⭐️🎮🏊‍♀️ Megadrive Girl🏄‍♀️🎮⭐️
Quite similar to the old Thief games, which is great, but...
Although it's not a bad game and it's even promising, almost everything you can do in this game is not nearly as good as in Thief 1-2. (released in 1998-2000)

Gameplay is richer in Thief, A.I. is better, level design is smarter...
Besides, with mods, Thief even looks better, despite being more than 20 years old.
And finally, you can download literally countless levels for those games, and many of them are quite superior to the original levels, which were already great.

So, I'm not sure if there's a point in playing this one.
It really doesn't bring anything new or good to the genre.
I guess the only difference is... guns? And a few traps which aren't in Thief... But it's not necessarily great.

Anyway, as a Thief fan, I don't share the excitement, and I'm skeptical.
We'll see how it evolves, but even if A.I. is improved tremendously, it won't change the fact that it's not different enough and doesn't bring anything new to the table for old-timers like me.
I'd rather play some new fanmade levels for Thief 2.

Edit : Played a few more hours. I want to confirm it IS a good game, even very good at times. I'm only saying that overall, the old Thief offer richer gameplay and a more satisfying experience overall. 👍
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Something to keep in mind that it's not just a thief clone, it's mix of immersive sim and survival horror which is a pretty unique combination and as a result it has a much better save system than Thief games.
Yggdrasil Burnes
It's more that there's an overlapping draw and a promise of a better game that has standing behind it. People like the game because it's a thief-like made by David Szymanski, because the Demo was extremely good and because Davids prior publications were excellent as well. People are hyped because an indie developer with a proven competence at retro horror themed games is creating a game in a long starved genre. I'll say now that the EA release has been underwhelming but not disappointing. It's like getting half the steak you ordered. Honestly, compared to the demo, this isn't really giving you a lot of the tense stealth-horror. A lot of the demos features were rescinded in the Early Access release, Including Blood Moon difficulty, which is probably skewing my opinion a little.

I'd recommend waiting for the full release, or at least a few build down the line if they aren't anything massive. The demo gave us a lot clearer and a lot more packed of an idea than the EA release has, and that should tell you something if the EA release is this good so far.
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Surprised, you didn't mention Thief 3.
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update pls
I think I saw a rat.
Misafir Oyuncu
v0.1.232.16 requested
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Can you update this game plsss
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Can you update is to the market update ? It came out yesterday so please update it
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there's only two enemies in this EA and it ends abruptly, don't bother