the second level, when you get the flamethrower.
Their agony is gorgeous. (just quoting a SNL skit with Mike Myers🤣)
Like in the first game, the artists decided to use a very lovable cartoon style, but what make it even better are the great comical animations everywhere in the game.
Again, even if I already said it, take your time, because sometimes enemies won't detect you, and you'll be able to witness some of their funny behavior like the way they eat a pizza or take selfies, etc.
It really feels like you're watching a highly detailed animated comic taking place in accurately represented 1940s.
My Logitech F310 is recognized in the options, since I can actually configure the keys...
And yet, in-game, it doesn't work.
So I ended up playing with keyboard + mouse, which is okay though.
The game is perfectly enjoyable this way.

A real joy to look at, this cartoon style with great animation is a rare sight in games. Congratulations to the artists.
MUSIC: 71%
I didn't notice many catchy melodies or anything memorable in any way.
It blends well with the gameplay though, and it isn't annoying.
But I won't try to download the OST.
Although, I noticed a few great tracks which sounded similar to the No One Lives Forever games.
I was complaining that the weapons didn't feel "powerful" enough, and in some way, it's also the case for sounds, but it's actually perfect.
In some games, gun sounds are so loud that eventually it gets annoying and gives you a headache.
Here, you can shoot for hours and don't get tired of it. ha ha
The developers did their best to improve the way Vinnie moves around.
He's way more agile than before, and it makes this sequel much more of a platformer than the previous game.
Eventually, the game might suffer slightly from repetitiveness, but that's really the only problem.

  • Great cartoon graphics
  • Successful new platforming mechanics
  • Very responsive controls
  • Very nice diversity of weapons, enemies, and areas,
  • And there's even a multiplayer mode! (couldn't test it though, sorry!)
They're already mentioned in the review.
Obviously, the first Guns, Gore and Cannoli =>
You can get a Metal Slug "collection" on PC, but I'd advise you to play it on NeoGeo though, with either Mame or FBA emulator. =>
In the early 90s, I LOVED Sunset Riders =>
You can get it on Megadrive, Super Nintendo, or Arcade (the best version!).
Besides these, I'm not sure what else to add, as it's one of the genres I usually don't play.
They were popular in the 90s, I think. Maybe even 80s.
Can you guys recommend more similar games?😁

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Crazy Minority😈
Thx again,(also for the battle isle projects-links) Ms.Lily 🤗.And i agree Tiramisu is soooo yummmmmmmmmmmmm.Extrem addictive.Here (Hamburg,Germany),fortunatly are some very good restaurants who make them,yummy 😛
Roger™ ☬
well, i think igg will need to open a review seccion ^_^ im sure it will be cool to see u there 😘
btw great review as always kitty 🤗😎
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☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
he he meow!🤗
Well, if I wasn't a cheapskate, I would just subscribe to hostgator and create my own blog, with Wordpress or maybe even from scratch.
I WILL do it eventually.
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Roger™ ☬
well let me know when it happens ;)
and only games or more stuff to review?
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☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
Well, I guess that when people go to such blogs, they prefer when it's very specific.
Then again, reviewing some hardware would be fun too.
Like mice, wheels and joypads, etc.
Maybe even graphic cards, but I'm not good enough for this.
But now some company would have to lend them to me for free. lol 😅
Then I'll open another website on which I'll review sexy underwears just for you. XD
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Roger™ ☬
it may work, and yes, lol, free stuff! HELL YEAH! :P
oh me wanna, it will be purrrfect! 😍🤗😉😘
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☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
Nice hairstyle... I think I'll try to go for the same style.
People have been telling me that bangs didn't suit me. lol
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Roger™ ☬
well some day/some time, u may show me diferent styles on u and i let u know what i like most ;) but not now :P need to run...
spank her ass and grab firmly ;)
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☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
ooooh it feels gooooood.... Hold me tight!
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Roger™ ☬
that "nyaa" sound kind of anime/hentai... im correct?
yeah always in arms 😉
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☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
Nyuu nyuu nyuuuuu.....❤️️😊
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Roger™ ☬
lol, now this explain all those sound as i was squeezing u ;)
It's been 3 years since i've posted something on disqus. I really had to log in to compliment your very well made post, i really loved it. I also appreciate that you like our sweets :D
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☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
he he I love everything from Italia!
Leave the gun. Take the cannoli.
playing with joystick is boring. I cant turn back. İt is use mouse to turn back. Can anyone experienced that ? Single player good with mouse but when I play coop(joystick) with friend it is annoying.
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Same problem here, waiting for a fix
Roger™ ☬
@PantyhoseLady:disqus when is the review kitty?
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☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
lol I barely studied recently, because of the insane amount of great games released.
So I don't know...
Maybe I'll slow down a bit and go back to my studies...
It's a simple game though, so it shouldn't take too much time to test.
If I have time this weekend...😌
What in the world...
This game is HARDCORE!!!
I set the difficulty to easy and I already died in the first level.
Something's wrong... Every enemy needs at least 20 bullets to the HEAD.
Hmmm... I loved the first game, but so far I'm a bit annoyed by this one. lol
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Roger™ ☬
oh so u r still on study mode? well im glad for u ^_^
dont worry kitty take ur time and do ur studies, we wanna be proud of u ;) :*
now i shall leave u to ur duties so go there study a lot and make me a proud men, lol
have a lovely weekend ^_^ <3
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☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
Gigantic review just posted. XD
lol well I'm far from being done with my studies, unfortunately.
These days, I'm "updating" my knowledge of CSS3.
Then I'll still have plenty to learn about Javascript.
Spending a lot of time on Stackoverflow, etc.
See you soon babyyyyy😍
Roger™ ☬
then carry on
Roger™ ☬
if u dont care why bring the subject? lol, besides on internet u should not take all 100% serious man, just relax and have fun :)
Anuar SB
Hoo my God is the Best Game, i have more of six months in wait
Roger™ ☬
nope, she have boobies ^_^ yay!!
Roger™ ☬
lmao, u want me to not be with a woman? XD
it does not work ... every time I try to turn on the game, steam turns me on to the game page and the game turns off ... help guys!
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IGG-GAMES.COM (Administrator)
You need crack it before start game, bro. If you dont know how to use crack you can see tutorial video here: http://igg-games.com/how-to-install-game-and-update.html
(same the first video)
you are so fast thnx for game :)
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in all languages ​​in Brazilian Portuguese?
Roger™ ☬
Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system :( let me go to the corner and cry like a little bitch! XD
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☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
Aaaaaaw there, there...🤗
Come to my place to play it!
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Roger™ ☬
something tells me that we may end doing more and more than just gaming ;) lol
oh yeah and the ticked mush be way cheap to do that kind of travel XD
Reyhan Chailim
Awwwwww so sad