NOTE: since Mod Fallout: London requires version "Fallout 4 Game of the Year Edition v1.10.163.0-GOG". Therefore you must install the base game before using the Mod.
NOTE 2: Install Fallout London Mod into a different folder (different from where you installed the Fallout game). Once installed, use their installer (Launch Fallout - London), point to where you installed the Fallout game, follow the instructions there, enjoy ;).
Of if you still don't know how to install. I see they have written quite detailed instructions, you can read them here:
Pls IGG never go away(like Fmovies,OMG i know about other better sites for movies and shows that was just an example), i love it here so much. Links works with no bs download speed slowing or paying, PATCHES up to date. This site its like dream best out there. IDK just saying i very much appreciated your work. AND now lets go to Fallen Fallout London bby.
losmovies dot to is identical to fmovies. no lagging, no dumb ass mods there to block a comment on a show/movie you criticized etc... lostmovies is gone.. dont bother going to it the sites youll find in its place are fakes.. they may work, but they are not the real one.
fmovies died, but losmovies dot to is exactly the same. minus theme. has comment system the same, bookmarking shows etc, auto skip.. its the same in every way again, minus theme.
fmoviesz is what he refers to. it indeed is gone, the fmovies site you refer to is still going, but doesnt have the feature set the moviesZ site had... bookmarking your favs, making lists, skipping intros, etc. plus disqus comment section.
ive had 6 sites taken down in 2 weeks time now. fmoviesz and losmovies both are gone. however, i found something i wont share publicly that replaced any sites ive lost however...
either way, the takedown has begun! and all we can do is watch it happen, or start assisting in mirror sites...
Lil old me was raised on bottle caps, mine scrips and NCR dollars, tickets don't have the right ring to it for me (yet). 🐸 But since it's you, here you go!
ill admit, it didnt for me at first either. but, im 60+ hours into the story/side missions now. currently waiting for the "last" story mission since its a "wait x time" ordeal before it finishes up... i hope they put NG+ considering there are SO many other choices i cuda made... still not found all followers, nor have i joined all factions since some chioces will have you killing high rank officers of other factions etc... either way, ive enjoyed tf out of it. perhaps i could do without abusing console commands so much...but mehhhhh lol (yea, thats in game time...)
*ive been playing, and its HARD since 90% of the map is water and travel is "Parkour" just dont touch the water! (p.s. pickup all "tickets/passes".. bottle caps are junk/tin metal.)
ill also add, you still wanna edit the .ini file in C:\Users\name\Documents\My Games\Fallout4 fallout4pref ini if you wanna make fullscreen.
find the lines that say, iPresentInterval & (set it like that) minus resolution. also note, god rays, and weapon debris work now too. on newer gpus. iPresentInterval=1 bTopMostWindow=0 bMaximizeWindow=1 bBorderless=1 bFull Screen=1 iSize H=2160 iSize W=3840
still havent figured out how to properly fix the controller scheme issues tho it would seem. either way, thanks IGG!
just finished the main story after 70+ hours, and alot of side missions done still so much left to see/do/uncover i gotta say...
although this is indeed a Bethesda level buggy mess at times, its one of the best fallout games to date yet! first few missions were boring af and i almost didnt play at all due to that. i was fortunate enough to not have any major issues at the start, other than a train crash scene that i resolved by enabling a few fixes for fallout 4 id already had.
for those wanting to play this, give it at least a few hours before making the call to bail out. (i indeed have 70 hours in game, and still have alot of choices left undone, as well as 4 other companions to do, 7 other companion quest lines, alot of locations to discover, and some gear left to find..) i am a fallout fan at heart, Bethesda games in general really when it comes to open world. but no other fallout game gave me such challenge like this done on "normal" difficulty, cranked it up eventually, but its still one of the harder games in the fallout world imo..
anyways, hopefully others are enjoying this buggy mess! and will remember this IS FREE! not just bc IGG uploaded, but bc this "DLC" (MOD) IS FREE IN GENERAL!
p.s. if you get stuck on a quest thats bugged, go to fallons discord server! and keep in mind, most console commands work the same. " help itemname 4 " without quotations will tell you an item id and then you can " player.additem itemid #of that item you want " or " player.setav carryweight xxxxxx " or tcl for no clip, tgm for godmode etc..
For any and ALL BUGS/CRASHES/ISSUES with the MOD not fallout4 go to Team Falons Discord server where youll find alot of answers, as well as issues. considering this is a MOD. im 20 hours in the game at this point, and have faced many quest bugs, dialogue issues etc... some game crashes, either way tho, go to their discord to report, and get answers!
As some have mentioned below this absolutely is a buggy mess.(pretty much the theme in all reviews both gamers and website reviews) Personally I'm gonna wait,,,, just like you have to do with EVERY bethesda game or at least should until it gets patched.
any and all bugs i encountered was easily resolved with doing "all" dialogue options, or with a command to finish that quest in general. i honestly only had 2/3 game breaking issues. two which, one everyone had. the other two, i did myself... either way, waiting for some to be fixed... thats not really wise, this isnt a "game" its a mod. so, its likely not all issues will ever be resolved.
this is coming from one of those who mentioned the bugs below and who went thru the entire game its as if beth released this themselves, but its a group of modders. so keep it in mind, as this could be dropped at ANY POINT!
The game will enter a bug when you listen to the tape from the main mission's restaurant, Larsaruzz, where we have to find someone to take us there. underground research room
the first couple hours were the hardest for me to get into, but after that when you really get into the story and side missions, its a whole different ball game!
man i really hope to god that they handle it well, get rid of the shitty goofy ass artstyle and PLEASE DO NOT introduce any previously known or mentioned factions PLEASEEEE. if they do it right this will set an amazing precedent for bethesda in their future games
the "shitty goofy ass artstyle" you're referring to, is why this exist in the first place,fallout is amazing,and thinking a mod is better than the original is just stupid,even with how shit bethesda is now. if you don't like the fallout style,go play roblox
On the contrary, this only works WITHOUT the next gen update since it's been in development since way before that crappy update. IF you did update, they give you detailed instructions on how to downgrade
xcell by itself doesnt solve the issue. you need a few more things for xcell to work properly. but it does help. buffout is the better call however, to get logs as to "what" went wrong, and the unofficial patches for fallout 4 help a ton as well. ive got around 7 mods installed all for crash issues/fixes from fallout 4 that work perfectly with london.
NOTE 2: Install Fallout London Mod into a different folder (different from where you installed the Fallout game). Once installed, use their installer (Launch Fallout - London), point to where you installed the Fallout game, follow the instructions there, enjoy ;).
Of if you still don't know how to install. I see they have written quite detailed instructions, you can read them here:
BTW, thanks to you guys, now I know some more sites to watch new movies, haha
And Dantosu for Anime for those rare moments.
no lagging, no dumb ass mods there to
block a comment on a show/movie you
criticized etc...
lostmovies is gone.. dont bother going to it
the sites youll find in its place are fakes..
they may work, but they are not the real one.
exactly the same. minus theme. has comment system
the same, bookmarking shows etc, auto skip..
its the same in every way again, minus theme.
the fmovies site you refer to is still going,
but doesnt have the feature set the moviesZ site had...
bookmarking your favs, making lists, skipping
intros, etc. plus disqus comment section.
ive had 6 sites taken down in 2 weeks time now.
fmoviesz and losmovies both are gone.
however, i found something i wont share
publicly that replaced any sites ive lost however...
either way, the takedown has begun!
and all we can do is watch it happen,
or start assisting in mirror sites...
The trailers looked amazing, it's obvious how much the team cares about this project.
but, im 60+ hours into the story/side missions now.
currently waiting for the "last" story mission since its
a "wait x time" ordeal before it finishes up... i
hope they put NG+ considering there are
SO many other choices i cuda made... still not found
all followers, nor have i joined all factions since some chioces
will have you killing high rank officers of other factions etc...
either way, ive enjoyed tf out of it. perhaps i could do without
abusing console commands so much...but mehhhhh lol
(yea, thats in game time...)
of the map is water and travel is "Parkour"
just dont touch the water! (p.s. pickup all "tickets/passes"..
bottle caps are junk/tin metal.)
ill also add, you still wanna edit the .ini
file in C:\Users\name\Documents\My Games\Fallout4
fallout4pref ini if you wanna make fullscreen.
find the lines that say, iPresentInterval & (set it like that) minus
resolution. also note, god rays, and weapon debris
work now too. on newer gpus.
bFull Screen=1
iSize H=2160
iSize W=3840
still havent figured out how to properly
fix the controller scheme issues tho it would seem.
either way, thanks IGG!
keep an eye on those sewer dwellers....
and alot of side missions done still so much left to
see/do/uncover i gotta say...
although this is indeed a Bethesda level buggy mess
at times, its one of the best fallout games to date yet!
first few missions were boring af and i almost didnt
play at all due to that. i was fortunate enough
to not have any major issues at the start, other than a
train crash scene that i resolved by enabling
a few fixes for fallout 4 id already had.
for those wanting to play this, give it at least a
few hours before making the call to bail out.
(i indeed have 70 hours in game, and still
have alot of choices left undone, as well as
4 other companions to do, 7 other companion
quest lines, alot of locations to discover,
and some gear left to find..)
i am a fallout fan at heart, Bethesda games
in general really when it comes to open world.
but no other fallout game gave me such challenge
like this done on "normal" difficulty, cranked it up
eventually, but its still one of the harder games
in the fallout world imo..
anyways, hopefully others are enjoying this buggy mess!
and will remember this IS FREE!
not just bc IGG uploaded, but bc this "DLC" (MOD)
p.s. if you get stuck on a quest thats bugged,
go to fallons discord server!
and keep in mind, most console commands
work the same. " help itemname 4 "
without quotations will tell you an item id
and then you can " player.additem itemid #of that item you want "
or " player.setav carryweight xxxxxx " or tcl for no clip, tgm for godmode etc..
not fallout4 go to Team Falons
Discord server where youll find alot of answers,
as well as issues. considering this is a MOD.
im 20 hours in the game at this point, and have faced
many quest bugs, dialogue issues etc...
some game crashes, either way tho, go to their
discord to report, and get answers!
dont say "iM on A PiRAtED cOpY oF FaLlOuT4"
resolved with doing "all" dialogue options,
or with a command to finish that quest in general.
i honestly only had 2/3 game breaking issues.
two which, one everyone had. the other two,
i did myself... either way, waiting for some to be fixed...
thats not really wise, this isnt a "game" its a mod.
so, its likely not all issues will ever be resolved.
this is coming from one of those who
mentioned the bugs below and who went thru
the entire game its as if beth released this themselves,
but its a group of modders. so keep it in mind,
as this could be dropped at ANY POINT!
mentioned. as well as what fixes are done, or bypasses etc!
A smug-pacalypse.
for me to get into, but after that
when you really get into the story
and side missions, its a whole different ball game!
however, but they did their own take on it.
you need a few more things for xcell
to work properly. but it does help.
buffout is the better call however, to get
logs as to "what" went wrong, and
the unofficial patches for fallout 4 help a ton
as well. ive got around 7 mods installed
all for crash issues/fixes from fallout 4 that
work perfectly with london.
C:\Users\xxxxxxxxx\AppData\Local\Fallout4\plugins.txt was write protected.
Removed write protection and it worked.