In the world of woke Dei esg crap be the opposite. Do not even instal this not even bother
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Honestly, this doesn't look THAT bad. How is it woke exactly?
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If you can't tell how woke it is by cover alone ... yikes.

But the game deservers 1 droplet of respect and praise, its actually its own ip and not race gender fluidized of something else like everything else does.
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What, because it features a black woman? That's not what woke is/means. You can never tell if something is woke by looks alone because the wokness is mainly in the writing, not the design. Just having a protagonist that isn't a white male doesn't make a product woke. The writing is what makes it woke for the most part. And even then, the writing has to be in your face about it, literally shove it down your throat
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the writing has to be in your face about it, literally shove it down your throat

That's what it does here, it's woke in the worst meaning of it. PURE shit wokeness.
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And I ask again, HOW does it do that? Because just having a black woman protagonist isn't shoving anything down anyone's throat. Is the character's personality all about being a woman or about being black? Is there a character who's personality boils down to their gender identification and nothing else? THAT is shoving an ideology down someone's throat, not simply having a character that happens to be black or gay or trans.
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It does by showing a strong, black woman with a feminist haircut right on your face. Then there's a fat, black woman with vitiligo on the background. Then there's a middle aged black man. Then there's the genderless creature with a prosthetic arm (that goes by they/them but thats a bonus since u cant know that just by looking at the cover). Then of course there's another black dude, because you can't have a proper cover without 200% black people. And then there's the asian chick.

It's just a bunch of token characters that you can say with 100% certainty just from the cover that the game will be DEI woke shit and that's pretty much it.

It's nothing against black characters. It's just that black characters have been used as tokens on DEI/woke games for so long that it's now safe to assume that every game with a black character on the cover will be DEI/woke garbage and it's best to be avoided at all costs
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I wonder if I was the only one to get blocked lmao
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He blocked me as well, poor whiny little sjw bitch can't argue so he blocks
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The only people here whining are you and people like you. I block because it's completely impossible to have discussions with people like you since all you're interested in is your own point of view and your "if you're not with me, you're against me" mentality AND you can even present a good example of the game being woke other than" Black woman protagonist". That's called being racist and that's the biggest problem with the gaming community these days, racists, bigots and who knows what else get away with murder under the guise of "fighting the woke". For the record, I was shown way better examples of the game's supposed wokness and all I have to say is that the game fails at even being that. It's not woke, it's just plain stupid. Oh and you say I can't argue when you're the ones who fail to present actual evidence and examples(The examples you showed aren't even close to what woke is)? Maybe try to use actual arguments that aren't bad faith arguments and maybe, just maybe, a proper discussion can be had
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love how more and more come out on this game like how it was made and required to be made woke agenda manipulating garbage by governments payed with tax payer money.

and how head woman is a big shill for big companies

and how its player base is basically 0 and can't even get a 100 people including those that made it, youtubers wanting to make a quick video, etc...

But seriously sad people just drop it and move on, I mean you all can't even pick it up clearly in 1st place and do proper defending and supporting of it. Just yell like a loon in a place that really gives no value, not that it does regardless of place, but here is just sad.

Last comment I likely will make here just tired of seeing replies non stop from you loons still happening here.
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just dont say shit to the animes he/she/it will get triggered easily :P
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Classic sjw just loooooves to talk in it's echo chamber
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Hey, at least I'm not the one who's obsessed with people's skin colors or sexual orientation or even pronouns. That's you people. And that's rich, coming from people very known for not listening to any opinion unless it matches your own. You wanna talk about an echo chamber? Look at yourself in the mirror
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we get it bowie you and 60 people love to jerk to dei woke garbage though at least those 60 have a dot of money and capability and did what you all never do and supported the garbage outside just attacking people and being a ignorant online person 24/7 as their life has nothing else which is rather sad, especially even more again in your case as this just a site to get some fun games and move on no need to also turn this into your 10 other online profiles you likely have going 24/7.

Move on already go back to reddit or X ie what is likely already up on your 2nd screen 24/7. I was wondering why had suddenly 15+ pings and all this.

Bye just good luck you need it, and remember no white people or proper western people etc... are not all bad like this game wants you to think and the ones in this game are actually the sane ones even funny enough as always despite their writting to try and make them seem the bad guys, and getting trigger call racists triggers and cringy horrible opening singing is insanity and sign of needing to get help, and since you relate to it so much likely you do that.
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you are not the only one, seems poor bowie boy is indeed a very "special" fella
First off, there's no such thing as a "feminist haircut". Second of all, that's not what woke is. Just having a black character does not make it woke. Just having a trans character does not make it woke. Just having a fat character does not make it woke. Just because these have been used as tokens before it doesn't mean that's the case 100% of the time. Again, it all comes down to how the characters are WRITTEN, not how they are DESIGNED. No, it's not "safe to assume" that every game with a black character will be woke, that's the most idiotic statement I've ever heard. That's like saying it's safe to assume that every game with a gun in it will be a military shooter, it's plain idiotic. These things have to be looked at in a case by case basis, once you start lumping everything in the same sac you become just as bad as the thing you're supposedly against
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I feel sorry for you as a black person that understands the meaning of virtue signaling. I hope one day you WAKE up like I did.
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Yeah, no, just having a black person as a protagonist is neither woke nor virtue signaling, it's all about how that character is WRITTEN, now how the character LOOKS. Look at RE5, Half-Life: Alyx and the later seasons of Telltale's The Walking Dead. All of these feature black women protagonists and no one is screaming woke or virtue signaling at them. Why? Because they're well written characters. So no, you're absolutely wrong here
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Listen to the game, watch some play troughs, watch some break downs by black people and don't cherry pick watch some on both viewpoints.
I wish I was wrong, but life tells me otherwise. Break the shield, don't let them use you.
Sincerely, GL
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I have. I've experienced the game's writing. THAT is what makes it woke, not the character designs. Yet all I see on this comment section is "Black woman protag=woke" or something completely unrelated like forced conflicts. It's either veiled racism breaking the veil or people who don't even know what woke means. Still, it's taught me a very valuable lesson about this community: Don't ask questions, you can't have legitimate discussions with, and I detest using this term, Gamers™
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Let's be real, this site is going to amplify the voices of the antisocial losers you describe and more moderate/reasonable takes are less likely to be found here. That's just the nature of these kinds of communities, and sadly the extremists and their sockpuppets inciting hate will continue to be be tolerated by mods because ad revenue.
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That's the thing though, this is the first time I've seen a comment section be this toxic on this site. I see it plenty on other piracy sites but here this is the first time. I'd hope that it's also the last time but I know damn well it won't be.
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I wish I could say the same. I've seen countless reactionary edgelords with varying activity over the years I've been on here. Most tend to fall away after they can't continually get the attention they're desperate for, but some are still active many years later.
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that's what woke means to lunatics these days. Featuring a brown person or god forbid a gay person, as if those people don't frequently exist in reality. Not that I accuse these people of ever going outside.
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Too bad this game is shit clown fiesta so your argument doesn't hold weight
Woke pretty much has three definitions these days and it's sad that the most used one is basically code for "something I don't personally like".
Though I did discover something very interesting about this game: It stole from GTA Online. Yeah, it took one of the apartment interiors from GTA Online and used it without a single change
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Conflicts are blown out of proportion and pulled out of the ass. I have a party member and in a place where I visit my home (MC former hippie village) he says: "Hey, its getting dark, I wanna fuck outta here so we're not stuck in the night on the road, there are bandits around."
My options:

  • brainwash him with Vox power to blow off his concern
  • blow off his concern normally, just tell him to suck it up
  • change the topic (after I did, he's angry I don't listen to him and change topics)
So I have 'conflict' to deal with that I was NOT given an option to not start. Whcih doesn't really make me feel like I'm wrong, or that this conflict is natural. It's some ass-pull shit I have to deal with taht game railroaded me into.

They also have literal "make the town GREAT AGAIN" and "come back to traditional values" and "you PEOPLE are unnatural" absolute clown fiesta strawmen all over the place.

Man, I'm not against politics and real life issues in games. I liked some of Life is Strange games. But can you be fucking subtle and not bash me over my head with it every fucking second of the gameplay?
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That is the furthest thing from being woke, what? Do you even know the definition of woke? Forced conflicts has nothing to do with woke. Yeah, I agree, in that particular situation you should have been given an option to avoid the conflict altogether, it's pretty stupid that you don't but that doesn't have anything to do with woke. As for your second example, again, that's not woke. Ok maybe the third one is a bit since it seems to be an issue of racism but it depends on how it's handled. If all that happens is people being racist towards you, that's not being shoved down your throat, it's just something that happens. Also I don't think you know what a strawman argument is, judging from how you're using it here.
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Hey Bowie. Out of curiosity I wanted to ask - what ideology do you subscribe to?
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that goku wannabe contains freakshow material?
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Goku wannabe? I am confused by this comment as Goku is based off Journey to the West... or you are just trolling, but just bad at it.
another wikwakwok shitty game that will be fail like concord and outlaw
dont ever bother to play this trash
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Go woke, go broke
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why bother to upload this garbage
even the freakshows thelmselves dont like this crap
Stronk black womyn
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And there's people who are like "HoW iS iT wOkE eXaCtLy?

I guess you can get a laugh out of this
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Yeah, I asked because people can't give a straight answer and think that just because the main character is a black woman the product is instantly woke, that's not what woke is. Now, situations like this, it depends on how it's handled. Or, rather, it depends on how the character handles it. If this happens, like, once then it's not woke. If it happens constantly and the game shoves the "Racism is bad!" down your throat constantly then yeah that's pretty woke. It also depends on how the characters are written. For example, the main character, if her personality is all about being black or being a woman and nothing else then yeah, that's woke AF. And the same goes for any characters with gender issues. These kinds of issues can be tackled by media in the right way or the wrong way, tackling the issue itself is not the problem.
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No thanks, unless offered to be payed would never play like most people.
When you're trying to make a game about diversity and freedom and unintentionally make one of the most unintentionally racist game against brown people...
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So sad people there are black people like me who don't understand the concept of woke and like being used as shields to virtue signal around the world only to be disposed of and forgotten after use.
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i think more blacks should voice their opinion on that, maybe it will change one day.
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Is it just me or does this game scream "canadian".
To everyone here who encounters ''Bowie'' he is a straight white man despite his avatar, he's a woke clown who isn't worth your time to engage with, he will block you when he loses the upper hand on debates, so just block the fool and move on. or troll him until he cries like the little bbc loving leftist simp he is.
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Bowie and i have very different views,
but he has yet blocked me. from what
i can see, hes responded to 90% of everyone
of you. he mostly states the games not
"woke" bc it has a black lead character.
(adding that i didnt read all the shit
that people wrote, nor did i read
all the shit bowie wrote) nor did i play
this game.

not that "its not woke" in general.
some of you are clueless as to what the
literal definition is of the word actually
is. not really taking up for bowie, but
hes not wrong that 90% of you state
how this games woke for reasons that
are not woke. and corrects it, to some degree.

the game is woke af however, bc of what
content it gives, social standing, and its
quite racist. take it for what it is. and stop
bad mouthing other members based on
view points.
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I haven't blocked you because you actually have reasonable views, points and don't resort to strawman arguments when you run out of things to say. All of these people that I have blocked have exactly all of that in common, it's baffling how they don't see it. And yes, that is exactly what I've been saying this whole time. Every time I asked here why the game was woke all people said was "black woman protagonist" and nothing else I had to go to Youtube and latter twitter to see actual examples of the game's wokeness and boy oh boy, I have never seen a protagonist less likable than this one
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sadly very true, though there probably was a time he was not. But like many deranged sad people he drank to much or became a coward or became wanting to be popular or mix of all.

Like seriously he wont stop making posts on it, and this a site for grabbing a free game not X/reddit no reason to say anything at all, let alone defend a blantant woke one. (Let alone one he has had to double back on when it came forward as beyond woke and straight up woke bully approved, granted that what he is so its funny).

Fact is when characters look like that, it 99.9999999999999% is woke, its not just a black person or a clearly gay (lesbian) that looks boyish or a overweight person etc... its following the same woke garbage looks and style, that every one that has proven to be woke garbage, its even called The Hairstyle. And there is also of course the sign in background that is very visible on message so you can not even ignore that and breaks his backtrack immeditally even if he was just ignorant some how (which would be bad itself given we have had this destruction going for years in all media).

And these sad people like him fume and foam when someone says black person, that alone makes them go nuts.
Like its woke fault not normies, normies still love strong black leads and probably watch plenty of lesbian content things.

No1 watched Just league cartoon series and said f this lantern for being black (who was even different to hal jordan and was John stewart a proper thing more wokest need to learn to do)
or said dc black panther should be white and in fact love him and understand his people would be black,
or said Shaft is horrible movie that can't be a classic because it stars a black person, but still see it as a classic.
Countless keep saying there is only 1 Blade who is a black person (and honestly 1 with plenty of bad attitude that caused issues with his last movie though great actor and ya the only real Blade),
Or say they do their best to skip through as much as Franklin's parts in gta because they hate he black and in fact he gets the most memes probably and CJ who is black is 1 the most loved famous ones and all other characters basically were other then the corrupt white cops who people also did not say how dare they make the white's and cops bad.
Most see/play Last of Us 1 gal as lesbian not straight despite the option to point I think most forget it was an option.
And other then typical wanting to be able to romance as their preffered playing gender its almost never said omg I can't believe they made Juddy (cyber punk) gay or long long ago in what feels like a galaxy far away now with these modern times, Star Wars Kotor 1 with Juhani being lesbian and a small secretish semi romance even.

Any ways just felt like making this post since he won't stop spamming in it and move on already, and I know his type can not as they are deranged and feel they must fume and foam with attacks and defends against any sane person that point out obvious things that goes against their messed up minds.

Hopefully last time again that I make a post here, just tired of seeing 6 new posts with over half often his or connected because of him like those jumping in to be with him and his wrong and unnecessary defense or point out how blatantly obviously wrong he is (like seriously it has a literal giant sign in background and she has The Hairstyle done and done there).

He just needs to go play Concord while he still can :D not that he probably bought it as not only this site but they never support their things on what they adamantly, instantly, and non stop defend ever.
I'm the farthest thing from straight, like not even close to being straight. You still not understanding why I block people is exactly why I block people like you, because there's no point in trying to have a civil discussion with people who's only arguments are strawmen arguments, which is exactly what you're using right now. You have no legit points to back up your point so you resort to personal attacks and I honestly can't be bothered with people like that. Also, like I said someone else here before, your obsession is showing, it's not healthy to be so obsessed with a single person, I know from personal experience. Also it's funny that you mention crying because the only people around here I see crying are folks like you. Crying about black women in videogames, crying about women in general in videogames, crying about "teh evil gay agenda". Lots of crying about lots of pointless things.
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shut it faggot.
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Oh wow,the f word, aren't you original and not cringe whatsoever
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I like the art style, too bad is a turn base and full of wokeness.
Come on Guys...
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hmmm game looks meh but also people crying about it for some reason which is p funny
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is that the good ending :P?
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Depends... 🙂
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Surprised anyone waste the time and energy to even do this
Not like it hurt any of this games potential
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What potential? This game had zero potential to begin with
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fyi "WOKE" aware of and actively attentive to important societal facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice)
(thats the literal definition btw)

im a white dude, despise the woke b.s.
not played this game, and its hard to tell
if its work. but, from a few screenshots etc.
it would 100% seem it is. and is racist in its
own right. either way, a black lead didnt make it woke.
the shit they had her doing, saying, promoting did.

if game journalists praise it, you can almost
100% know its woke... and quite possibly tells
a little on how the game would actually play
out. (going off of how most games now days
get pounded into the ground if they're
actually good by journalists and praised
for certain views.

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high-key surprised this get cracked tbh
Looks like a bad Borderlands, i. e., modern Borderlands.
Besides the "woke" yapping and all that - is the game actually fun?
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No, no it's not. The characters are too unlikable to make the game fun. Our protagonist acts more like a villain than someone we're supposed to like(She actually lies, manipulates and gaslights people into doing what she wants and goes as far as to kill to keep her secrets a secret, that secret being the crimes she commits earlier in the story). It's like the mostly unhinged and baffilgly stupid story I've ever seen in videogame history. I dare say this is worse than Forespoken.
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Ah damn, too bad. Sometimes games like that tend to have at least a good or decent gameplay where you can simply ignore the story.
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Eeh... depends?

It is way too on the nose with realpolitik, conflicts for most of the time are very artificial and forced, dialogues are so-so, graphics are fine, fights are shit, gameplay basically Telltale Games style.

You definitely could try it to see if you like it, but if you prefer coherent story and good writing you'll likely not enjoy this one.
thank you <3
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My expectation was third person borderlands
Blue Bomber
already tried the demo, meh