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There is something wrong with the folder structure, game won't boot up by default.

To properly start the game you should:
1 - Move everything in "app" to "nwjs"
2 - Start nw.exe

Even though this should be the correct way to boot, sometimes the graphic is all garbled (and only when booted this way). Don't know how to fix it.
Writing tone is sarcastic, can be a plus or minus depending on your taste.
Gameplay is rather repetitive.

If you don't care about saving, you can just run index.html with chrome that has local file access flag turned on. That package alone (the game itself) is only a little less than 20MB.

The only use of the rest 300MB NW framework is local access. It's ridiculous.
What we need is a browser that can easily turn local access on and off, not this separate set of bloat.

Security risk? No, if the browser monopoly wants to do it, there'll be a way.
Everything else are just excuses. (cf. the manifest v3 situation)
Hm, this is not the fan-made Gargoyle's Quest, I was hoping for.
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what's the game exe name?