Game title caused an epic double take. I thought it was called "Fart". Sadly, it was not.
1gig of vram and 2 gb ram minimum for a game with X com graphics
Nice game, seems like it tries to make most quests have 3 very different ways to solve them.
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Yeah. Been a while since I put more than 8 hours in one of these type of games. I made 2 other saves to see how playing with and without consumption is and I picked a different daughter on each save, so far the death daughter seems fun.
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hey i dont know if somenone can help for real, i installed the game, but when i tried to play it, a small blank window appears as if the game started but then it disappears, i tried many troubleshooting solutions but can´t seem to find a solution
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There isn't any installation needed when you download the game. Try to re-downloading it. I just drag it out of it's winzip folder onto my desktop and it works.
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Hi, if i may ask, can you tell me your pc specifications? Just to compare and see if it is a problem of my os
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This game is pretty good. it actually has choices that effects the world.
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Dude I cannot go to temple and mogboil or something because terrain crashes its like theres no path to go and dont know where to go because of the invisible rocks or mountains.
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Griffin Turner
Yeah I had the same problem. Emailed the developer about it and apparently it's a bug that was fixed in the update after the version uploaded to IGG.
What version of the game is this?
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I installed the game, but when i launch it, the system ask me if i allow access to my networks and then it does not launch at all, i tried running it in administrator mode but it does not work either way
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while the animations are meh the gameplay feels good
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This looks good! Did anyone play it?
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Idk if that fits you but the youtuber Nookrium did a video on it.