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I found an English translation, so far it's pretty good. https://f95zone.to/threads/goblin-burrow-v210505-peperoncino.58454/
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Fun game, you play as a tribe of goblins and need to selectively breed your goblins with captured females while capturing more girls and keeping the ones you have from killing themselves. It's way better than I was expecting.
But one issue is that the version here is machine translated so while usable does have some issues and some characters seem to have interesting rationalizations or reactions to the situation they end up in which made me try to see if a better translation exists and turns out it does exist and includes some DLC that this is missing:
It's newer than the version here but doesn't include the 4th DLC which I think read would be released this month and add 2 more girls.
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Cakrawala Gaming
can you upload this in another source like google drive, i think mega is slow download
Romario Abdillah
this path for demihuman?
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Thanks a bunch. I'll try this one out instead.
EDIT: Any chance you can link to somewhere I can ACTUALLY download stuff at speeds more than 100KB/S? Definitely not something I want to download this slowly.
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Create a mega account. It's free and it'll boost your download speed significantly.
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Somone know how to cheat so game is easer to play and go true it:?
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its fun to play
you need to change your system locale to Japan to run this thing though...
or get a locale emulator and run it in Japanese
Michael John Cabello
How can I play goblin burrow when the .exe doesn't work?
is someone say gobline?!
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Dexo Famz
can you make a size of the game listed? i want to know before im downloading because my quota is limited thaks before.
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Dark Sorceress
its a couple gig i think
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abdullah alsnani
likin ur avatar
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Dark Sorceress
thanks your also
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Dark Sorceress
try running it as admin , did you use locale emulator ?
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its dosent work for me with local emulator, i try some countries but not work
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try to reinstall ur locale emulator
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ALteR Nightmare
This is, admittedly, a good one for a game such as this. Is there perhaps a new or updated version of the game, it seems a bit outdated in my case.
I’m a little disappointed that there’s only like 6 types of goblins to “recruit” (without variation) but I suppose the premise of the game suggests otherwise than I think.
I’m very weirded out of the fact that Goblins are mostly portrayed/depicted like this. Though I haven’t seen much to prove that claim so I have no saying in the matter other than it is a unique perspective to such creatures.
Mainly I picture Goblins to be conniving, cruel, cunning and greedy as some would say, minus the “desire to mate to reproduce their numbers” part which is a bit undeniable to ask of how such creatures are born and multiply overtime. It’s dark yes but overall, “creative” in a way.
I wouldn’t be surprised if this would become a trend of sorts. It’s fairly decent to a degree.
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Dark Sorceress
i do think they have a dlc for it
every living creature has a desire to mate and reproduce, if elephants had the brains and capability to rape humans, they would've.
Aight, this is what I'm going to do if I were to become a goblin lord
Rin Franz
It's good, reverse Goblin Slayer kind of GOOD
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Agus Sugito
eng ver?
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Yes, though it's a machine translation, someone did some cleaning on it and fixed some issues it had like magic stat in certain places having too long of a name to not show up inside the box meant for it.
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Toni hendrawan
idk why i cant install this. cant put the exe
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Nothing to install, the extracting thing that wants an exe is just for some translation stuff.
Papa Pancakes
how do i download this from other source? bcz it's take too long for me to download it, and when downloading sometimes my connections drop drastically.
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Dark Sorceress
can google it and find it various other places
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Scared Cat
cant play this need help
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Scared Cat
nvn you need todowload emulator name locale emulator
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Dark Sorceress
oh wow they did upload my request nice thanks
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Jehsu Ben Israel
So you're into goblins ravishing anime girls...
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Dark Sorceress
lol deff love it 💖
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Maya Rivera
it isnt working bro
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Dark Sorceress
run it with locale emulator
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Severus Snape
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Dark Sorceress
its a free program required to run some japanese games called Locale Emulator , you can google it and download it easily and easy to set up , it adds a right click menu to the game that lets you have the option to run the game and makes the game think its in the orignal japanese zone etc so you can play it with no problem
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Bahamut Bh
mine still not working would know tell me what's wrong?
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Dark Sorceress
yours is in a diff language cant read it , but did you run them both as admin ?
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Bahamut Bh
Could you send a print with your locale emulator settings please?
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Dark Sorceress
what version of windows you using ? yes ill help you till we get it going for you , in the context menu that slides out the side click run in admin ,
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Bahamut Bh
even with my settings the same its this error still persists...
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Dark Sorceress
ok they wont let me link to other sites but google hentaibedta . net and type in goblin burrow in the search box try downloading from there and see if it fixes it
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lairez minos
I set up the local emulator but when i right click on the game, I don't have the option to run it with the emulator
EDIT : i managed to launch the game so its fine now
10 days has passed, we can safely assume he died, RIP
sPongebobs dildo
forgive me lord for what im about to do
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Omniscient Traitor
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