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My farm resets every now and then and I have to start over and over again. All that remains is the character level. Anyone have the same problem?
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i have same issue, i report to dev in steam discussions and dev rep "Note that none of the posters in this thread have the owner icon."
so i think only cr*ck player have this issue.
Yes. Pirate Protection by the Devs. :(
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You need to minimize the duration of each play session. It appears that the reset only occurs when the game is running, so you can only start the game when you need to plant and harvest, and turn it off when it's growing. This seems to prevent the reset. I'm already level 7.
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give that a try, yw!

my dumb ass locked the link to where noone
could download unless they requested.
i fixed that. sorry!

adding that im level 14 and since adding this fix
none of my "home base" planted
(or prefabbed) stuff has been reset to a blank slate since.
i suggest adding this ASAP. or go to the right place
and get it from the OG poster which im unable to link here.
either way, its safe and works.
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When I try to run the game with steamclient_loader.exe, nothing happens. I downloaded your file and moved it to the game folder
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if you played before using the fix
i shared, you would lose all progress
except level and money/currencies.

and you had to use "client loader"
now, you use the actual game to open it.
i denied access to the net since
atm (afaik) its not working.

although, i did see mention of a fix
but it was more than i was willing to
dig into. either way, glad this helped you.
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i planted crops and apple trees soon latter they disappeared
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me too, it auto sell all farm.
If This versions "removing"
save files, use this
its the ORIGINAL upload with (from IGG)
the "fix" being said to not work
which works with the original upload
and to the one person i stated it did
bc at the time, no update had been given.

dont come at me 5 weeks later naggin
making fuss this fix dont work on the latest
version of the game. i cant help that.
if this happens again, and you update
the fix will NOT work any longer!
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igg didn't update during the past 5 weeks (otherwise there would be a version date in brackets behind the topic name) so yea just admit your "fix" isn't fixing anything and stop throwing a temper tantrum over people pointing it out.
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im uploading the original files
that were obtained (THE OG NON UPDATED)
game. with the fix already in it.

here dick, get ya facts straight!

once done, grab that, do ya normal
shit and run it for a while see that
the "FIX" worked when the game was just
released, and then apologize
dick head.

just to "prove" my point
and ill apologize for my comments
towards you, but next time LMK
its not working so i can check. then
ill do what i do and figure it out!
cool with you? instead of claiming
it never worked. bc the sceenshots show 28
days or whatever, and my farm having loads of shit
on it. which you dont see the other parts of the farm
with an entire square of different kinds of fish,
and another full of pigs and chickens.

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edit: adding another 2 images to show
the time the farm log in game says,
and how much crap is on my farm after running
in the background for 4 or so hours.
*keep in mind i played for 8 hours give or take,
and haven't really done anything since.

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I did all the steps, but for me, the problem is that when i run the picture with the game, nothing happens. It does not start. My antivirus is off.
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use this the game was updated
making the fix i shared useless.
the "files" im sharing now are the original
game files with the fix already in it.

which 100% works.
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World completely erases after around 20min
in game playtime. (everything that was there when
one starts the game, as well as EVERYTHING
one added after (except for the house?)
which im not to sure the issue. this is strange and is in
broken condition the way it is. if you leave said game before
the "NUKE" happens to your home world then
it saves and you can close the game and reopen.
then play for 15 min again and repeat. but
thats not the best plan to play any game.
i dont much play games like this only downloaded to check.
but this isnt working the way it is. at least not as
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recent updated repack solved
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its not on this site just yet.
it is solved. i linked a fix that one doesnt
need to redownload everything to use.
just download, copy and paste into the games
directory. thats it. been running for over an hour now
without issues.

i only tried this bc i was looking to solve the issue
from the comments mentioning it.
but now i seem to like the game lol ffs.
black people
not recommend
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Should be NUKED ☢. Not cracked.
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its fixed with a patch by the community.
There is English support via the English interface and English subtitles.
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Jate Hews
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could you guys at least upload a working version that won't keep resetting progress?

and before craxton comments with the same "community fix" from below, it doesn't do shit besides keeping the game from even starting at all.
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it is again, i may cuss you out, but i help ya ass
at the same time. ill keep it in mind
how you called me a LIAR, and a FAKE
bc those are disrespectful dude.
you started this none sensical bullshit
when you made that initial comment to me.

the link shared simply download,
and play. then stfu. no need to respond
again. bc then youll see im not liar
nor fake. and you kiddo are a troll.

btw shared a WORKING FIX for an OLDER VERSION 5 fucking
weeks ago, to which you should
take your ass to the proper place to complain at
and you may get a proper fix. except, you dont do shit but complain
dont fact check, or ask if i knew how to solve
for the latest version
im not a mod, nor admin. im a normal mother fucker
who goes OUT MY WAY to help aholes like you dude.
next time, make sure you remember that.
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Get your ass up
Verified, it's not a communist game