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IGG isn't gonna see your request if you put it here. All requests should go to the request section: https://igg-games.com/pc-game-738126637-request.html
It's not there as a fancy decoration, it's meant to be used.
Make sure to follow the request guidelines when you make the request; that is, specify the request type (upload, update, or re-upload), include a link, and mention the game name
update to version 1.0828?
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Johnny D.
I requested few games about 2 month ago... and my requests got ignored.
I will not bother to request again... waste of time for me.
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Requests don't get ignored. Why would IGG see one request and fulfill it and see another next to it and just say, "nope, I'm gonna ignore this one." You have no evidence that your requests were ignored because they weren't. They were missed, and the reason why is because hundreds of requests come through every single day. More than a few get missed. The admin is just one person. He's not a computer, he doesn't see every request that gets posted
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Johnny D.
Just use a script and a db, don't do this with a pen and paper and you will not miss any requests.
Anyway keep up the good work, this is the best site for VR games.
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Script and db?
Also, I don't have anything to do with how requests get fulfilled, so I can't change how the process is performed. All I do is moderate the comment walls.
If you could explain what script and db is though, I might be able to talk to the head moderator about it, he is in contact with the admin and might be able to make a suggestion. No guarantee that any changes will be implemented since it's the admin's decision at the end of the day, but it doesn't hurt to at least make a suggestion right?
i wasn't aware that its used for update requests as well. also i suppose i do not need to know if a game update etc is already requested before making a request?
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The request section is used for all requests, not just upload requests. That's why IGG made it.
If you see a request identical to the one you want to make, upvote it and make a different request
Jack Banner
IGG, can you add the NFO detail? Some people like me want to know about those things.
Servizio Merdoso
It seems like when hosting a server, if someone joins the game checks the players version of the game and kicks the cracked ones.
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welcome to the world of piracy
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Thank you soooooo, so much for this... Been waiting for this one for a long time.
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Luis Alvarado
Same, requested this a while back XD
Rubelis Vitalijus
Can't start the game. exe don't star after clik on it no reaction
Bloody Kenshiro
To anyone who played this game, are there multiple ships to choose from?
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Wouldn't be too much of a sci-fi game if there was only one ship that the player can use.
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Bloody Kenshiro
I did some research and while it's indeed true frames are unique, cockpits aren't, without mods.
Jahchan David
You make my dreams come true :-)
Many thanks guys !