Indeed, game doesn't work properly (black screen) because it's Steam DRM protected, so unless someone crack it , buy it on steam or provide a solution, you can't play it. Actually the game is cheap ($0.99) on Steam if you are interested in it.
This game seems to be broken. You start it up, you only have 1 option to click on when you start the game. All others are locked. And it just doesn't load in the puzzle. You just see the same pink background that you did with the main menu and a pink box on the right side, but there is just no puzzle pieces. I tried to restart the game 3 times and it is always the same thing.
I'm not sure if it is just my computer, but this seems broken. After extracting it and running the game's executable, after setting the option, the window opens, but the app hangs before doing anything and has to be closed or wait for it to respond. Unfortunately, it never starts responding..
Please let them know the game isn't working. The main menu loads but the game cannot be played. Also there's free DLC that should be bundled in with the game (its the uncensor)