@For newbie: Don't forget crack before launching the game (otherwise you will get the "no license" error). By doing one of the following:
Method 1: before installing the game, check the following box:
Method 2: or after installing the game, open the iso file, copy everything in the "RUNE" folder, then paste them to where you installed the game, enjoy ;) (see tutorial image here if you still dont know: https://igg-games.com/how-885614657-to-install-game-and-update.html)
It's not quite the same. On GoG you can choose to download the installation files and carry the game files to wherever you like, without the requirement to be online. I had Steam remove a game once, which was "Agony", so it just disappeared from my list without any explanation. On GoG, if you have the installation files, save the game to an external drive to preserve it. DRM-removement is not enough, although I got most of my games on Steam. Steam was long before GoG and keys were cheaper.
I don't trust Steam with their "promise" to make our games still available if they ever go bankrupt. How often do they emphasize that we buy licenses only and we don't own games. Technically, we don't own games nowhere, but nobody would come to my home and take the game files away. Digital only has only one advantage for us gamers. Just look at this website.
That's exactly the problem, you pay for a full game just to know you just borrowed their game, and when the time comes and things go south you just lost it all.
The development | release status of this game is difficult to classify given the conflicting information in this game's Steam page. The page has the Steam label "Coming {date}" that is a quarter year period in the future which can also be interpreted as "Coming soon" but in the header information ("header.jpg" located in the top, right corner of the page) it says "Play Beta Now" which could make the game an "Early Access" release. So, it is not really clear whether this game is an Alpha or a Beta release. Maybe it's better to let each player to decide for him or herself how to classify this game's development | release status. I'll still post the following standard information though: "Coming soon" means that this game is in the Alpha/demo stage and not in the "Early Access"/mostly playable stage! Those downloading it should consider it as a "preview" of a game that may be worth looking into! For more information, see here.
Update 02/03/24: The term "Coming Soon" has been revamped by Steam. See my conversation with Kain Yusanagi. Please read the entire conversation (I only linked to my closing comment earlier but please feel free to read the entire conversation in the game page for the purpose of clarification, starting with the first comment) and then decide for your own purposes what the term really means to you. As for myself, I'll still think of it as an announcement of a game preview.
There is full English support via the English interface, English audio and English subtitles!
Yeah yeah, I know, I know. I knew whether I say something or not it would get uploaded instantly anyways. Just felt like doing something irrational. <3 01 8
I also have that problem and I have tried everything they have said on the steam forum and it does not solve it. If you find any way, please share it. Thank you.
Nach dem AUSFÜHREN der >> ExtractDLCs.bat << bekomme ich das selbe wie "Kaktus" beschrieben hat. Zu dem haben sich die Ordner im Hauptverzeichnis geändert, weshalb die vom SETUP erstellte Verknüpfung, die Game exe nicht mehr findet. Wenn man jetzt die Verknüpfung auf den neuen Pfad >> C:\Games\Frostpunk 2\base\base << ändert, wo die FP2 exe jetzt ist bekommt man beim Start immer die Fehlermeldung. Bevor ich die >>ExtractDLCs.bat<< ausgeführt hatte konnte ich das Spiel ohne Probleme starten? Ist die >>ExtractDLCs.bat<< überflüssig oder was ist da los??
English Translate:
After RUNNING the >> ExtractDLCs.bat << I get the same thing as "Kaktus" described. The folders in the main directory have also changed, which is why the shortcut created by the SETUP can no longer find the game exe. If you now change the shortcut to the new path >> C:\Games\Frostpunk 2\base\base <<, where the FP2 exe is now, you always get the error message when starting. Before I ran the >>ExtractDLCs.bat<< I was able to start the game without any problems? Is the >> ExtractDLCs.bat << superfluous or what's going on??
this issue is no longer there in the latest upload.
so, re download the three parts above (use megaup net) as its the fastest. i have no "extract batch" in the location you show. thus, its gone. (its not in any of the other folders either).
i will download this, and see if i can find the issue you speak of. to which, if i find it. i will try to resolve the crack issue as i have the tools needed to do so. if i manage to resolve it (unless the issue is gone as i am unsure if its been re-uploaded or not) i will address it in my response to you.
it will take me some time to download however, please be patient for a few hours.
ich werde das herunterladen und sehen, ob ich das Problem finden kann, von dem Sie sprechen. Wenn ich es finde, werde ich versuchen, das Crack-Problem zu lösen, da ich die nötigen Tools dafür habe. Wenn ich es lösen kann (es sei denn, das Problem ist behoben, da ich nicht sicher bin, ob es erneut hochgeladen wurde oder nicht), werde ich in meiner Antwort an Sie darauf eingehen.
Der Download wird jedoch einige Zeit in Anspruch nehmen, bitte haben Sie ein paar Stunden Geduld.
edit- if there is a crack folder somewhere where the bat file is, copy/paste it into the main directory. i cant be sure that will work, but its worth a shot.
Bearbeiten: Wenn sich irgendwo ein Crack-Ordner befindet, in dem sich die Bat-Datei befindet, kopieren Sie ihn und fügen Sie ihn in das Hauptverzeichnis ein. Ich bin nicht sicher, ob das funktioniert, aber einen Versuch ist es wert
as i stated already but it was deleted/removed idk where it went. but, revo uninstaller will remove it if you aim to remove it or any other software/game.
as for the game not starting after using the batch (even tho i said part of this in my prior response too) check in the other folders for the main EXE location. (where/if the exe was moved too i mean) somewhere in those areas should be a steam ini file. you should see it stating "where to start the exe" from. make sure its being directed at the new exe location. (thats one possible solution) without needing to redownload in case this is broken.
if the ini file is missing, and you still have the installer/ original files from the ISO. copy the crack over to it, and see if it works. if not, check the ini files location for where its looking for the game at.
and i think google translate did the same thing to you... bc idk what superfluous is lol unless you mean "messed up?" i do hope you understand me, or google gets what im saying correct. if not, i am sorry. maybe someone will translate in shorter words.
it may be steam ini, cream, goldberg etc. i am not sure for this game.
Antwort 1 Zitat: " edit- if there is a crack folder somewhere where the bat file is, copy/paste it into the main directory. i cant be sure that will work, but its worth a shot. "
The batch file is already in the main directory when installing FP2
Atwort 2
I couldn't find a Steam config file in a folder in FP2. I also searched every content folder. I only found a "steam_emu.ini", but it doesn't say anything about the exe file.
There is no ini file in the CRACK folder in the ISO either.
Copying the CRACK folder into the main directory didn't help either. Even moving the original folders back to the main directory results in the same ERROR.
steam_emu.ini is the config file i speak of. check inside it for where its asking the game to start from. it may be different than where it is actually starting from. if you make changes, save them. steam_umu.ini is one of the crack files haha
steam_emu.ini ist die Konfigurationsdatei, von der ich spreche. Suchen Sie darin nach der Stelle, an der das Spiel gestartet werden soll. Diese kann von der tatsächlichen Startstelle abweichen. Wenn Sie Änderungen vornehmen, speichern Sie diese. steam_emu.ini ist eine der Crack-Dateien, haha
EDIT- an update was released, if you have not downloaded that. do so now, as the prior patch notes stated they would 'release' the dx12 fix in the next patch (which is this patch) although, i do not see a mention of dx12 fixing in the patch notes on steam. just fixes for mac users and other improvements. but, it never hurts to try!
right click the shortcut on your desktop, hit "open file location". find the games launcher (same as the shortcut on desktop). right click it, hit CREATE SHORTCUT now, go to that shortcut you JUST MADE. right click that, hit properties, follow what i show in my image. go to TARGET then youll hit SPACE 1 time then put -dx12 then apply! you may also try d3d12 and -d3d12 (and dx12 without the dash) if none of those work, make sure your drivers are upto date. and windows itself is updated. ignore that this is NOT the same game it is quite literally an example only! this also works for VR games/making games run in VR mode too! once you have done this, and applied it. cut, and paste this to your desktop removing the prior shortcut! (try all variations) if that does not work. then wait for an update, since the people who paid for this are having this same issue.
Facing Directx 12 issue, not supported. I have the feature version Directx 12_0. Can something be done around it ? Like changing the launch settings etc. ? Can a patch/hack be released for that ?
1st one was way better, actually redownloading it now. This could be OK after a few patches, but it lost a lot of it's charm.
Also, the intro cinematic made me laugh. "Sinister woman voice: it's now time to expand, survival isn't enough anymore" as if that is bad, it makes perfect sense actually, my vote goes to shadow lady.
Lol, they're both trash. Linear and without a single meaningful choice. Atmospherically they are great, if Frostpunk was a movie it would be awesome. But as a game, it can't categorize as such. It's just a shallow linear point and click babysitting simulator. I feel sorry for the people that actually preordered it, lol.
This game is no longer a city builder or a base builder. there is not even a survival element to it. if 200 people die, you don't care. after all, you still have 18,000 inhabitants. You don't even build buildings or mark out roads, produce or cook food. Everything is stats based. everything you loved the first frostpunk for in the second part has been replaced by dry stats.
I have two problems please help -Failed to open descriptor file ../../../Frostpunk2/Frostpunk2.uproject -Direct x12 issue I have directX and updated drivers and I tried with commands
edit- re download the 3 parts, the batch file is no longer in the folders.
the dx12 issue is a game bug, its posted all over the games steam topics/issues. they supposedly released an update that fixed this issue. so, if you have yet downloaded the latest update patch above, do so. if you have, then i suspect you will have to wait for an update that actually fixes the issue.
as for "failed to open descriptor file it seems something is missing from the files. so, reinstalling should help. make sure you added exclusions for download and install locations for this game. so this helps in the future with any files that may come up missing.
if the exe for this game is in another location, copy a shortcut to where it should be (since i assume you updated and this is the issue that came after). if that doesnt work, find the ini file for this (steam emu) something along those lines. and see where its asking the game to be launched from, and make sure it matches its actual launch location directory. if its different, change it to where its supposed to be. if that dont work, reinstalling without updating is the only option i know atm unless IGG has re-uploaded a version without this issue. (unless you and the other dude had your antivirus software on thus creating this issue that way)....
Direct x12 issue: If you have DirectX 12 installed, you can visit the Nvidia or AMD drivers page to download the latest drivers, which should help resolve the issue.
why the Frostpunk2.exe keeps telling me The following component(s) are required to run this program: Microsoft Visual c++ Runtime even though I have installed and restarted my PC?
Yes,I reinstalled x64 for my PC ,but still I cant start the game because I dont have steam permission,where should I put the steam_api64.dll in? Any idea?
Always install x64 AND x86! Not only the x64 files. Properly copy the crack files from the RUNE folder into the folder where you installed the game to. It's easier to check the box "copy contents of RUNE folder to install dir" before game installation.
The altered steam api dll is part of that content. You just didn't copy the crack or MS Defender still holds it captured. Turn it off completely, unzip the files again to regain the complete crack files or allow the captured crack file in Defender and restore it.
This Beta is some high-end bullshit hahahaha - who does that? yeah, ofc, CoD and BF, but because they need input for server stability and balancing wise.... but even they give you a more or less full game on beta
Browse allkeyshop.com for the best price. That's what I do.
I had Steam remove a game once, which was "Agony", so it just disappeared from my list without any explanation.
On GoG, if you have the installation files, save the game to an external drive to preserve it.
DRM-removement is not enough, although I got most of my games on Steam. Steam was long before GoG and keys were cheaper.
I don't trust Steam with their "promise" to make our games still available if they ever go bankrupt.
How often do they emphasize that we buy licenses only and we don't own games.
Technically, we don't own games nowhere, but nobody would come to my home and take the game files away.
Digital only has only one advantage for us gamers.
Just look at this website.
Update 02/03/24:
The term "Coming Soon" has been revamped by Steam. See my conversation with Kain Yusanagi. Please read the entire conversation (I only linked to my closing comment earlier but please feel free to read the entire conversation in the game page for the purpose of clarification, starting with the first comment) and then decide for your own purposes what the term really means to you. As for myself, I'll still think of it as an announcement of a game preview.
There is full English support via the English interface, English audio and English subtitles!
DirectX 12 is not supported on your system. Try running without the -dx12 or -d3d12 command line argument.
Can't find any answers.
Nach dem AUSFÜHREN der >> ExtractDLCs.bat << bekomme ich das selbe wie "Kaktus" beschrieben hat.
Zu dem haben sich die Ordner im Hauptverzeichnis geändert, weshalb die vom SETUP erstellte Verknüpfung, die Game exe nicht mehr findet.
Wenn man jetzt die Verknüpfung auf den neuen Pfad >> C:\Games\Frostpunk 2\base\base << ändert, wo die FP2 exe jetzt ist bekommt man beim Start immer die Fehlermeldung.
Bevor ich die >>ExtractDLCs.bat<< ausgeführt hatte konnte ich das Spiel ohne Probleme starten?
Ist die >>ExtractDLCs.bat<< überflüssig oder was ist da los??
English Translate:
After RUNNING the >> ExtractDLCs.bat << I get the same thing as "Kaktus" described.
The folders in the main directory have also changed, which is why the shortcut created by the SETUP can no longer find the game exe.
If you now change the shortcut to the new path >> C:\Games\Frostpunk 2\base\base <<, where the FP2 exe is now, you always get the error message when starting.
Before I ran the >>ExtractDLCs.bat<< I was able to start the game without any problems?
Is the >> ExtractDLCs.bat << superfluous or what's going on??
so, re download the three parts above (use megaup net)
as its the fastest.
i have no "extract batch" in the location you show.
thus, its gone. (its not in any of the other folders either).
you speak of. to which, if i find it. i will try to resolve
the crack issue as i have the tools needed to do so.
if i manage to resolve it (unless the issue is gone
as i am unsure if its been re-uploaded or not)
i will address it in my response to you.
it will take me some time to download however,
please be patient for a few hours.
ich werde das herunterladen und sehen, ob ich das Problem finden kann, von dem Sie sprechen. Wenn ich es finde, werde ich versuchen, das Crack-Problem zu lösen, da ich die nötigen Tools dafür habe. Wenn ich es lösen kann (es sei denn, das Problem ist behoben, da ich nicht sicher bin, ob es erneut hochgeladen wurde oder nicht), werde ich in meiner Antwort an Sie darauf eingehen.
Der Download wird jedoch einige Zeit in Anspruch nehmen, bitte haben Sie ein paar Stunden Geduld.
where the bat file is, copy/paste it into
the main directory.
i cant be sure that will work, but its worth a shot.
Bearbeiten: Wenn sich irgendwo ein Crack-Ordner befindet, in dem sich die Bat-Datei befindet, kopieren Sie ihn und fügen Sie ihn in das Hauptverzeichnis ein.
Ich bin nicht sicher, ob das funktioniert, aber einen Versuch ist es wert
as i stated already but it was deleted/removed
idk where it went. but, revo uninstaller will remove it
if you aim to remove it or any other software/game.
as for the game not starting after using the batch
(even tho i said part of this in my prior response too)
check in the other folders for the main EXE location.
(where/if the exe was moved too i mean)
somewhere in those areas should be a steam ini
file. you should see it stating "where to start the exe"
from. make sure its being directed at the new exe
location. (thats one possible solution) without needing
to redownload in case this is broken.
if the ini file is missing, and you still have the installer/
original files from the ISO. copy the crack over to it,
and see if it works. if not, check the ini files location
for where its looking for the game at.
and i think google translate did the same thing
to you... bc idk what superfluous is lol
unless you mean "messed up?" i do hope
you understand me, or google gets
what im saying correct. if not, i am sorry.
maybe someone will translate in shorter
it may be steam ini, cream, goldberg etc.
i am not sure for this game.
Antwort 1
edit- if there is a crack folder somewhere
where the bat file is, copy/paste it into
the main directory.
i cant be sure that will work, but its worth a shot.
The batch file is already in the main directory when installing FP2
Atwort 2
I couldn't find a Steam config file in a folder in FP2.
I also searched every content folder.
I only found a "steam_emu.ini", but it doesn't say anything about the exe file.
There is no ini file in the CRACK folder in the ISO either.
Copying the CRACK folder into the main directory didn't help either.
Even moving the original folders back to the main directory results in the same ERROR.
check inside it for where its asking the game
to start from. it may be different than where
it is actually starting from. if you make changes,
save them.
steam_umu.ini is one of the crack files haha
steam_emu.ini ist die Konfigurationsdatei, von der ich spreche. Suchen Sie darin nach der Stelle, an der das Spiel gestartet werden soll. Diese kann von der tatsächlichen Startstelle abweichen. Wenn Sie Änderungen vornehmen, speichern Sie diese.
steam_emu.ini ist eine der Crack-Dateien, haha
not all words from you are a ???.
its ok, i search and test it later today.
steamconfig.ini in FP2 folder > control it of the FP2.exe location.
i send message then.
if you have not downloaded that.
do so now, as the prior patch notes
stated they would 'release' the dx12 fix
in the next patch (which is this patch)
although, i do not see a mention of
dx12 fixing in the patch notes on steam.
just fixes for mac users and other improvements.
but, it never hurts to try!
right click the shortcut on your desktop,
hit "open file location".
find the games launcher (same as the shortcut
on desktop). right click it, hit CREATE SHORTCUT
now, go to that shortcut you JUST MADE.
right click that, hit properties, follow what i show in my
image. go to TARGET then youll hit SPACE 1 time then put -dx12 then apply!
you may also try d3d12 and -d3d12 (and dx12 without the dash)
if none of those work, make sure your drivers are upto date.
and windows itself is updated.
ignore that this is NOT the same game
it is quite literally an example only!
this also works for VR games/making games run
in VR mode too! once you have done this, and applied it.
cut, and paste this to your desktop removing the prior
shortcut! (try all variations) if that does not work.
then wait for an update, since the people who
paid for this are having this same issue.
Also, the intro cinematic made me laugh. "Sinister woman voice: it's now time to expand, survival isn't enough anymore" as if that is bad, it makes perfect sense actually, my vote goes to shadow lady.
<3 01 8
-Failed to open descriptor file ../../../Frostpunk2/Frostpunk2.uproject
-Direct x12 issue
I have directX and updated drivers and I tried with commands
the batch file is no longer in the
the dx12 issue is a game bug, its posted
all over the games steam topics/issues.
they supposedly released an update that fixed
this issue. so, if you have yet downloaded the latest
update patch above, do so. if you have, then
i suspect you will have to wait for an update
that actually fixes the issue.
as for "failed to open descriptor file it seems something
is missing from the files. so, reinstalling should help.
make sure you added exclusions for download and install
locations for this game. so this helps in the future with
any files that may come up missing.
if the exe for this game is in another location,
copy a shortcut to where it should be (since
i assume you updated and this is the issue that
came after). if that doesnt work, find the ini file for
this (steam emu) something along those lines.
and see where its asking the game to be launched
from, and make sure it matches its actual launch location
directory. if its different, change it to where its supposed
to be. if that dont work, reinstalling without updating
is the only option i know atm unless IGG
has re-uploaded a version without this issue.
(unless you and the other dude had your
antivirus software on thus creating this issue that
Having massive stuttering and lagging issues later into the game though.
Hoping for a patch soon.
Install these:
Not only the x64 files.
Properly copy the crack files from the RUNE folder into the folder where you installed the game to.
It's easier to check the box "copy contents of RUNE folder to install dir" before game installation.
The altered steam api dll is part of that content.
You just didn't copy the crack or MS Defender still holds it captured.
Turn it off completely, unzip the files again to regain the complete crack files or allow the captured crack file in Defender and restore it.
I forgot to point to the help zone...my bad.
Well, now you got it working.
I don't have this game myself, but I know how this works.
Be aware, it's a full release, but there are going to be patches and updates coming.
Newly released games tend to be buggy.
Yes, false positive. Just allow the program to do its thing, if buying is not an option.
Old knowledge.
Please help me how to start u.
Please tell me how to start, it appears as above