Control sucks D5 (Disgaea 5) has more inuitive controls and customizable , it feels clunky when playing from D6 , manually editing it is also somewhat hard because there are no sub adding controls , with the default being REALLY bad compare to D5.
WEAPONS ARE FEW AND WEAPONS SKILL ARE GONE? as of writing this , there are no "DEMON" specific weapon in D6 and being proficent to swords dont give you more weapon skills. Now it just gives plus % of damage depending on the lvl of weapon proficency.
Playing is just a concept , You just watch things unfold. with the new AUTO-BATTLE system there is little to no interaction to do , I know you can just play normaly ,but they just put it there so you dont have to , it really off putting when you put an AUTO-BATTLE system in a game .
Levels and damage WAY OVER THE TOP damage 2k , Defense 3k a whopping lvl 100 from episode 1 just for watching the game unfold , they are telling us that number dont matter.
This upload doesnt work on steam deck. The game crashes on any turn an AI takes, auto battle or enemy. Super frustrating. Game also doesnt run without proton 7 or later. Anyone have a fix for this?
Control sucks
D5 (Disgaea 5) has more inuitive controls and customizable , it feels clunky when playing from D6 , manually editing it is also somewhat hard because there are no sub adding controls , with the default being REALLY bad compare to D5.
WEAPONS ARE FEW AND WEAPONS SKILL ARE GONE? as of writing this , there are no "DEMON" specific weapon in D6 and being proficent to swords dont give you more weapon skills. Now it just gives plus % of damage depending on the lvl of weapon proficency.
Playing is just a concept , You just watch things unfold.
with the new AUTO-BATTLE system there is little to no interaction to do , I know you can just play normaly ,but they just put it there so you dont have to , it really off putting when you put an AUTO-BATTLE system in a game .
Levels and damage WAY OVER THE TOP
damage 2k , Defense 3k a whopping lvl 100 from episode 1 just for watching the game unfold , they are telling us that number dont matter.
Female Healer is gone . This game is dead to me.
Gameplay -->