
To ALL those having "slow save issues" THIS IS FOR YOU! (and possible character deletion/save location if you wish!)

  • first things first, change the location of where this game
    is. (do not leave it where its downloaded, and change the folder name to DD2) should look like "F/GAMES/Dragons Dogma 2" nothing more!
    this means to create a folder, copy its content from "game" folder and paste it into DD2 do not leave the folder called "game" in there!

  • Right Click the runtime_il2cpp (the launcher icon) and hit properties, then compatibility, next select "change settings for all users" and select RUN as ADMIN hit APPLY! (so it always runs as admin, you can also hit create desktop shortcut after that).

  • go into your firewall settings, (Microsoft firewall will be FINE) and add an outbound block to "runtime_il2cpp"
    (block all 3 options for private, etc) name it whatever you wish!

  • go into in game settings & disable its "want" to connect to NETWORK options!

  • Save data is located in C:\Users\PCNAME\AppData\Roaming\Goldberg SteamEmu Saves\2054970\remote\win64_save

this will fix the "SLOW SAVE" issues, and WILL allow re-creating of characters!
( if you do remove the save files, you start over as far as i can tell!) but it indeed will delete your character to allow a fresh start!

a last "hail mary attempt" would be to turn off the network to the PC all together. but, this should work if you followed instructions correctly. Do not have steam running while playing this as steam will try to hook this and create confusion on where this is supposed to save. game MUST be installed on an SSD preferred NVME!

note- takes 10 seconds or less to save my game!
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folder location should be similar to mine. can be different drive letter etc, but no more than 2/3 folder entries until DD2 exe is seen!
ignore the name of "DD2 it is RUNETIME" just renamed for cheatengine use. DD22 is the original DD2 exe.
image for folder pathing!

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adding images incase others cant follow written directions (forgive me IGG and fast comments for the large influx of images!)

starting your firewall blocking AFTER changing folder pathing to proper pathing!
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next hit "browse" and go to where you made that NEW folder location where your DD2 and RUNTIME exe are located (select the runtimeil2 exe) then hit next
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now select BLOCK CONNECTION per RED ARROW then hit NEXT
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now select private, domain, and public (yes ALL 3) bc if your needing this
then you probably dont know what kind of network your on. then hit NEXT!
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now in the name box important PAY ATTENTION name it "WHATEVER YOU WANT" (do not ask me what to name it bc you can name it donkey kong, it doesnt matter! name it whatever you want!) then hit FINISH your done you should have quicker save time!
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how do i block it with avast ? since it controls my firewall
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ill try to find out

edit- this is what i could fine (google lol)

link here

while it may be different, it should be the same!
(you could just turn off your internet to the pc and it "should" do the same thing.

re-edit- i have to assume to get this going, you would
need to have the game running to have its process show up.
if all else fails adding the rule in microsoft firewall should still work even if avast takes priority. since microsoft is at a base/kernel level.
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thanks it controls my firewall
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did it work?
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yep thanks
Hi, I moved the game to my second NVMe drive and into a shorter-named folder, as you suggested above. Usually, I keep games in their cracked folders, but this change did the trick—instant saving! Thank you so much for your help.
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changing the games folder location is what did the trick.
you could have moved it to that same NVME drive and been fine.
(i moved mine from its downloaded location, to the location shown)
which is the same drive (as my downloaded cracked games go to
this 2tb drive) since it is on "exclusions" in my AV software to save
other headaches.

either way, glad it worked.
looks weird, but great to know it fixed that problem :))
It was known from the start that this game was only going to have one single save slot so yeah, if you want to start fresh you have to delete your save
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you dont state stuff alot then have people question you on
"where did my game play progress go" do you??
i mention this just for those who "delete this" after
playing for hours or longer and have been in game for a while.
to which will delete that character, and WHAM its gone.

BUT the dev console has a character editing option.
(unsure it works, but it is there) amongst alot of other stuff.
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How does one access the dev console?
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there is a way better console to use. go into pause menu, settings, options, debug, select third option down it has ALL ITEMS in the game.
(except RC) thats the only thing i could not find. even has the special RC items that the dude in the main castle area sells.
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is there any way to increase fps of this game? Bro help me pls T.T
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F5+F6 on keyboard and mouse or controller is L3+R3 to open the developers debug menu.

once that is open search through it, find "RayTracing" turn it (OFF) re start the game to take effect. turn off all ray tracing options the dev console has.
that will increase the FPS some, there are other settings inside the dev console that "decrease NPC spawns, etc. (i dont know the name of those however) as i have beat this and have not played in well over a weeks time. (stalker 2 has had my attention to be honest).

this ran great on my PC at maxed out settings. So i didnt mess with much. i do know when i turned on RT thru the dev console compared to OFF it made the game nearly unplayable. your just going to have to mess around with "off, on" settings until you find something that helps you.
good game no problems at all so far , i have around 8 hours in , and i run it as admin , no problems with saves so far like some people report , fast loading times and no stuttering , but i dont play on a laptop like alot of ppl do , im on a 3090 and i have it on my c drive samsung 990 pro with 64 gb ddr5 ram but no problems so far at all everything is nice and smooth
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have you tried, LOADING FROM INN? after you died or something?
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if anyone still searching for save location :

c/users/"your username"/appdata/roaming/goldberg steamemu saves/2054970
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damm ~ ~ is named goldberg , This is why I can't find the 'dragons' folder
That's not right. For me the save folder is in the game's folder in a folder called local_save
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C:\Users\PCNAME\AppData\Roaming\Goldberg SteamEmu Saves\2054970\remote\win64_save

without a doubt is where its at... check it (the ini says local)
but that isnt where it goes... the "steam ID" is DD2... if your save
is going to somewhere else, did you change the ini file to have it
go somewhere else??
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Nope, not at all, to me it's always gone to the local_saves folder that's in the game's install folder. Theo only ini I have in my install folder is the config ini. The only thing I did was download the game from here, nothing else. I don't think I even have the goldberg steam emu since a crack wouldn't be needed for this build right?
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wrong, open the INI up. (check where this originated from)
its 100% goldberg emu runnin this lol.
check that "save location" bc it would be pretty strange if
you did have it in local instead. (goldberg default is where
this is directed too in the INI file) i checked pretty hard.
but you gotta know a bit about the emu from goldberg to begin with.. i do a bit of cracking, and sending in here from time to time.
edit- i have a local save location for Dragons Dogma Dark Arisin (which i thought was this at first). is that something your possibly doing? if its really there, show it.
and show that config ini i shared please (its in the portable game folder where you launch from). (show it in a photo/screenshot)

here are two images from the emu itself.
note that GSESAVES is "goldberg steam emu" hence the name
in the directory location i mentioned a bit ago. (a few hours i guess now).
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I'm telling you, it's using the default save location which is local_saves and I didn't touch the .ini whatsoever
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Ahh thank you very much
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Thank you so damn much my dude
Yo, is this the same case as AC Mirage? It's a debug build that was leaked?
EDIT: Ok, yeah. it's the same situation. However this leaked version is apparently super buggy and even has game breaking bugs that have since been patched so consume at your own risk
There is full English support via the English interface, English audio and English subtitles!
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Dr. Vani Zirele
My "this will surely leak" sense tickled 8 months too early 😅
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Sadly as people keep saying, this is a Early Version, and we all know how early versions are for most games of higher fame.
Ie borderline unplayable
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Except this is not borderline unplayable, in fact it's very playable. Only issue I've seen is really long load and save times
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well recently you said, "EDIT: Ok, yeah. it's the same situation. However this leaked version is apparently super buggy and even has game breaking bugs that have since been patched so consume at your own risk"

plus no dlcs apparently, and extremely poor optimization, and possible for people to encounter all sorts of bugs and issues if unlucky or probably guaranteed and just unnoticed/ignored, etc...

a few posts down guy even posted where they put the update notes
(up until November 16th 2024)


(Some being 1 the earliest and most recent Reduce Crashing, 4 times you could get stuck + 2 where pawn could, cpu overload, bugged quests from enemies reviving - Guardian Gigantus quest becoming impossible after playing the cinematic - Fixed issues that prevented progression in some quests, and of course others like making pawns function ie not losing ability to speak outside combat - not falling off cliffs - looting when told to loot).
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Although it is sadly doubtful there will ever be a newer cracked version, so as you also said I think at some point, treating it like a demo/beta could be good.
Though might still be best to just play 1st one maybe mod it up, and for certain is better, if person some how has never played 1st one.
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I played the first one, just never beat it because of some gameplay annoyances it has. I'm mainly using this version as a stress test to see how well my current rig can handle it and honestly, even though it reports ram usage in the red it runs really REALLY good for me
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made a post for cheating and running it better if you still playing and never did your own fixes. (top comment as of this post).
I was going from reports that other players had. I've played for around 10-11 hours now and no bugs presented themselves and no crashes either. Optimization I can't speak for since my PC isn't exactly top. I will say though that it's playable. Saving and loading takes a long time and sometimes autosave fails to save but manual saving never failed for me. Also keep in mind those bugs won't manifest 100% of the times. You can play the entire game and never see a single bug. Doesn't mean they don't exist, just that they didn't trigger
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I mean 10-11 hours does not seem long for this type of game, might have spent a few on just loading and character + pawn creation :D

Did you even do Guardian Gigantus quest or have a quest get stuck on progression (they didn't name all of those ones) as those are really big sounding ones that again they said they Had to fix.
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So far no, I haven't gotten stuck on any quest whatsoever. And I didn't spend much on character creation honestly, at this point there's tons of character creation guides online, I just copied one of those and went with a default pawn cause I really don't care what my pawn looks like
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again you "Awwwww man you can't make child characters in this game anymore, it was one of the best features in the first one!"

So kind of surprised granted that more of a reason to not bother with it as much then for it. But it was more of a joke as many people do tend to spend a long time with character creators.

Well keep eye out for stuck quests since patch notes said they had to fix them, especially main quest Guardian Gigantus, although a quick google seems to say basically he just a massive but optional boss when you first go to a volcanic island where cutscene stops the door trigger permentally keeping him inaccessible.
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WTF! IGG, you're breaking the internet bros. 😱
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hope internet is not too expensive for you :))
Read comments on this one k . Super bugy non patched debug builds that were leaked . Devilnovo still not break. so wait some more...
Remember fellas, there's the ending where ya "set on the throne" and then theres another where ya ACTUALLY encounter The Dragons DOGMA. (world turns RED) if you get there, go to all the "RED" points on the map and defeat all those dragons. (do so before your pawn has entirely been killed off) BEST ENDING i've ever seen. 9/10 game in my opinion. have not done all there is to do didn even see the elven place until i did the "dogma" part of the game so i could only upgrade to 3 lvls for equipment... shit i gotta replay it now.

*youll know you got the best ending if you save the princes,
fix the "special sword", save your pawn, defeat all dragon spawns,
defy the "mfr who pretends to help you the entire game".
and *you get to the throne room, speak to the "shadow person"
twice, kill yourself with special sword, then do all the "red points of interest"... (in my opinion, thats the best ending. pretty sure it is). since the "main" world your from, is saved.
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Yooooo after 225days , finally can play ~ nice
thanks IGG sharing ~
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Person 4 Reload? Pleaseee!!!
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Dear Iceman,

I too hope they release a playable 'Persona3Reload' soon but if it takes long enough...I myself am planning to wait atleast till a SwItcH2 version launches...I advice you do as you may find peace in...but maybe you can spend the days waiting while playing "PerSoNa5RoYal" or ShiNMeGamiTenSei5VeNgeNcE(Switch emulation)....or atbest Metaphor ReFantazio(From This site) if you like atlus production and can bear to wait while savouring the similiar cousine made by the same chefs with a nostalgic aftertaste nontheless with/out less investment financialy one way or the other ..instead of counting the days till a king or queen may present us with a possible solution to this crisis(Don't do this mistake like I and many other's have done before and are still doing)...till then ...I leave this info hear...go on find what you need...

there's no limit to what us privateers can achieve......
Awwwww man you can't make child characters in this game anymore, it was one of the best features in the first one!
AC:Mirage, Dragon`s Dogma 2, SMT 5 and Persona 5 Royal - Denuvo will remember this day as the Day of Defeat.
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Not really. If this is the same thing as AC Mirage then Denuvo wasn't defeated as these are all debug builds that were leaked
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The Switch conterparts for the rest are available...
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2 of them games arent cracked on here (peresona, smt,)
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How can i use the reframework? it just crash when i instal it :'c
Mr. Havoc
You can take this gender BS and throw it in the trash where it belongs. Breast removal scars? Non binary characters?
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You're very sensitive, aren't you? Maybe you should find a safe space?
There is a BETTER debug menu in "OPTIONS" then "DEBUG"
select the third option down on the list once your in there.

has money, items, everything! EXCEPT RC and its easier to use!
only way to get out of it is ESCAP on your keyboard. i couldn
figure out how to get out of it on controller.
EDIT- O is back or whatever O is on Xbox controller since i use a ps4 controller!Uploaded Image
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So if I'm seeing this right, you can use this menu to change vocations on the fly?
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I dont know that for sure. but everything i tried did work. i beat it and got 2 different endings. so ive moved onto stalker 2 for the time being.
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Hmmmm I'l have to look into this myself after I'm done with Mirage
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from my understanding, what your seeing in the "second" row for "ALL" is all vocations weapons, and armor selections. (what the game has that you would normally have to hunt down right at the click of a button) which is the only thing i didnt really use. "heaven's blade" is the best weapon i found (which is at the true dogma ending) since the false ending is you "setting on a throne watching credits role". (talk to the spirit dude, then kill yourself when you re-battle the dragon) if you wanna get to a "dogma type world" by far best ending ive seen in a game. note- my pawn was saved from the (idk what its called) but it turns them against you and they try to kill you and the party) which is why i believe mine was different than usual. game has several endings form what i can gather.
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Ah, I see, so it can't actually unlock the vocations, guess I'l have to hunt those down, I'm sure there's guides I can find. Sides I already know what vocation I'm going for so it should be easier. But then again right now my attention is focused on Blasphemous
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i have all vocations you can get. not sure if i just did the stuff i was supposed to do to get them. or i got lucky. (did not see elven place until after the real dogma stuff started) so i didnt even unlock the 4th upgrade. didn know there was until i looked it up for sure have all vocations tho. from "helping the right people" i suppose. but i still stuck with thief in the end. that shadow ability is OP other than stamina drain... impossible to get it while its active.
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Yep, that's how you unlock advanced vocations, by doing certain side quests for certain people. Which honestly is a big step down from the first game since in the first game you could unlock advanced vocations whenever, you just needed RCP I believe
how to change money and rc?
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1000G, 1G are money. RC (i have not checked)
i have done both "true endings" finishing the second now.
RC is something in abundance that i honestly never
checked to manipulate. im playing stalker 2 right now.
but, ill be back on DD2 sometime shortly. if i find it,
ill let you know.
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ok thanks
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never found anything on RC sorry...
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F5+F6 will enter debug mode (I suck with it and ignore it largely but can cheat with it)
press esc go to debug in options 3rd one down (can spawn any item including rift crystal clusters)

And the Absolute one simplified that Craxton said-
issues with long saving times Solution(do the following while the game is not running), go to search bar, search control panel, go to system & security, then Windows defender firewall, then advanced settings. In both inbound rules and outbound rules delete any Dragon's Dogma 2 named ones. Then in both inbound and outbound rules create a rule(by selecting "new rule" in the right side of the window), select program, then browse and find the game folder, select the game's .exe file, after that choose to block all access.

Also supposeivly this helps make it run better idk did it once (have to do it every time you run it) did not notice much difference ->
open task manager
find game task (it's the exe name, so runtime yadada something)
right click
set affinity
disable CPU 0
ok, close

Also suggest the mod that helps it run better (just auto sets computer to give it priority sort of thing)

Also read this on a steam comment never looked into if related but figured would add-
Additionally it might help you to not crash if you go into "steam_settings" folder, open with notepad file "configs.overlay.ini" and change "enable_experimental_overlay=1" into "enable_experimental_overlay=0".

personally growing very bored of game and getting tired of hearing same 3 lines non stop from pawns and 3 from every npc that I am going to already quit it soon but figured this might help others.
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late but go into the debug menu (the one in the pause menu) you can shut the pawns up with "APHONITE'S TOME".
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are you running DD2 exe or did you read the "READ.ME" file to know what to run?
try this

Open "steam_settings" folder in the game directory, and then open "configs.overlay.ini" ,and change "enable_experiental_overlay=1" to "enable_experiental_overlay=0". and make the file "read only" (Right click the file, choose properties, and check list read only, and apply).

you can also try this

Open game directory, open "config.ini", change DX12 to DX11, and make the file "read only" (Right click the file, choose properties, and check list read only, and apply).
(This method isnt a guarantee, but worth a shot if nothing else).
you should also make sure your drivers (C++, net framework, GPU drivers)
are all updated. make 100% sure your running the game as ADMIN
(right click, hit "properties" hit compatibility, then hit change for all users
then select "RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR" hit apply.
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yes, it was opening the correct .exe, this was happening in the character creator when I took too long to create, but after starting the game it didn't happen again
EDIT- NVM they all naked fresh spawns... if you hold
L2 or R2 while in the debug menu you can use the D-PAD
to navigate etc. (not found a way to edit money bc
"dummy money" doesnt work... but most the other stuff
KB&M is F5+F6 together controller R3+L3
edit 2- whatever option that has an ON/OFF mode, if you switch it, switch it back before going back into the game. Ray trace enabling does add the option in the menu (it wasnt there for me prior even tho i have a 4070ti) not sure it really does anything bc im on max settings at 4k hitting 60fps in the "castle area" near the first 30/60min of the game. but again, if you switch "ALLNPCNUDE" to on switch it back lmao... kept crashing for me. you can boot the game, and go right into the menu and switch it off. may have been on my end. but this is a warning just in case.

Yoooo... i played around with the "dev console" thats built in.
(on controller press L3 and R3 together to toggle on and off)

edit 3- i found a script that works. nexus mods
(uses cheat engine) gotta change the name of
the exe you start etc. but i have 5mil gold now?
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For keyboard , press F5+F6
see other page , press End-pagedown
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ill add it. but its very rare i use a KB&M to be honest.
(minus typing lol) for gaming im almost exclusive on controller.
Resolution: 1920x 1080
Graphics Quality: High
DLSS: Performance
Lenovo Legion 5
Processor: AMD Ryzen 7 5800H (16CPU), ~3.2GHz
Memory: 16384MB RAM
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Laptop GPU 6GB VRAM
Windows 10 Pro

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The saving takes really long time....I installed in SSD but still took over 40 sec to save....
Why is that? anyone can help?
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you need Block the game process network by using like "Netlimiter 3"
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what a legend
A simple firewall block save us those 30+ secs of saving
firewall blocking does the trick and turning off any network hooks in game! no need to grab other software.

ill assume cfos would do the same then?
(or firewall for that matter!?)
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genius!! It's really work!!!
You save me~~~
much appreciated
I don't know if anyone reads Japanese or something, but if you're using a Controller you can access some Debug Menu by holding LeftStick + RightStick
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Is it the same debug menu that's in the main menu options?
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Definitely not, Here's a snapshot, not sure what button I hit but now it's mostly in English... there seems to be 37 pages (e.g. System, Game, Character, Camera, AI, NPC, Quest... etc)
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Interesting, very interesting indeed, I'l have to explore this myself and see what everything does
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RX 580, Works fine, max settings in 30 FPS, no save issues so far, running it in administrator mode
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75% usage in the menu on a 5700X3D..... DAMN (°_ °)
ill buy it on the next sale if they fix the performance with those updates.
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Have you tried to run the game ? I had a similar behavior on Bladur's Gate 3, my CPU and vents would ramp up like crazy in the main menu, but once in game it stabilized.
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the optimization on this game it's crazy.
outside of the starter town its really good 120 FPS (I cap it) 60% CPU usage and 100% on my 6800.... BUT in a town CPU and GPU goes to 50% and the FPS drops to 40s.
and yes I use FSR Quality but that doesn't affect the poor optimization at all
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Well at least you got some good fps outside of town.
I'm no expert and can't help you much, but I know that BG3 had the exact same issue: Perf ramping up in menu, good optimisation in game for most of the part, sudden spike and stutter when you arive in the big town.

So all I can suggest is look up some optimization guide on youtube, the game is out for a while now, so I suppose there is some people that managed to get decent FPS gain from optimizing the option.
It's not much but it can always help a bit.
As I said I'm just not surprised since BG3 had the same issue and it work more or less the same way.
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Can anyone help me find the save data location?
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It's in the install folder
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Still can't see it
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Do you even have a save already? If so, in the install folder there's a folder called local_saves, that's where it is
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Yes i saved my game already, but the folder local_saves didn't even show up.

My game progress at the first inn
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I just bought this shit last week on steam and now is out. Terrible game
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bougth it on PS5 when it first came out. it was locked on 30fps, it was so bad
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Played this for 1 hour and just decided to fo back to Black myth wukong and rather play new game +3 instead of investing more time into this :)
Im going to try it but if its too buggy ill let you guys know
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going to force myself for 5 hours of gameplay and then my verdict
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alright so I played the game for 5 hours only problems rn are the load times (this may verry per user) and the frame drops in town due to probably not having a optimization update other than that I havent seen any major bugs so far going to keep playing to see if I can find some

also IMPORTENT run the game as admin to save data
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Bro, is this playable?
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It's playable, yes
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OMG, I want my money back for buying this sht game, of course it's available here now
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Oh my god
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can i play with GOD MODE using Debug mode?
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if im not mistaken, yes you can. you can edit health, stamina, items, all the above with debug menu.
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ok so ive extracted it, ran the runtime_il2cpp as per instructions and nothing. i get that i need to block something with the firewall using that tutorial you guys put in here right? then it'll work?
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should work without needing to add the runtime exe to firewall, itll just save super slow if you dont. If its not running for you currently, make sure your antivirus isnt taking over, or that your PC isnt up to task. (check the usual shit too) like drivers etc. i cant be sure, but on ALOT of other cracked games windows 11 24H2 will not run alot of games. So, if your on 24H2 that could be the issue itself. (again, i dont know that for sure on this title) and ive long since stopped playing. still installed, just not played after beating several times. never the less, this just "ran" off rip for me. (i did not have the slow save issues others mentioned) i just made the tutorial bc it did help fave me 10 seconds. save time was 15seconds, with fix i mentioned made it go down to 1/2 seconds.
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Hey guys! I have a problem, although I have the necessary space on my PC (57 GB) and I have deactivated my antivirus, when I extract the files it tells me that there is no of space on the disk (screenshot).. Do you have any idea what I could have done wrong?
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as it clearly says, you don't have enough free hard drive space... you need to know, even though windows shows you have 57GB free, it won't let you use 100% of the hard drive size, bro... because if not the hard drive will be damaged soon after. You should free up more space
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Is it possible to install mods
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possible, but not likely since this uses a different name to launch with than retail. however, you could try. (may need to change runtime_(whatever its named)IL2 to DD2 and change the actual DD2 to something else (like DDD2 or DD22 or DENUVO STUCK) whatever you name it too just make sure you know its the one your not supposed to use.
the game wont open for me
each time it just shows crash report ( i copy pasted the report ) and then closes, there's a message in the report that says : License Failure.

  1. game directory C:\Program Files (x86)\Dragons dogma 2\
  2. i blocked both runtime_il2cpp and DD2.exe from firewall
  3. launched the game from runtime_il2cpp with admin privileges ( Right click, Run As Admin )
  4. excluded the game folder from Microsoft defender
PS: i don't have steam or any other game launcher installed on this machine.

the crash report

[Process Directory]
C:\Program Files (x86)\Dragons dogma 2
2024/12/06 16:03	<DIR>	         0	. 
2024/12/06 15:49	<DIR>	         0	.. 
2024/12/06 16:02	<DIR>	         0	.DepotDownloader 
2024/09/16 06:51		    248072	AkConvolutionReverb.dll 
2024/09/16 06:53		    166912	amd_ags_x64.dll (v6.1.0.0)
2024/09/16 06:53		        36	cap.com 
2024/11/16 11:33		     42531	config.ini 
2024/11/16 11:33		       779	config_default.ini 
2024/09/16 06:50		     11776	CrashHandler.dll 
2024/12/06 16:02	<DIR>	         0	CrashReport 
2024/09/16 06:50		 152785048	CrashReport.exe (v1.0.0.0)
2024/09/16 06:51		    160904	CrashReportDll.dll 
2024/11/16 01:50		    802304	crashReporter.exe (v1.0.0.0)
2024/12/06 16:03	<DIR>	         0	D3D12 
2024/09/16 06:51		 950292104	DD2.exe (v1.0.0.1)
2024/09/16 06:51		 347189205	DD2_denuvo.map 
2024/09/16 06:53		2193108992	DD2_denuvo.pdb 
2024/12/06 16:03	<DIR>	         0	devData 
2024/09/16 06:50	<DIR>	         0	FullDump 
2024/09/16 06:53		   2314848	GFSDK_Aftermath_Lib.x64.dll (v2.20.0.0)
2024/09/16 06:53		   1622664	InstallerMessage.exe (v1.1.0.0)
2024/09/16 06:53		       534	InstallerMessage_RunlScript.vdf 
2024/09/16 06:53		      1343	IV0000-NPSX27588_00-Q00TWR2402270301.meta 
2024/09/16 06:51		    260872	MasteringSuite.dll 
2024/09/16 06:53		  53689400	nvngx_dlss.dll (v3.5.10.0)
2024/09/16 06:53		  11698216	nvngx_dlssg.dll (v3.5.10.0)
2024/09/16 09:30		64058381812	re_chunk_000.pak 
2024/09/16 06:56		   1156026	re_chunk_000.pak.patch_001.pak 
2024/09/16 06:55		 452773376	runtime_il2cpp.exe (v1.0.0.1)
2024/09/16 06:56		2060357632	runtime_il2cpp.pdb 
2024/09/16 06:56		  92484736	runtime_il2cppSTMQAReleasex64.rds 
2024/09/16 09:42		     13320	runtime_il2cpp_2024-09-16T18_42_07.png 
2024/11/16 11:33		1542154598	shader.cache 
2024/11/16 11:17		 114951348	shader.cache2 
2024/09/16 06:56		    647128	sl.common.dll (v2.2.1.0)
2024/09/16 06:56		    237536	sl.dlss.dll (v2.2.1.0)
2024/09/16 06:56		    409560	sl.dlss_g.dll (v2.2.1.0)
2024/09/16 07:01		    519640	sl.interposer.dll (v2.2.1.0)
2024/09/16 07:01		    175584	sl.reflex.dll (v2.2.1.0)
2024/10/21 11:09		    113064	steamclient64.dll (v8.56.38.63)
2023/05/09 03:10		   1488896	steam_api.dll 
2023/05/09 03:20		   1958912	steam_api64.dll 
2024/09/19 03:36		         7	steam_appid.txt 
2024/12/06 16:03	<DIR>	         0	steam_settings 
2024/09/16 06:53		    188925	TimedFunctions.txt 
2024/09/16 06:53		     52392	WinPixEventRuntime.dll (v1.0.2108.18001)

[Process Information]
C:\Program Files (x86)\Dragons dogma 2\runtime_il2cpp.exe
ExceptionPointer: 00007FF72C0AAAD0
    ExceptionCode   : C0000005
    ExceptionFlags  : 00000000
    ExceptionAddress: 00007FF71C592220

Stack[0] : 0x00007ff71c59232f ( C:\Program Files (x86)\Dragons dogma 2\runtime_il2cpp.exe )
Stack[1] : 0x00007ff72191f4a0 ( C:\Program Files (x86)\Dragons dogma 2\runtime_il2cpp.exe )
Windows Last Error : 0x0000000000000000 
<b>Message : License Failure.</b>

Exception Data SHA3:
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although you stated your AV is set to exclude, check to see if its somehow grabbed a file from this game before you did set the exclusion. " message : License Failure " i believe says your not able to bc of license issues. which (this has a bypass for). so check the AV software.

are you on win 11 24H2 by chance?
and your av exclusion looks like (image below) correct?
edit- do note, it doesnt have to the exact same folder name, or drive location. but the entire DD2 folder should be excluded to avoid any removal of files.

edit 2- i tried re-creating this crash your facing to no avail.
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thank you for your support
yes i do have win 11 24H2
i just find the solution
installing steam and closing it fixed the problem
but the loading times is nuts in this game
even changing graphics settings led to 10~15 sec waiting for settings to save
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steam should not have any affect on this working. but, i suggest you double check the pinned comment that your save is working correctly and not "slow" as you put it. bc it takes mer moments to save settings, and save the game itself.

yes, you may have already done these things. but double checking is a thing i do often. i tried recreating this issue, but never could do so. removing steam api files, config, etc but nothing i did would work. in any case tho, this game does demand heavy on a cpu and gpu being decent. (during startup no matter when) this game will have "stutters" so give it a moment before doing much until after 30/40 seconds pass.

oh, before i fortget. this may have had a hand in your "steam" issue.... steam runs the game from that directory if im not mistaken. so, to make sure games work in the future as most cracked games dont like longer folder directories. set your "cracked games" folders like this or change the folder from C\programfiles\dd2 to
C\Dragons Dogma 2 or C\Games\Dragons dogma 2

edit- if your running this on a hard drive (HDD) then it will be slow saving, and have stutters either way. so i dont know of anything you can do to get around that.
Are the quote unquote other users' ratings the main pawn gets computer generated? The game's extra offline thanks to the so called slow saving fix.
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my main pawn was made by me... if i follow your question at all. which im not sure i do lol... you can make your own pawn in this dev build no matter that its offline or not.
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I meant this (wanted to post screenshots earlier but they didn't want to go through for some reason).
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Those are not real people, are they? I don't remember that happening in DD1. I played it on ps3 and my pawn only came back from other worlds when there was an internet connection.
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i would have to say, not real lol if you blocked the games attempts in connecting (which im sure you have since otherwise its painfully slow at saving) it'll never be able to pull real people in... so these are generated. i never gave them any mind and just kept what i got or sent it to stash.

i never played DD1 (not all the way) recently allowed steam to re download it. so i can finish it.
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Hey everyone, late to the party, I'm sorry. I've been really enjoying the game to the point where I would love to actually buy it, but I don't wanna lose my saves from here, as I've gotten pretty far (not really but considering my work to life balance, its surprising ive sunk 8 hours into this game already). Does anyone know where the saves folder is located for it so I can back it up for when I buy the game ?
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Read the pinned post, it's got everything you need.
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so this isnt getting an update correct?
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Not that it isnt, it cant be updated. the retail version has denuvo DRM.
this is a leaked dev build. but no, this will not be updated. unless the devs mess up and release a newer version of the leaked dev build...
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aw thank you so much for the reply! you guys work so hard! i love this game but for the life of me my pc cant seem to run it consistently without freezing or crashing! ill just have to wait and buy it on steam!
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press F5+F6 together while your actually loaded into the game.
look for "RT or Ray TRACE" options, turn the stuff off. you may also look through and find "NPC Spawn" or "NPC distance" (something like that) you can modify those settings too. the dev console has quite alot of stuff that can assist in bad frames. you just need to look through it and find the ones you need. you can favorite the ones you desire for easy access your next launch.
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is there any way to increase fps of this game
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This message sells me, it already updated the drivers and I deleted and reinstalled all the visual C++ packages
"The application could not be started correctly (0xc000007b)
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are you starting from the runtime app and not DD2?
it will not start from DD2 exe read its HOW_TO txt file
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everytime i kill some enemies my game crashes some that are crashing my game rn are lava slimes,skeleton swordsmen and wraiths anyone else having this problem?
Anyone managed to get REFramework to work?
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hello, im having trouble to start the game again.

it always appears the crashing report tool before I start the game.

any advice?
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Has anyone managed to play this damn game without it crashing every 5 minutes?
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Never had a single crash. beat it already, got several endings. including the true DOGMA ending its intended to have. If your crashing alot, turn down the settings. bc your GPU probably doesnt have the ram to support what your trying to push.

*you can also turn off raytracing in the L3/R3 F5/F6 debug/dev menus, which should help you. you can also follow another comment and force the game to run in dx11 mode which would be easier on older hardware.
since ill assume "you just posted this question" without reading any older comments, ill assist with one of my other comments below and paste what i stated. as this too may help you!

Open "steam_settings" folder in the game directory, and then open "configs.overlay.ini" ,and change "enable_experiental_overlay=1" to "enable_experiental_overlay=0". and make the file "read only" (Right click the file, choose properties, and check list read only, and apply).

you can also try this

Open game directory, open "config.ini", change DX12 to DX11, and make the file "read only" (Right click the file, choose properties, and check list read only, and apply).
(This method isnt a guarantee, but worth a shot if nothing else).
you should also make sure your drivers (C++, net framework, GPU drivers)
are all updated. make 100% sure your running the game as ADMIN
(right click, hit "properties" hit compatibility, then hit change for all users
then select "RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR" hit apply.
If your pawns "TALK TO MUCH" (dont deny, everyone's do) unless
they found the "APHONITE'S TOME" which shuts there ass up
(unless its "super important") where to get it? IDFK BUT
you can use the debug menu in "settings, options, debug, select the
3rd option down the list" then go to implements and number 122
image may help since "debug" can be two separate things. its NOT
L3/R3 or F5/F6! has everything in the game except RC or i have
not found it and have searched thru for an hour.

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Can you add Dcp with it?
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not sure, think someone else asked this. and i couldn find it. i didn use a cheat to mod DCP into the game as you get quite a lot as is. (i had all vocations, and all skills for said vocation at the end of the game) with left overs.
I played the 3 hour trial version and I could swear it looked better
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When i run the game all i get is a black window and after couple seconds the game crash , any ideas why ?
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What a shit show!!
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its like this on nearly all games dude. tf you been?
this has one thing others usually dont. slow saves. but
thats an issue thats easy to fix.

plus this is a DEVELOPER BUILD. v1.0.0.1 (older)
still yet, the "paid, public" version of this has issues. DD2 was
a MAJOR shitshow off rip.
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application error ...the exception unknown software exception ,,oxe0000008
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Update latest driver for your windows, VGA, bro
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are you guys gonna try to crack persona 3 reload very soon?
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IGG doesnt "CRACK" games. they upload them.
scene groups or P2P cracks it. (P2P is someone like
you, me, whoever cracks it and uploads to a trusted
place.) scene is "RUNE, RAZOR, FLT, SKIDROW, CODEX,
EMPRESS, ETC" but again, games are "uploaded" here.
not cracked by the admin nor mods! you can also crack it
and send it in for upload if you wish
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why is the load time and save time is so frickin long? is there a fix to that?
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in the frickin pinned comment...
Easy way using the debug menu for no decreasing stamina and ignore weight
if you want "gold" you can use cheat engine follow directions below and grab the mod off nexus linked below too!

  1. press F5 and F6 ingame (controller R3+L3, hold L2 or R2 and use dpad to navigate to "player") or step 2
  2. cycle thru the menu using home or page up key
  3. repeat "PLAYER"
  4. select number 5 "PlayerStaminaSetting" set to 4, you will see some text appear on the upper right, it will say "NoDecreasing"
  5. select number 030 "PlayerWeightRank" set to 1, carry as much as you want and still be "very light" (whatever it says your unlimited in what you carry now)
link to mod (must have cheat engine installed already!)

directions for using mod (pay attention bc its not the usual cheat engine way)

  • rename the game to DD2 (rename runtimeIL2 to DD2) rename DD2 exe to something else! game still runs fine!

  • wait until your IN THE GAME WITH THE PAUSE/ITEM menu open (the menu before you go into your inventory!)

  • once you can see your "GOLD" hit ALT+ENTER to swap from fullscreen to window mode

  • run the V2 script he made as ADMIN (everything you do here will need ADMINISTRATER RIGHTS!)

  • hit the "PC" icon then switch it to "PROCESS" it will say DD2

  • hit the GOLD icon (dont hit the option to edit, just enable it for the moment)

  • NOW do something that makes your money change (pick up something, sell, buy, etc!)

  • NOW set 5000000 gold and hope thats enough.

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Is there a way to have infinite stamina just outside of combat?
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yes, i mentioned it in the comment you responded to just a bit ago.
read the first half of it. stamina will not deplete when using is.
in or out of combat!
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Yes, but I only wanted infinite stamina outside of combat, inside it I would like it to be normal
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cant help ya there. go into settings, options, debug scroll down to the third "option/selection" its a different debug menu that has more english from what im told. have yet tried it since i just got off the game and am going to sleep. so, other than that i couldn tell ya.
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ok ty anyway
I have configured the firewall blocking. My question now is: should I run DD2.exe or runtime.exe, or does it not really matter?
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where do you have this saved?
are you running as ADMIN every launch??
it says "RUNTIME" so thats what you use.

if this is on a hard drive thats why you wont fix that no matter what.
you can also set priority in task man to high for DD2 (TOWER something)
is what the process gets called.

just for sanity sake, block DD2 in firewall as well.
(turn off network crap in the games options menu under

firewall should have a blocked "program"
(path may differ but the program selected is
the main point of it)
this is both programs for dragons dogma 2 (DD2 exe and
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I took these 2 images, also its on a nvme.
also I set the runtime_il2.exe to always launch on admin and have disabled the option ingame at the network tab.
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i think i figured out why its not working for you!

take that shit OUT that "GAME" folder, make a folder
in F/GAMES (or whatever F can be) KEEP IT SHORT
so F/FOLDER/DD2(folder) thats it!

then re add those firewall options. your long file name
is BAD and one of the big NO NO's for the site/cracked games
in general (always makes more issues than not).

so again, make your directory look something like this
F:\Games\Dragons Dogma 2
that is the FULL file path for where i copy/pasted this game which took a few seconds to copy. if it takes very long, run a check on your drive using crystal disk mark to see if its slowed down. as you may have to much stuff on it and need to clear some space. yes, NVME drives slow way down the more they have on them.
turn off yoru internet (entirely) while playing this.
and do NOT have steam running when playing.
bc this game trys to hook steam and will get confused
on where to save etc. PM me to ill assist you there.

do lmk if killing your internet works. bc you didnt set
up the firewall correctly if it did.
Also somehow saving still takes a long time, any tips after blocking network?
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Please update to version with polish language
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subtitles and "menu/wording" is all there is. you can change this yourself
in the games options settings.
it has no official support on steam for polish language
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Neo Chaos
is there a way to use DD2.EXE? I cant use trainer or cheat engine
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you can use cheat engine. no, do not use DD2.exe
i will link you to a mod, find my name in the comments and follow
what i say to do (as im the only one who stated exactly how to get it going)

gold is the only main thing to use it on tho. stamina and weight are already in the dev menu as well as leveling etc.
I copied and pasted exactly what i had written there.

link to mod here

cant link comment so grab the mod, and follow these directions
(rename DD2 exe to DD22, DDD, it doesnt matter but the runtimeexe
needs to be renamed to DD2 for this to work. (game still runs fine btw)

to get this to run (i was about to state it didn work for gold) but it does after its done proper

  • rename the game to what his directions stated
  • wait until your IN THE GAME WITH THE PAUSE/ITEM menu open (the menu before you go into your inventory!)
  • once you can see your "GOLD" hit ALT+ENTER to swap from fullscreen to window mode
  • run the V2 script he made as ADMIN (everything you do here will need ADMINISTRATER RIGHTS!)
  • hit the "PC" icon then switch it to "PROCESS" it will say DD2
  • hit the GOLD icon (dont hit the option to edit, just enable it for the moment)
  • NOW do something that makes your money change (pick up something, sell, buy, etc!)
  • NOW set 5000000 gold and hope thats enough.
debug menu does all the other stuff just couldnt get "DUMMY MONEY" to do jack squat.
EDIT- its pretty obvious to swap back into fullscreen mode ALT+ENTER right? right!
thank you Freaks88 endorsed and voted (only gold script i found that works for this)
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I7-12700h | RTX 3060 | 16GB DDR5 | BENCHMARK : https://youtu.be/ZmqR73QtUjA?si=kiUSk3HD6GxJgiX8

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I start the game, start a new game, see the intro cut-scene and then my screen goes in to save mode and just keeps on saving and saving for ever.
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EDIT- just add a firewall block to this and it saves near instantly!
(played for an hour, had no issues saving. you also need to run as admin) this MUST be installed on a SSD prefer NVME but a normal ssd will do.

i am replaying assassin's creed odyssey so i have yet to play this.
even tho i have downloaded it and it is ready for play
but, a firewall block should help with this from what
i see others say about using "network tools" to limit this
game. (which no other program is needed)...

not sure if they're trying to promote some network b.s. thru
this games issue, or they dont realize a firewall rule to block
this would do the same.... if it works, it works, if not... check more
how'd this happen, since denuvo hasn been removed yet?
did they leave it out on an update or some shit?

(either way, fuck yes!) waking up to this is better than morning
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It's the same situation as AC Mirage, leaked dev builds with built in debug mode
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yea, i seen one of your other mentions on this after asking.
way down the line anyways lol.. have yet to fire it up, but she
is set to run in admin mode. been playing odyssey lol
(metro exodus before that) man did i forget how good that
game was too. the only downside to ACO is that is version
is 1.06 since it still has denuvo till this day. fn ubisnot.
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True but honestly v 1.5.3 is pretty much complete. It has all the content plus all the patches needed for a mostly bug free experience
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i dont believe DD2 will ever be bug free with
the wide spectrum of issues it currently has lol..
either way, i have it downloaded. and ready to play.
(i mentioned ACO version btw, not this) its version
is from oct 2018....
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You misunderstood, when I said 1.5.3 I was referring to ACO, no DD2
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ACO is on v1.06 from OCT 2018. that cheat engine thing you mentioned (worked btw for alot of the store stuff Great gear not just cosmetics) is on the latest version of AOC (not the version IGG has) i was only talking about AOC on IGG not cheat engine lol
AOC hasnt been updated on here since oct. i have it installed its last update was oct 2018 v1.06 in its "license" txt nonsense which also give earlier releases. but i believe that is what you were referring too. i downloaded the script for CE today which is 1.5.3 super surprised it worked at all with the older version of AOC. even if most were duplicates.....
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The Inventory editor tables tend to work on every version since the Ubisoft Store code doesn't change much between versions, it just adds new stuff and that's about it. And yeah it's not just cosmetics, it's actually good gear but even if you don't use the gear itself, just having it in your inventory means you can apply it's cosmetics to any other piece of gear.
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i have not noticed the option to change the appearance of my gear to something else i want yet. (other AC games i know i can sure) but this one doesnt have that "press XX button" to change appearance etc. been on DD2 now waiting at the top of a volcano on ACO about to high dive into it... ill check for that bc i sure like the hell (something) armor. at least how it looks. its stats are kind of trash for my play style.
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It has it, it unlocks once you reach level 8. And you don't have to visit a blacksmith or anything ,you can do it at any time right from the gear menu
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im lvl 20 or so, almost 20 so i should have it unlocked.
but, ive been locked in on DD2 so i havent looked.
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It's a dev build leak, it doesn't have Denuvo
Just a reminder
you need to have Steam installed on your computer to run it.
Don't ask me how I know, ha!
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do not need steam installed, nor running!
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This is false. It works fine without Steam installed if you follow the instructions correctly.
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Can you tell me, where is the local save file to delete and create a new character ?
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C:\Users\PCNAME\AppData\Roaming\Goldberg SteamEmu Saves\2054970\remote\win64_save
It's in the game's folder, a folder named Local_saves
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Where is the local save file to delete and create a new character ?
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C:\Users\PCNAME\AppData\Roaming\Goldberg SteamEmu Saves\2054970\remote\win64_save
i have a problem, there is no ground in the game, any one coould fix this?
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it shows as version 1.00. is that the original version from march or the already have the latest patch? thanks!
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this is old leaked developer builds , can't be update to latest
But there’s a chance that due to this , they will remove Denuvo in the next update. Just my guess
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Can I use mods?
Fluffy Mod Manager cannot start.
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no. because you need to launch the actualy EXE file. without that, any mods/cheats. will be invalid.
so if you dont like that. get the game when and if it goes on sales. if not. tough.
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is anyone here still using a dx11 GPU like me? there's a reframework mod in the nexus, i just wanna ask if anyone have tried it and if it works to run the game with a dx11 GPU.
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i do everything in comment but. why i can't play the game cus it black window for longtime .
honestly, just buy the game if it goes on sale in the next 10 days or so. if your a fan of the ps3 dragons dogma, youll love this..maybe.
why do i say "BUY THE GAME?"

because you cant SAVE, your game. (i couldnt and would say, "Create Save Data failed.") so when i tried to LOAD from INN, my game started back at the beginning. AND whenever i would RELOAD, or SAVE, my game in the field, the game would take FOREVER, to save or load back in.

spent bout 6 hours playing. plan to buy the game either it goes on sale or not on the next 10 days. also, i want to use cheat (most cheat engines require you to open the ACTUAL, DDexe file) for money and save my self from rage and stupid deaths or easy quest fails.
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you have to run the game as admin to save your data
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i did. twice. loading from SAVED INN. doesnt work. and still didnt create a save file.
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Don't save in INN, do a manual save. Go into your menu, then system, then save. That 100% works
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as if i did try all methods of saving?
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Then you did something wrong. Check the game's folder, see if there's anything inside the local:saves folder. If not then start the game as admin ALWAYS. Also when you LOAD, don't load from inn, load from last save
Thats whats been working for me now I just gotta find more wakestones
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tl;dr version: "I can't follow simple instructions included in the readme, like "run as admin""

No, don't ever support anti-consumer things like Denuvo, or clear cash grabs like DD2 is. Honestly, if you wanted to buy something, buy the first one; it doesn't have Denuvo, and it's a far better game. And it will send the message to the publishers and devs that we want an actual sequel to DD, not a downgrade but with "shiny graphics!"
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ohhkay...? where does the RUN AS ADMIN. appear in readme or _HOW TO START?
cuz lemme copy and paste what BOTH SAY.

"1. Start game from "runtime_il2cpp.exe".
2. Enjoy ;")
thats from the _HOW TO START

Welcome to the family,

We are a strong and friendly community, we upload the latest games every day as well as update them regularly.
Everything is free, if you love our website, please introduce it to your friends, or any ideas you want.

"We are gamers ・We are a family"

thats from readme
anything else on "how to make yourself look like a fool?"
dont want to support DD2, but here you are. ON THAT GAME THATS FOR DD2. ironic, aint it? hypocrite much?
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Hahaha. For one, it's in the readme, in the site FAQ, all over the comments here, as well as common fucking sense, to run as admin if you're having problem with a pirated game.

Second, If you wanted to support DD2, you sure as hell wouldn't be on a pirate website, buddy. You think people download it here to support the devs? Are you a clown?

Nah, the only one who looks like a fool here is you. Learn to read, learn some common sense, and remember what website you're on, clown.
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i can see i hit a nerve. good to know your a hypocrite like someone else here. "Ohh i dont support any games locked behind micros and denubo, but psss dont let them know that, i play their games when its hacked though. just like how i hate shopping at certain stores, but have their brands in my house/fridge."
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You're a complete clown. How is anything I said hypocritical? I never said I wanted to support them, and I've stated many times I'll never support Denuvo. I've only played DD2 long enough to confirm it's garbage compared to the first one. Even if I really wanted to play it, my point still stands; I'm not supporting the game or Denuvo at all, thus I pirate it so the stupid, greedy devs don't get a dime from me.

You really need to work on your literacy; throwing around words you have no idea what they mean makes you look even more like a clown than you already have. Go back to the circus if you want to white knight for a billion dollar corpo with heavy anti-consumer practices.
Saves just fine for me. And yes it does take a while to both save and load but I don't think that's an issue with this version specifically.
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have you TRIED, loading from INN SAVE? because i did that, after screwing up a side mission (after 6 or so hours in). and it took me BACK to the start.
edit* from that, restarted and same thing happened even AFTER, opening the game as admin.
if you got proof that works, (record a video on youtube) then its something on my end. if it is, just means i gotta buy the game or wait for an update patch to comeout
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Have you TRIED, I dunno, NOT loading from INN SAVE? Because loading normally(Not from INN save) works, I have around 10 hours in my save right now and I've saved and loaded like it should. It DOES work
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" NOT loading from INN SAVE?" because LIKE I TYPED BEFORE, and somehow you, missed.
once you make a mistake, your only HOPE is to LOAD FROM INN. since this game LOVES TO autosave, 24/7
apparently you havent tried it and, now is too scared to even to.

thats what i thought. NEXT.
Anna Gummy Bear
Damn i just spend 4 day playing farming simulator 25 now this got out?
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is smt v not bypassed yet?
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This wasn't bypassed either
If someone actually tries it, let me know if it's buggy as hell or still passable
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According to other users on other sites it's very buggy
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I have black screen after open the game, any solution?