Yarden Weissbrot
Patch is out, bringing a new weapon (I accidently forgot to place in the game...), fixing crashes, removing missables and a whole lot more.
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this is like the 2nd time i see a such altruist developer, this game really doesnt deserve to be pirated after what you have done 👍
How can i update the game? When i do its say alot of stuff are missing but when i launch the base game it works fine.
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Thanks for the updates!
ggarli allin
After 20 hours i beat the game , solid metroidvania 100 % recommended , give it a try if you like hollow knight, ori, blasphemous.
ilove bigbrother
guy i dont often come back to make a review but this game is blasphemous good, i cant believe no one is talking about this game!
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¬_¬ dude really
scroll down
Lecaton Baumeister
Excellent game and has several translations. Highly recommended.
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how to know if a game have be update or not?
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how to know if a game have be updated or not?
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Is the new dlc included?
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Title is a lie. This is NOT 1.11.7. It's some version from a year ago.
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i cant change inputs at all and when i try to update it keeps giving me errors no matter what i try
ma mouse doesn't work on menus ----
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I know it's been 2 years but I've had this issue recently. Apparently I was running Vjoy as a background task without knowing. You have to end that task. Also, run GRIME as admin.
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Luiz felipe
I bought the game on steam, it's worth it who can give the developers a hand, great fun, a huge amount of weapons and combos, I only have the following complaints:
Fix the Steam Achievements, remove empty slots from enemies and bosses it's agonizing the list is incomplete
thanks for the game!
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Yarden Weissbrot
Hey! We just uploaded a patch a few hours ago fixing achievements (among a bunch of other things such a new weapon I forgot to place in the game world...). You should be able to get them by going to your endgame save - climb the peak again and trigger the cinematics. Also the weapons achievement should now work with the addition of the missing weapon. Seems like the whole buggy achievements issues should be resolved with this patch!
We'll try to remove the empty slots later on (After addressing potential limited respec), I always feel bad when people look at it and think there is more than there really is.
Oh, and of course thank you for buying the game! I hope it felt like a fair purchase. :)
desert eagle wielder
does this game contain blasphemous or dark souls vibe?
anyone else having trouble finding parts of the map? for some reason it takes me forever to find the map shard thing
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Yarden Weissbrot
We've just uploaded a major patch (1.0.4) that fixes major technical issues, includes more fast travel points, and making Beacons much easier to find due to trails leading from farther away.
I'm sure you'll find a way to get it. :)
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I LOVE theses high art sidescrollers man!
Just take some simple proven and do-able game mechanics,
and SLATHER IT in great moody art.
Its interesting how that WORKS for videogames,
but doesn't work the same for movies.
Not for me at least.
jj abrams can rip off every beat and plot from the first star wars,
throw millions of dollars at the screen,
and its still unwatchable.
Different mediums in significant ways.
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Hector Suarez
While the setting is interesting at first, it grows old fast as it's all rocks, rocks and more rocks, arranged in different patterns with a different tint.
Gameplay is stock metroidvania, nothing to write home about.
Combat is a slog since stamina is too limiting, it's ok when you are against a single enemy but when they put 2 or more you have to hit once and run away to wait for stamina. And still, most mobs are "hit twice, wait for them to attack to counter", bosses are "counter a few times, dash, dash, attack once, wait for stamina". They went too hard trying to be "early game souls".
All weapons slower than "average" seem nearly useless, since pretty much all enemies have faster animations than them, you can dodge and get on their back, start attacking and most enemies will just finish their previous attack animation, turn around and hit you before your attack goes off, either that or they will move away leaving you hitting the air. You can use them for an opening attack on some enemies, but you will have to switch to something faster right after the first attack.
There's also lots of things that serve no purpose other than be aggravating, like jump through platforms with spikes below that you couldn't see before jumping off, fall damage (in a metroidvania), timed traps that do nothing but serve as stop lights making you stop over and over since they are not even remotely challenging to get through, having to do a lot of leaps of faith when going down areas.
I beat the 4th boss before deciding I wasn't having fun and calling it quits, this game is for people that are more into say Salt & Sanctuary than Hollow Knight, it tries to be "souls" to a fault.
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matthew lafleur
Great review and well written, i'm surprised but also not that the dev isn't responding to you, millennials have a problem taking constructive criticism, they are lifelong welfare cases that add nothing to society. I find most of the things they create are usually bad copies of something else with a serious misunderstanding in simple logic, could have something to do with mercury in all the vaccines they take but also they could learn to you know learn and take their lumps like everyone else has to. Not everything in life is shitting rainbows
Something is not quite working for me.
I start it as admin, I see the company logos, then I hear an error message (but don't see any) and can only exit it via task manager because it stays black.
Windows 10 Pro 64 bit
RTX 2080s
intel Core i9-10850K
All drivers and Windows are up to date.
Edit.: Okay, I have now downloaded the GoG version somewhere else, and it runs perfectly.
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Yarden Weissbrot
Oh well, glad it's not our fault then? Hehe, have fun dude.
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Just bought your game after finishing it, it was really cool, fun gameplay (I love metroidvania genre) great 3D environments and beautiful scenery, The OST is wonderful. Great job to you and your team.
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Yarden Weissbrot
Much appreciated man. :)
We are working on the next patch as we speak, should be up either today or tomorrow and will have some additions to give more Fast-travel a bit more convenient (common complaint so far). As well as buff STR weapons, fix achievements, stuttering issues and more.
If anyone downloaded and had issues with any of these and is willing to download again and give it another try - GoG version will probably be best to get the patch.
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you nailed it
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Jehsu Ben Israel
i don't get it 🙃
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Jehsu Ben Israel
hhh i wish i grew up watching The Simpsons 😪 I heard that some of the producers are actually witches that can predict the future 🤣👌🏾
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old seasons are gold
newest are lame dogshit
Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Graphics Settings: Ultra
Processor: AMD Ryzen 5 1400 Quad-Core Processor @3.2GHz
Memory: 8192MB RAM
GPU: AMD Radeon RX 580 8GB
Windows 10 Pro
its a good game. play it
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Yves Janes Kouamé
its a good game. buy it
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jevon small
Grime Running On Low End PC
Yarden Weissbrot
Hey GRIME director here!
You guys have fun. Just FYI, if any of you have any bugs or technical/performance issues, we will keep updating the game post launch with potential fixes, since we have a DRM free version you should be able to get the patches no problem.
If you liked it enough to buy it- THANK YOU! If not, thank you anyway for giving GRIME a shot in this crowded AF market of indie games.
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IGG-GAMES.COM (Administrator)
I didn't see your post soon, but one of the moderators did a great job pinning your comment.
I can say that you are a great guy. I don't have much money, but I promise you I will buy 3 copies to give to my brothers. Wish you many good things in real life.
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Im leeching for almost two decades now and this is the most respectable answer I ever saw.
Congratulation, you are a deeply respectfull man.
Hope you'll be able to get more project in the future. Big up.
Holy fucking shit you're so fucking humble i'm gonna buy the game rn
Mad Respect! Thank You for this great game and for being cool!
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Marta Garcia
This is how you get sells and the love of the community. If you need help with a soundtrack for future projects let me know, one of my friends is a famous producer in Spain and he would help you for sure ;)
ilove bigbrother
oh well now i have to buy it, lol why you gotta be so cool
Lecaton Baumeister
Hello. It was a pleasure testing your product. I did not have any errors or technical problems. This title already convinced me to buy it.
I feel the combat well done. The atmosphere, the BGM and the SFX give me an immersive and enjoyable gaming experience.
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Yarden Weissbrot
Thank you! :)
I stand by my comment. You and others like you are the proof of that.
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Luis Alves
Im not a pirate im a gamer and old one lol.
I like metroid but i dont like nintendo.
And im not going to try your game sorry.
I almost didn't believe you were an indie studio after seeing the Cinematic trailer. Far too high production. As an aspiring indie dev myself it's smart to integrate yourself in the pirate community because not even AAA game companies with country buying budgets can stop piracy. I agree with the notion of playing before you buy but the sad reality is that maybe 10 percent of people will actually do so. But the fact you haven't tried to have a whinge, you've won browny points with a lot of people. Which is more valuable than you would know. Thanks for being an absolute CHAD
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Yarden Weissbrot
Hehe yeah, this is basically our first ever game, I've never worked on a game before this one.
And I said this below, but I honestly think piracy helps indie-games in particular get exposure. I've known plenty of people that would never have given HK a chance if not for trying it out for a couple of hours first.
We tried making it available for players to try the game with the demo, but truth is, a lot of games you really only fall in love with after playing for far more than the demo length. Maybe you'll only decide you liked it enough once you've finished it, or not, and that's fine. :)
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Yeah, and that's the thing with piracy too, is that majority of people compare it to shoplifting. But piracy doesn't actually deprive the victim of something like shoplifting would because most pirates, if they didn't have the access to a certain cracked game, they would never be paying for it regardless and move onto the next game. The people that buy legit, will still be doing that, but you just have to look at posts made on Crackwatch to see how many people never gave in to how long it took Red Dead Redemption 2 to get cracked, which is ridiculously popular, so you're never really missing out with us around anyways.
But it is always a nice move to do what you did. Sort of pulls on the heartstrings, but then I would have to figure out all of the awesome games that I really enjoyed and donate to all of them too, so that gets difficult. lol.
Big respect, if I like the game I will def buy it.
Where should I buy it to give you the most money? Is it only on steam?
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Yarden Weissbrot
Our biggest hurdle is exposure, and since Steam is the largest platform by far and it's motivated by algorithms based on sells and reviews that would probably more helpful to us, rather than short term gains based on platform percentage.
That being said- play on whichever platform you prefer, or whichever offers you the best deal, I rather we just get happy players. :)
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Skeptical Doge
Thanks for walking the plank with grace, best move.
Hentai ruined me
Hi, a fellow local here. good luck with your game and you got tons of respect from the local community of gamers!
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Yarden Weissbrot
Thank you, Hentai ruined me.
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You should keep that a secret.
Great game!
Jose Hobbies
i was just going to skip this game, but seeing how the director is actually invested in getting feedback and fixing bugs, i think i can take some time to at least try it. Good luck doing what you love, man! Grettings from mexico
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Yarden Weissbrot
You can see us active on steam forums as well, we already fixes for a couple of QOL complaints :) Feel free to reach us in whichever way you want. Pirate player's feedback can help us improve the game just as much as any one else's.
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Sakuma Eitarou
Hey man, just brought your game. keep up the good work and mad respect.
Niel Ivarez
Well deserved huge success awaits you my friends. Two of my close friends have purchased the game and are spreading the word nonstop.
I've been following the trailers and news of your game and clearly it's one of those games that if people have the means to purchase it they'd definitely do so.
Best of luck, and thank you for taking the time to write your kind words.
I'll be sure to jot down my two cents as feedback.
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Yarden Weissbrot
Thanks man, It's very much appreciated!
Hope your friends end up liking the game because that's gonna make me look super bad if not!
Let me know if speed is too low and I should help seed lol.
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Added to my Steam wish list. I was decided not only for the quality of the game, but your cool attitude.
Hope you can continue doing great games.
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Yarden Weissbrot
No no, I'm saying you SHOULD touch my hard..... work.
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Different site, buddy!
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Hope your game becomes the next hollow knight.
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even if you say so, i wont, i highly respect people who share their stuff to piracy and they dont whine or make stupid dramas about removing their games being pirated
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Hey, hey now! Those guys are fun too.... :}
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they are also annoying too but meh you are right
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Some Anon
They support/don't hate gay people though, so you probably don't have any respect for them anymore
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Er... wuh?
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Yarden Weissbrot
As unpopular an opinion as this may be- I truly think piracy helps indie-games in particular get exposure. I've known plenty of people that would never have given HK a chance if not for trying it out for a couple of hours first.
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i ve been watching gameplays on youtube and i must say i am very impressed
Niel Ivarez
With your official permission, I'll commence the touching operation ...
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Yves Janes Kouamé
Yarden Weissbrot
Lower... lower...
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Jehsu Ben Israel
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Another lame souls like with little substance, hard pass.
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Fun fact: Dark Souls didn't invented Healing mechanic, Stats mechanic and Dark atmosphere.
But hey I suppose when you're born in 2005 , everything is a Dark Souls.
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You could have been more polite, considering this guys literally released a drm free version and most likely tried and are still trying to improve it. What deserves of a hard pass, is your rude stated opinion.
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Marta Garcia
Hey, I'm gonna pass this game, but first, I need to put a negative comment to get the attention I don't have in my pathetic life. When I pass something, I don't say it, I just pass.
Artyom Reaper
Yeah like other dude said, the devs are legit in this comment section most likely reading the comments and you're being a huge dick. You know how I know they're reading the comments section? That huge pinned comment you need to see before you go into the actual comments. Again I reiterate, dick.