Simple, light-hearted, and cute game. Just like something non-top from PS2 era.
It's so cute! I lilke it!
Misafir Oyuncu
Yannick Ross
so its like atelier series or what ?
looks like pokemon game
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Dark Sorceress
looks like it belongs on 3ds
Off brand harvest moon mapstyle,light novel visuals...
Is there anything that is properly animated?By properly i mean better than Final Fantasy 4 The Complete Collection on iOS that was put out long ago.
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Yarielist Yggdrasil
Okay then ...
RUNE FACTORY : 3 and 4 is better ...
for The Ocean, Choose PS 3 version ...
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Dark Sorceress
something like star dew valley then ?
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Thicc pfp bro
But i was looking for something like RPG,anime styled,non visual novel style and with anime art too.
Something like Fable 1 but anime.
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This still look like Fable 1 but My Time at Portia was a nice game. clunky but still good due to the things you can do in it. My time at Sandrock is not a direct sequal but the gameplay there is better and less cluncky still in early development but it is stable and available here.
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I dont know if links to images can be posted freely here so i will be dropping 2 responses.
i imgur com/nsAWzuT jpg [replaced dots to spaces in case there is image link removal]
Does Fable 1 and this game LOOK REMOTELY SIMILAR TO YOU?
A gentle and an honest question.
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for me yes they are, the semi low poly models of the characters and objects are similar for me. Obviously the color palette are different that of the Fable 1 original are darker due to the context of the game's setting, and MTAP are lighter and more saturated due to its light hearted story.
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So according to you if models are old then it is similar to plasticine,soooo:
Doom[the first 3D one] have probably alot of similarities,LMFAO.
Im simply looking for a game where i can slaughter stuff mercilessly like in Quakes,Duke Nukem and doom that i liked alot[especially Quakes&Dukes] but with RPG setting and artstyle like Fable 1.
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No sorry i forgot to say why MTAP and fable 1 are similar hahahhaha, MTAP is basically Fable 1 turned into a farming sim HAHAHAHA. You can mine, craft, upgrade, farm and even fight as well. the fighting mecanics are similar to Fable 1, MTAP though doesn't have range weapons iirc.
Try Valheim? i guess it online so you need to pay. How about dragon age series? 1 was good 2 was meh 3 was okay... a few MMOs should be good as well, black dessert if you want PvP with frustrating end game grind. Genshin is a bit clay like but it offers a lot (haven't played it though, just heard of a lot of positive comments from friends) and no PvP.
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Every newer game have such similarity in fighting mechanics,but i want linear closed world with crapton of stuff to explore in it,like in Fable 1. With artstyle(as i said) similar to it.
Valheim,i saw the gameplay of it where guy bugged the heck out of it. I would play it honestly,just for the buggs.
Dragon Age's remind me of Elex with the open world they have so i feel like i already played all open world games by just playing Elex that was made by the authors of Gothic series.
When it comes to MMO i decided to spend time in the ones with HEAVY character customizability because i like such thing,so no black desert online for me.
Heard Genshin is decent but ALSO owns gambling in form of gacha so its instant skip + it rootkits your system with malware on the admin level where antiviruses are not allowed to reach. So from the score of 10/10 those 2 minuses own 5 points down each in itself and as result Genshin is 0/10 from the get go.
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Hhmmm, how about darksiders. 1 was epic though im not sure about the remake, 2 was my favourite just because of the environments you can go (and you play as freaking death, my inner edgelord awakened when i played that one), never played 3 though. hahaha if thats not what your looking for then Im sorry man I've run out of games to reccomend you XD.
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Oh,you ran out. Gomen shuba.
Ps. darksiders looks kinda similar to Prototype that had really nice gameplay where you tore military and tanks apart using your own biokinesis powers.
I'm not in to playing death but you reminded me of game i really enjoyed and mentioned above.
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hahaha I did ran out what you wanted was oddly specific so not a lot of good games like that, Pototype also reminded me of Alice, slay everything, upgrade, repeat. Did not finish that one though so I'm not sure. Only Darksiders 2 is where you play as death, in 1 War is your character, in 3 you play as Fury. Again I haven't played 3 but all games have varied unique mechanics for each character. 1 is more like your god slayer Kratos, 2 is like Kratos with guns and a ridable horse, nightmare. I do wish you would find what your looking for, try expanding your taste so you can enjoy more games. Like Visual novels? HAHAHAHA jkjk
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Well,my taste is huge(could list u 200 games that i like out of 4000,if i put my mind to it). It's that whenever people recommend me game and i watch em i cannot feel any soul from them.
Watched Alice:Madness returns gameplay just now and saw that its preety much similar to really old MediEvil on ps1 with more slashery mechanics like in nier automata.
To be fair? I dont know how to rate this game,i will simply say its decent but not my combination taste.
Ok,lemme specify different genre than RPG then:
FPS similar to: Quake series,doom series,Duke Nukem series.
I dont know if links to images can be posted freely here so i will be dropping 2 responses.
Does Fable 1 and this game LOOK REMOTELY SIMILAR TO YOU?
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Dark Sorceress
if you like harvest moon style games and graphics i highly recommend my fav game Ruin factory a fantasy harvest moon , great games and my fav series
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Ruin factory was not found while googling. Can you show me screenshot of it?
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Dark Sorceress
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gI26ohe9B0 course here you go , you can download a emulator n get the rom free if you like it great game theres 4 in the series
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Oh,rune factory.
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Dark Sorceress
hahaha i spelled it wrong oops still a wonderful game
Kuinawa Senzagaura
Ni no kuni
Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of DANA
Dragon quest
and theres still a plenty of it
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Similar(at least artstyle) to Fable 1 but anime:
Ni no kuni = nope
Xenoblade = 50% but since its on console[source: reddit and g00gle] i dont want it until i will decide to look for emulators.
Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of DANA = 70% but the 3D used there on anime characters looks ugly so i skip it out.
Dragon quest = a game series that is not what im looking for
Plenty of titles that dont fit the criteria... Bro... And they dont look fun either...
I'll just wait for Monster Girl Quest Paradox part 3 to be released since that game was fun and had beautifull cutscene battle art.
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what are you looking for exactly? a farming game? open world? with better animation?
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Something that does not look like characters were made with clay/plasticine that invaded western cartoons in 2005-2010 and NEINtendo games afterwards...
So to say,similar to fable 1 with nearly everything but not the other game you posted since it is in cathegory of "plasticine" and i hated "plasticine" type stuff for 15 years(ever since i first saw this) now.
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Doom, Devil May Cry, Far cry 3,4,5, GTA V?
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Doom was decent to play,alongside Quake's and Duke Nukems. Though only old ones,doom 2016 and eternal feels like copypaste of Quake 4 with few added mechanics,not that i mind replaying Quake 4 with different title,lol.
DMC'A[title pun] i played on youtube with copyright.
I cried far[title pun],out of soulless boredom in this game series...
GTA Sandreass was decent,3 was good,2 and 1 were fun to play,4 and 5 felt like soulless open world boredom just by their gameplay.
Games with soul in em are really fun to play,but those soulless titles are just "i passed endgame,so what?"Still emptiness oozes from the title,art,gameplay,music etc.
Still emptiness = zombie'ism
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good boys and girls game
no precious my dear smeagols
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so how much you give it?
"Note: The English in this game has been translated mainly using machine translation."
What can I say
Looks like Atelier series. Only cheaper.
Luis Alves
P∪ssy Apostle
you can get a lot of items!
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Temmie Plays!