Tolga Yoldakalmaz
this download downloads both disciples 1 and 2 it installs dcp1 if you use setup 1 it installs dcp2 if you use setup 2 and has consept art
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Manol Georgiev
This game does not work properly. It runs at about 1 frame per minute on any scenario, as well as the main menu screen and the briefing scenes. Surprisingly the sub-menus and the pick-your-rase menu don't have that issue. Changing the options didn't help. Regardless at this point this game is unplayable. (PLS fix)
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Ahmed Aldaghistani
Is this ( Disciples 2 Gold ) ? the size is more than 13G for download ?!!
I think it is must be only 1.7G . Please answer as I want to download this game not the third one in this series , thanks alot .