Adventure, Point & Click, simulation, pix-elated above in pics. I don't see sci-fi. Could be interesting for some time, but u will get bored soon. Overalll, I rate it ⭐⭐ as game file size is 2.8 gb. Too much for such games and u will not like so much clicking.
Finally, found this game buried deep in the steam store and requested it about a month ago. Glad someone took the time to crack and upload. Let's see what this oddity is all about. I love me some campy satire and bizarro content.
Annnnnnnnd I hate it. I forgot how much I hated Maniac Mansion. I can't stand puzzle games. I was fooled by the "adventure" title, now I remember why I avoid "adventure" games, "adventure" means "giant enraging puzzle," though the content and story looked like it was going to be good. I'm sure it's a great point and click puzzle game.