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John Davincy
Score: 1/10 - don't even worth your time!

  • No story, no chapters, ONE map only. The only purpose is to survive as long as possible.
  • For starter, you have limited 24 tiles (named TurretBased) to build on, and you can buy more tiles later. It's a normal idea until the price increases dramatically after every purchase. The first tile is 20$, but the tenth one is 320$. You'll end up with a tiny base in the middle of a huge map.
  • About the resources management, the idea of juggling between different kinds of resources is good, but again the dev somehow ruined it.
    The game has 2 basic resources: electricity (provided by PowerStation) & mineral (provided by MineralRefinery). In theory, one PowerStation can individually supply electricity for 5 turrets, and one MineralRefinery can individually supply mineral for 5 turrets. HOWERVER, if you build one PowerStation and one MineralRefinery, together they can only supply for ONE turret. Why? Because one PowerStation consumes 90% mineral that a MineralRefinery can supply, and vice versa. So every time you want to build a turret, you have to build a PowerStation and a MineralRefinery.