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Esra Demir
I downloaded the new version ( but when I enter the game, the game closes without error after the intro. Please help...
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Esra Demir
Hi! I log in and create a game, but when I start the game it closes suddenly... Why? I really want to play this game
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I played for a while, and the gameplay is ok. But this roguelike nonsense makes the game feel too generic. There's no joy in exploring, you just know you'll pass through a series of random rooms and grab a handfull of random power ups that makes almost no difference until you get to the boss.
Same feeling you get while playing Chasm.
Smart level design>>>>random generation any day
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Nice goes back to playing Dead Cells
ikuyo, mamahaha! oops wrong game
☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
I didn't play long, but overall it's marvelous already.
The graphics are sooooo lovely!😍
I loooove the animations, especially when your character is in water.😊
At first, I thought controls were a bit slippery but they grew on me.
It's possible they could be improved to feel a bit "tighter".
I didn't really notice the music.🤔 SFX are okay.
I need to play more to listen to the whole OST.
The game is a bit easy, which is perfect for noobs like me.
I love that your bird can catch you if you fall in a bottomless pit. ha ha
(hey I was just testing his faith lol)
You progress fast and it becomes very quickly addictive, as you unlock more powers.
Level design is great...which is strange, since it's randomly generated.😅👍
And despite this, it still does feel like a proper Metroidvania.(although it doesn't actually claim to be a Metroivania, according to what I read from the developer on the Steam forums...)
It feels very satisfying to unlock hidden areas, find treasure chests, and also get new "artefacts"(you can have only 4 at the same time... Maybe more later?) to get new powers or improve your stats, etc.
Actually, I didn't know the levels were randomly generated, I only read about it after I played the game, so it means I didn't even notice it. Great job!👍
I think it might be better than https://igg-games.com/chasm-free-827211263-download.html. (Highly recommended. Don't trust the unfair critics.)
I only heard good things about this game, I'll feed on a great indie metroidvania any day.
Yamitsu Kurokaze
Failed to create graphics device!
en Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GraphicsDeviceManager.CreateDevice()
en Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GraphicsDeviceManager.Microsoft.Xna.Framework.IGraphicsDeviceManager.CreateDevice()
en Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.DoInitialize()
en Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Run(GameRunBehavior runBehavior)
en Eagle_Island.Program.Main()
Seed: 0
Level: Glade1
Room: None
Seek assistance on Discord: http://discord.gg/EagleIsland
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Thaís Da Silva Furno
Iale Idioma
maybe idk
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This s like an old school rockman with directional aiming.
that's My Gameplay for the Game you can play it with your Joystick ;)
hope you like it
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The Request page, which is located in the top navigation bar, it's the rightmost link (it has a little "?" icon, so you won't miss it).
Be sure to follow the proper format (read the bottom of the page), and check if the game hasn't been already uploaded!
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reminds me of owlboy
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Temmie Plays!
it's not. It's actually a slow, a bit clunky roguelike with permadeath. I bought it on steam. It plays much slower than you would expect. And you can onyl aim in 8 directions to attack. Not enough enemies to refill hearts ( they don't drop, only when you combo kill enemies )
not a well balanced game.
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not to jerk myself off but it didn't felt slow even on higher difficulties. its a bit clunky but it's well balanced in my opinion. but if you mean slower than owlboy then I agree.
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Temmie Plays!
that is what i mean.
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so kind of sucks?
well i will see it this weekend
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Temmie Plays!
it gets better after the initial 3 dungeons, and you get more abilities., like double jump and swimming. its decent after awhile.
Davey Dawn Ladouce
Yup 1st thing i thought should be fun
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Samuel Cardoso
This game looks great, thank you admin