Right? been waiting since the day it was released. some other sub par games are getting constant updates so i don't know how they select specific games to update. The new update is also about 22gigs. so they would have to add another 5 parts since the files can only a max of 5gb per part.
For change languague, search using windows search for steam_emu, ini in local of game installation, and open e change "language=" for your preference and save
Hmmm? Why do you say that? I remember seeing tons of similar games as far as the early 90s on the Megadrive and Super Nes. This concept is very old. Very boring though.
I think you ment,how to make a desktop shortcut? Well if that's it,just go to your instalation folder and find the game icon,or game.exe file or anything that actually starts the game xd,right click on it and go 'send to' and choose 'desktop'. :D
i would rather go on a weekend to the river than playing that early access garbage this fishing sims are pretty much for people who live on places where theres no rivers, lakes or oceans
Fishing Sim World is developed by Dovetail Games and published by Dovetail Games โ Fishing. It was released in 18 Sep, 2018. It was released in 18 Sep, 2018. 18 Sep, 2018. LEL whatยฟ But here still 09/15/18
google drive always exceeds quota..
The new update is also about 22gigs. so they would have to add another 5 parts since the files can only a max of 5gb per part.
I installed game and when i click to icon, it automatically send to me to steam..
Was it not free game?
Both are Free to Play but be aware of Rushing Fishing 4,
devs are greedy bastarts!!
this fishing sims are pretty much for people who live on places where theres no rivers, lakes or oceans
Is this correct? Are we in the future?
It was released in 18 Sep, 2018.
18 Sep, 2018.
LEL whatยฟ
But here still 09/15/18