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Damn that pink dress girl must have an asshole of steel or a rectum of titanium (or is a big whore) to be able to sit like that on a woden stick.
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TrustedVIPHelperRob Conner
The girl is sitting on a three legged stool that has one foot visible in the foreground, one foot partially hidden and one completely hidden in the background, a two legged stool or even a one legged stool that each has a seat attached to its leg(s). Also, notice that her feet are propped up on the stool's foot rest. You need to check your eyesight before you go completely blind!

Note: Edited to try to satisfy Kain Yusanagi's point of contention (See the below "conversation"). Like the old saying goes, "You can please some of the people, some of the time but you can't please all of the people, all of the time~!
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Kain Yusanagi
Look closer, Rob; it's an art error, commonly experienced with AI art (backgrounds look to be drawn separately from those characters as well). There is a single pole, with no secondary or tertiary pole at all; it almost looks like two poles side by side if you look at the bottom, but it doesn't split towards the top; it just merges in a straight line into the seat. She does have her feet up, but it's just a peg off of that singular leg; the third leg would be visible below her feet if it existed.
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TrustedVIPHelperRob Conner
Kain, the third leg could appear to be hidden if it is parallel behind the leg in front while the second leg is partially or completely hidden in the darkness among all of that furniture where the sun isn't shining upon it. Also, if it's true that the girl is sitting on a pole then how is she resting her legs - In mid air, by her own willpower like a genie? It's possible that the background is recycled from some other artwork - That's a common practice, especially in asset flip games. But none the less, according to Physics, a stool has to have at least three legs in order to be able to stay upright and support a person's entire weight. The only stools (Not metal, office swivel chairs) that I've seen with only one leg are stationary [Unmovable], metal, swivel ones that are bolted down into the floors of diners which doesn't appear to be the case in this artwork. And before any wiseguy tries to bring it up, yes, there actually is a two legged, wooden stool (See here) and to top that off, some smart-as$ or creative inventor (Depends upon each individual's point of view) actually designed and built a one legged, wooden stool (See video here and yes, some wiseguy can suggest that such a stool can be used inverted with the leg sticking upwards but that sounds uncomfortable, IMHO) but those are rare examples which do not pertain to the period of time in which this game takes place!
🤔 😲 🥴

Even an anal-retentive person (I'm sure that you're very familiar with the type!) can see that this is not the case here! Who commonly makes a wooden stool that only has one leg and a peg sticking out of its side? I agree that the stool may be erroneously depicted, from a technical standpoint, in this illustration but remember, art unlike architecture, is not precise and exacting. It is subject to an artist's interpretation of the real World and objects within it (i.e. - Abstract art). Artists are said to have an "artistic license" to create their artwork as they see fit and it is up to each viewer to subjectively determine his or her own the meaning from the artwork. It is not objective, unlike the architectural plans for a skyscraper or a huge suspension bridge, both of which must be exact in measurement and precise in detail as human lives may be in the balance (IMHO, this is a excellent field within which, anal retentive people can flourish).

In architecture, there can be no errors whatsoever allowed, otherwise human lives can be lost. However, such is not the case with art though! IMHO, you should be more loose with your thinking when it comes to interpreting and appreciating a piece of artwork~! Come on man, who IRL sits on a pole that only supports a tiny portion [rectal area] underneath their as$? Yes, we've all heard of nasty jokes targeted at gay men but again, that is not case here!

If you feel that what you're espousing is due to errors with AI artwork then I can see how you may see that, as AI artwork is still in its infancy and filled with noticeable, spatial and/or proportional errors. Again, many asset flip games do use AI artwork as it is considerably cheaper than hiring a professional artist to create the artwork (Especially for this $0.99 Steam game) but the concept of a girl sitting on a wooden stool as she appears to be lost in thought (No matter how many legs it has, as long as it has a seat as even the one legged one in the linked video has one), still remains the same, although poorly executed in some (Not all) people's minds! Again, art is subjective and not objective just as "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder".
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It always sadden me when I see a person; first making mistake then trying to prove that it has right anyway (falling in bigger rabbit hole). It's like some people had some sort ego problem, and such one must go on top must be alfa must be best... but in truth such person are just meaningless.

Well anyway I don't wanna go further into this discussion, so before I go I just allow myself to say that I agree with other folks here not you ROB, and bye.
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TrustedVIPHelperRob Conner
It always saddens me whenever I witness a person who fails to make his or her case irrefutable, resort to the deployment of "trolling tactics" in a feeble attempt to verbally coerce others into thinking that the others should submit to their so called, presented "evidence" and pretentious, self-inflated intellect.

Each person is entitled to his|her opinion just as you are entitled to yours and I am entitled to mine, Chaos Dwarf. I will not engage in an endless discussion with you. I stand by what I wrote concerning the artwork.
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