Attention all!

RLG101 below is a thieving plagiarist! Not only did he steal my scan of the language support notification but he also copied verbatim (word for word) my usual accompanying comment! I work hard to "sculpt" [crop as symmetrical as possible] my scans into creation and don't appreciate it when my entire scans and comments are copied and credit is taken by a thief for my hard work!
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The evidence is very clear. Not only did RLG101 steal my scan (See pic number "1722028492459" that is in my original scan and the scan that RLG101 stole [downloaded and tagged by a FastComments serial number that is added as a prefix to the filename for any downloaded image that is from a FastComments server] and re-posted them as his own), he was so lazy that he didn't even bother to change the name (pic number) of the .jpg image (Not that it really matters as there are freeware applications that can compare two or more images and then report whether the images are identical) but he also used my exact words from my previous comments. WTF?!
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There is English support via the English interface.
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RLG101, I see that you're new here with only 2 comments on your profile, so the following is your only fair warning from me!

You can post a comment with a scan, which you have created by your own work, of a language notification of a game but you can't steal mine or other members' scans which I and others each worked hard to create and also copy my or other members' comments verbatim (word for word) and post it all as though you created (Scanned and written) it yourself!

I can understand that you may be trying to build your own long time, good reputation and place on this site but stealing other members' hard work and posting it as your own is not the way to go about it. That route will only get you a short lived, bad reputation and also perma-banned!

If you try this kind of fμcking bullshιt again I will make sure that you get perma-banned from this site! Based on your avatar, you may think that you're being funny or that you're some kind of wise guy but I assure you that you're NOT! Like it's been said many times in Stanley Kubrick's famous 1987 hit movie "Full Metal Jacket" - You'd better get your head and your asS wired together or I will take a giant shιt on you!
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To show you that I mean business, I have already emailed IGG, the administrator of this site and have informed and referred (linked) him to everything that has happened in this game page, so you'd better watch what you do from now on as I will be watching you! You made a big mistake and pιssed off the wrong person. Now you need to correct your behavior for the future! Everyone deserves a "second chance" but do not mistake my kindness for weakness!
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Thank you, I just wanted to piss you off, and it worked just fine 👍
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You got my attention alright but in a bad way. Just watch how you tread from now on or you will be [IP address] perma-banned! And before you even think about using a VPN to try to circumvent a perma-ban, know this - Site owners have tools like packet sniffers and IP tracers that will allow them to eventually find out the real IP address of any malicious visitor to their site, regardless of whether a VPN is used, so as to be able to rid their site of such reoccurring annoyances. So, a perma-ban really does mean a permanent ban from this site!
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Hope this is good, need a new H&S game in my life
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it sucks