Yea I think they overdid it. They should simply double the pixel size and color bit, and keep sprite animation in traditional way. It would still be recognizable as pixel game but richer in pixel and color (like 480p pixel size, double from NES size). As of now the remaster looks like the sprites are rendered from 3D model in 30 fps stepping, so the animation is not like traditional sprite based animation but like 3D animation. And the game sprites seems 1080p in pixel perfect size.
I know that you can switch. Just meant that the new graphics arn't my style. Gonna test it to see if there is any reason to play this version over my original.
Just did and no, the new title screen and intro are looking cheap and sterile. You can switch the graphics while playing the levels but not these. The remixed soundtrack is weak sounding too. The Wonderboy - The Dragon's Trap Remake shows how it's done right but the GODS one isn't. Not worth the 20$ asking price.
Good to know this remastered version isn't worth the $. I'll still try it out for free since I've never played this one before. You're on point with the Wonderboy remake, I bought it and beat that game at least twice now.
It came out in 91. I own it for Mega Drive, came out for SNES too and was originally made for Commodore Amiga. Great game and a great soundtrack I used to blast, causing the closed door to shake creating loud noises. xD Didn't try this version yet, but can already tell from the screenshots that the modern look won't fit my taste. Original graphics + CRT > new graphics.
oldschool version is way better
As of now the remaster looks like the sprites are rendered from 3D model in 30 fps stepping, so the animation is not like traditional sprite based animation but like 3D animation. And the game sprites seems 1080p in pixel perfect size.
Gonna test it to see if there is any reason to play this version over my original.
The Wonderboy - The Dragon's Trap Remake shows how it's done right but the GODS one isn't. Not worth the 20$ asking price.
I own it for Mega Drive, came out for SNES too and was originally made for Commodore Amiga. Great game and a great soundtrack I used to blast, causing the closed door to shake creating loud noises. xD
Didn't try this version yet, but can already tell from the screenshots that the modern look won't fit my taste. Original graphics + CRT > new graphics.