Ive looked into this game, both Godus and Godus wars...sadly IGG didnt mess up anything. Fail 22cans company cant make a proper working game! Tho this have so much potential... Sad day for gaming community
You're wrong and your assumption is stupid. Just because the game has bad press doesn't mean it doesn't work. We're all having the same problem because the game is trying to access the internet, so therefore this particular release by IGG (or whoever hacked it) is broken. Any cracked single-player game trying to access the firewall hasn't been patched properly.
I believe that Someone was referring to entire game,not just the IGG release. He/she is not wrong,and didnt assume that,those are facts. Peter Molyneux is a scammer who took peoples money and never finished his products ! 1st with godus,later with almost the same fcking game,just different title... lol
The 'someone' person said he/she "looked into the game" but they clearly weren't talking about playing since this release didn't work at all back then. On the other hand, there were plenty of reviewers and other people, who were playing this game, and they said the game sucked or whatever. In any case, the crack didn't work because the game was still trying to access the login/verification servers when you load into the level. Whoever said that "your retarded" (*you're) is just insulting without understanding the technical point I was trying to make.
update: i dont know if i do it wrongly but seems like it still unplayable for me.