Fatal error = You need to install exactly version 1.73 of revive, not 1.72 or 1.8xx (will crash with fatal) , than U need to and inject the DCVR-Win64-Shipping.exe Im still getting the Entitillement Failed check tough.
So I installed Oculus and Revive + SteamVR and I got past the fatal error but I have "A pending hardware issue is preventing you from entering VR". My other revive games work.
If it works, say how you did it. It didn't work on any computer here. In addition, this game uses the same server authentication scheme as Rock Band. If it works, Rock Band also works.
I patched with Revive .exe in the binaries folder. https://media3.giphy.com/media/mJXMwYgfwjrS5rXbDn/giphy.gif
Im still getting the Entitillement Failed check tough.
Anyone have any solutions?
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