I guess I didn't speak clearly.
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Bud, I can feel what you're going through, but look around on here. Theres AAA games that are still around on here... It isn't going to come down. IGG isn't ever going to be your issue, its the scene groups.
The best thing you can do is politely state that you are the developer of the game and if people do enjoy it then please support you in some way. People here really love that. I can't speak for if they actually donate after that, but you'll definitely get farther that way.
If it is not removed from now on, I will take legal action and sue you. I will never let the case go. Remove my game from here.
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You are only ensuring that no one will buy your game with your attitude.
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this crap sucks so whatever
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Vulag Tismaneanu
"After the death of a man cursed by her for cheating on a woman, his soul is trapped in his house and his grandson moves into that house after his marriage, and the married couple send a letter to a priest asking for help."
So.. Who's the one doing the cursing here?
Let me try:
"After a man dies within a house, due to a curse his lover placed on him for cheating with another woman, his grandson and his wife move into the house, and send a letter to a priest asking for help to remove the curse."
Now then, isn't that much better?
Just for fun! :P
"Bir kadını aldattığı için onun tarafından lanetlenen bir adamın ölümünden sonra, ruhu eve hapsolur ve evlendikten sonra torunu o eve taşınır ve evli çift, bir rahibe yardım istemek için bir mektup gönderir."
Beautiful greek horror game
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Vulag Tismaneanu
It isn't a Greek game. It's Turkish.
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I know. I am Turkish.
aea ere
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Vulag Tismaneanu
Lanet does not mean 'Cursed'. It means Curse. Adding 'ed' does not change the Turkish word. "Lanetli ev' is Cursed Home/House'. Also, 'li' is not the 'ed' suffix, since that changes based on the word. Turkish is not an easy language!
Can Serez
no its name is curse in the house. To be precise
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Vulag Tismaneanu
Evdeki Lanet means "Curse in House", roughly, in Turkish.
"Ev" is the word for 'House', the suffix 'deki' means 'in'. So Evdeki means 'In House'. If we add 'Lanet', yet another Turkish word, this time for 'Curse', we get 'Curse in (the) house', so can was correct.