Sweet, that sounds like my kind of horror game. Survival horror with combat is ok, but defenseless survival horror does not appeal to me. It's hard for me to explain, but something about respawning in a situation that would be utterly hopeless and impossible in real life, just does not feel right to me. Like, in older survival horror combat games, the game would give you limited weapons and ammo, forcing you to pick your battles, which to me is more realistic. So if it were real life, I can be like, "ok, I had a chance, it didn't work out, at least I died fighting". But games like Amnesia and Outlast are designed to make you learn through trial and error, which means it is IMPOSSIBLE to get through without dying, especially when the way out is so lengthy and drawn-out. The trial-and-error model is fine for fictional platformers, puzzles, etc., but in an immersive experience, not so much.